Asmiel Harmenn
Procedure of A General Court Martial convened at Natchez Mississippi
By virtue of the following order
Head Quarters U.S. Forces
Natchez Mississippi, July 20th 1864
General Orders No. 9
Extract: A General Court Martial
Is hereby appointed to meet at Natchez Mississippi on the 22nd day of July 1864 at 0oclock A.M. or as soon Thereafter as practicable for the trial ASMIEL HARMENN,
Co. A 4th Ill Cav Vol. And such other prisoners as may be brought before it.
Detail for the Court
Lt-Col. Richard Ritter:
28th Illinois Infantry
Lt. Col John Phillips:
64th U.S.A. Infantry
Major M Weinfiele:
4th Ills Cavalry Vol
Capt John M. Griffin:
28th Ills Infantry
Capt E. Hurt:
28th Ills Infantry
Capt Adam Kemper:
6th U.S. © Artillery
Capt Lavvy Anderson:
58th U.S. © Infantry
Capt Schuyler Marvin:
58th U.S. © Infantry
Capt Daniel E. ONeil:
71st U.S. © Infantry
Capt J.E. Hitt 4th Ills Cav:
Judge Advocate No other officers than those named can be assembled without Manifest injury to the service.
By Command of Brig General M. Brayman
D.L. Kinninment
Lieut & A.D.G & Judge Advocate
Head Quarters. United States. Forces
Natchez. Mississippi July 28th 1864
Special Orders}
No. 10} Extract: III
Captain L.A. Anderson 58th U.S. Colored Infantry is hereby relieved from duty on General Court Martial. Convened by Special Orders No. 9. From these Head Quarters dated July 20th 1864 of which Lieut Col Richard Ritter 28th Ills Infantry is President.
By Command of Brig General Brayman
C.B. Smith Act. Asst. Adj General
Page II of Said Document Private ASMIEL HARMENN Co. A 4th Ill Cav the accused also present.
The Judge Advocate having read the order convening the Court, asked the accused Private ASMIEL HARMEN if he had any objection to any member named therein? Too which he replied in the negative?
The Court was duly sworn by the Judge Advocate and the Judge Advocate was sworn by the presiding officer of the Court, in the presence of the accused.
The charges were read aloud by the Judge Advocate.
As Follows:
Charge: Absence without Leave
Specification-In this trial Private ASMIEL HARMENN of A Company 4th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry while on furlough which expired on the 11th day of May 1864. Did absent himself without proper authority from his Company from said 11th day May 1864 until the 6th day of July 1864.
All this at Natchez Mississippi
Samuel A. Lowe
1st Lieut. Company A
4th Illinois Cavalry Volunteer
Major C.D. Towsend
4th Ill Cav Volunteers
Lt-Samuel A. Lowe
Co A 4th Ill Vol Cavary
To which Charge and Specification the accused pleaded as follows
To the Specification:
Not Guilty
To the Charge:
Not Guilty
Lieut Samuel A. Lowe: Witness for the prosecution was duly sworn.
Questions by the Judge Advocate
State your name, rank, Company and Regiment
Answer: Samuel A. Lowe, 1st Lieutenant, Company A, 4th I. Regt Cavalry Vols.
Question: Do you know the accused?
Answer: I do, ASMIEL HARMENN, Company A 4th Illinois Cavalry
Question: State what you know of the Charge and Specification against the accused.
Answer: Some time in March last, the accused went home on furlough with the veterans of my Company when they returned about the 11th of May last he was not with them.
Question: What time did he return?
Page III of Said Document
Answer: About the 5th of July last.
Question: What reason did he give for his absence?
Answer: Said that he had been sick brought with him a Certificate from a Physician to that effect, I also received a similar one previous to his return dated May 31st 1864, stating that he was not able to travel.
Question: What was the date of the Certificate he brought with him?
Answer: June 27th 1864.
Question: Were the Certificate from a regularly practicing Physician, and properly certified to?
Answer: They were, a Certificate of the Justice of the Peace, that he was a practicing Physician and the Certificate with the Official Seal of the County Court of La Salle County, that the Justice was duly Commissioned and qualified.
Question: Have you any doubt of his having been sick and unable to join his command sooner?
Answer: I have not
Question: Has he been sick since his return?
Answer: He has, and is now under the Surgeons care.
Their being no further testimony the Court was then cleared for deliberation, and having Maturely convened, the evidence adduced find the accused, Private ASMIEL HARMENN, Company A 4th Ills, Cav Volunteers as follows.
Of the Specification:
Not Guilty
Of the Charge:
Not Guilty
And the Court do therefore Honorably Acquit the Accused and Order that he be released from the Charge and Specification and be restored to duty.