1882 History DeWitt County Bourbon County
William O. Rogers, was born in Bourbon County, Ky., September 9tb, 1836. The family was originally from Virginia. His father, John Rogers, was born in Kentucky, in 1800. He died in the same state in 1867. He was a minister in the Christian Church, and a co-worker with Rev. B. W. Stone and Alexander Campbell, the pioneers of the Christian Church in America. He married Elender Hildreth, of Bourbon County, KY. She died in 1838 He afterwards married Mildred Adair, who was of a Virginian family. By his first marriage there were eight children, of which the subject of this sketch is the only survivor. He was raised in Bourbon County, KY. In his youth he learned the saddle and harness trade. In the fall of 1856 he came to Logan County, Ill., and worked upon a farm. Two years later he returned to Kentucky. In 1859 he made arrangements to take a company of men to Pike's Peak, but after arriving at Fort Laramie on the Platte River, concluded to abandon the enterprise, and returned home. On his return he stopped in Clinton, in De Witt County, and found work in a general store, clerked for one year, then returned to Kentucky, and in August 1861 he enlisted for three years in Company " L," of the 4th Illinois Cavalry. The company was raised in De Witt and McLean Counties. The 4th was placed under the command of Gen. Grant, and assisted in the capture of Fort Donelson, was also in the battle of Pittsburgh Landing, and first battle of Corinth. They were stationed at Trenton, Tennessee, from there went to Humboldt, and were with Grant on the Hatchie river campaign, and in the battle of Coffeeville, where the regiment lost, Colonel. McCollough in the retreat of the regiment, from Coffeeville.
In the summer of 1863 the command did picket duty, and guarded lines of railroads in Tennessee Vicksburg and were sent out on the Black river, and in December went to Natchez, Miss, where they remained until expiration of service. In November 1864 Mr. Rogers returned to Clinton, and in spring of 1865 engaged in farming in Barnett Township. In the spring of 1866 moved to Tazewell County, and farmed three years, then returned to his father in-law and farmed two years. In 1872 he moved to Hallsville and built a dwelling house, which was soon after burned down. He sold the first goods in the town, and was the first Postmaster, and still continues in that capacity. Mr. Rogers conducted the mercantile business for Messrs. DeLand & Hall. In 1874, he in connection with J. C. Humphreys started in the general merchandising business. Six months later he sold out to Humphreys, but clerked for him for two years. He then went into business for himself, in which be still continues. On the 24th of August 1865, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Bartley, a native of Madison County, Ohio, daughter of John and Nancy Bartley, who settled in De Witt County in 1849. Three children were born to them, named Minnie W. John and Maud Rogers. His wife and daughters are members of the Christian Church. He is a member of A. F. A. M. He has always voted the Republican ticket. In 1878 he was elected justice of the Peace to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Squire Faucett, and held the scales of justice impartially.
Posted by Sandi Gorin on Mon, 31 Jul 2000
Surname: Rogers, Hildreth, Abner, DeLand, Hall, Bartley, Faucett
NOTE: I have no connection and no further information.
Wilkinson Topley Family
The Carlisle Herald, 1869
The Roll of Honor
August 6, 1869
Many additional names having been received and added since your last publication, the Soldiers Roll of Honor now stands, as follows, and comprises the names of 19 officers and 289 non-commissioned officers and privates. The list has also been revised and corrected, but there may yet be names inaccurately published. The Roll will be no longer published, but new names may still be sent in to the Secretary who will add them to the record, all will appear in due time on the enduring tablets of the monument.
The publishers of the Herald have the warmest thanks of the officers of the Association for their frequent and gratuitous publications of the Roll.
E. Beatty, Corresponding Secretary
July 1869
[More details from an earlier column regarding the Roll of Honor]
The following list comprises all the names of Officers and Soldiers from Cumberland county who fell on the field of battle, or who died from wounds or disease, contracted while serving in the army, during the war of the Rebellion, which have been sent into the Secretary of the Soldiers' Monument Association, in conformity with the request made through the newspapers of the county some months since.
The list gives the names of 17 commissioned Officers and 268 non-commissioned Officers and private soldiers, 283 in all; the list may not be complete, or entirely correct. The officers of the Association earnestly desire to have it complete, so that not a single name which is entitled to appear on the roll of honor on the Soldiers' Monument shall be omitted. Friends of deceased soldiers, or officers of companies, who may know of any Cumberland County men who fell in battle, or died of wounds or disease contracted during the war, are therefore specially requested to send in all such names to the Secretary, by letter or otherwise, without delay. The Secretary should also be promptly informed of any errors in the names, so that they may be corrected.
The building of the Monument is now in progress, and as the engraving of the tablets will soon be commenced, all new names must be promptly sent in.
List of Officers
Col Henry J Zinn, 130th Pa Vol
Col Henry J Biddle, A Gen'l Pa Reserve Corps
Capt John R Smead, 5th U S Artillery
Capt Jas S Colwell, Co A 7th Regt Pa Res Corps
Capt Thomas P Dwen, Co H 1st Regt Pa Res Corps
Capt Wm Laughlin, Co E 130th Pa Vol
Capt Hugh McCullough, 9th PA Cavalry
Capt George Corman, Co F 56th [?] Regular Pa. Volunteers
Capt Daniel G May, K 7th Pa Cavalry
Lieut Joseph Stuart, Co H 1st Regt Pa Res Corps
Lieut George W Comfort, Co H 7th Regt Pa Res Corps
Lieut Wm A Givler, Co F 130th Pa Vol
Lieut Isaac B Kauffman, Co H 9th Pa Cavalry
Lieut Theo Mounts, 9th Pa Cavalry
Lieut Alfred F Lee, Co M 17th Pa Cavalry
Lieut Wm B Blaney, 2d Iowa Cavalry
Lieut James A Dawson, Co E 1st Colorado Vols
Surgeon Jno B Coover, 6th Pa Cavalry
Wm F Law, Asst Eng U S N
1st Regt. Pa, Res. Corps
Frank Hunt, H
David Askew, H
Joseph Ewing, H
Wm Donnelly, H
Curtis Griffin, H
William Watson, H
John Black, H
Frederick Brown, H
Samuel Baker, H
Wm Quigley, H
John Clouser, H
John Shaefer, H
Geo Norton, H
Fred Morrison, H
Jos Buttorf, I
Chas F Gould, I
John Mathias, I
John Shisler, I
Christian Kauffman, I
Levi Kennedy, I
John Lusk, I
Frank Wilson, I
Wm Baxter, I
Wm, Dunlap, I
John Baker, I
Wm Spottswood, I
7th Regt. Pa. Res. Corps
Wm M Henderson, A
Wm R Holmes, A
Van Buren Eby, A
Wm Zimmerman, A
Wm Culp, A
Jacob Landis, A
John R Kenyon, A
Geo W. Weise, A
Chas Breckbill, A
John T Cuddy, A
Jas Miller, A
Benj Haverstick, A
Wm A Low, A
Joe Y Steele, A
John Callio, A
John T Adams, A
Chas [?] Jursier [?], A
Fred K Rieff, A
Edward T Walker, A
David S Walker, A
J Harry Eby, A
Henry T Green, A
Wm McClean, A
David Haverstick, A
Patrick Brasnon [?], A
Leo W Faller [?], A
Wm Nevil, A
Robt H Spottswood, A
David H Spahr, A
Saml E. Smith, A
George P Wilders, A
John A Schlosser, A
Saml Heffifinger, A
Jos B Mooney, H
Daniel M Hoover, H
Geo H Smith, H
J Richey Clark, H
John Devlin, H
John Lininger, H
Saml Wesley, H
Max Barshal, H
Chas Beaverson, H
John Anthonmy, H
Benj Baker, H
Michael Hops [?], H
Isaiah Siders, H
Thos J Aches, H
Jonas Blesser, H
Levi A Bowen, H
D W Conrad, H
Saml Odons, H
Franklin A Smith, H
Jacob A Welty, A
Milton Warner, H
Wm H Kline, H
Michael J Fought [?], H
11th Regiment. Pa. Volunteers
Wilson Vanard [?], A
Jeff Warden [?], A
Moses Ross, A
Geo L Reighter, A
John Spang, A
Thos Hughes, A
Thos Conway, A
Jeff Christman, A
Wm Fielding, A
46th Regt. Pa. Vols
Thomas Lyne, F
Samuel Kriner, H
55th Regt. Pa. Vols
Fred Sanno, F
James C Filey, E
Geo Sanno, F
James Tyson, B
78th Regt. Pa. Vols
George H Coover, D
George Grove, D
84th Regt. Pa. Vols
Peter Darr, G
Samuel T Kunkle, G
Reuben Line, G
Richard Lilly, G
John Ritson, G
Benj Hipple, G
Adam Sheaffer, G
Thomas Snoddy, G
37th Regt. Pa. Vols
Michael Ritzon, N [maybe M]
John Lutz, E
Homas Neely, N [maybe M]
Charles Huber, N [maybe M]
Edward Beaverson, N [possibly M]
Henry Snyder N [maybe M]
99th Regt. Pa. Vols
Wm H Chapman, A
101st Regt. Pa. Vols
Levi Katz, A
Christian Rothe, A
102d Regt. Pa. Vols
John Fahnestock, H
107th Regt. Pa. Vols
Peter R. Pislee, D
115th Regt. Pa. Vols
John F. McMath, G
127th Regt. Pa. Vols
Benjamin Hoover, F
Edward Crandell, F
130th Regt. Pa. Vols
Geo W. Green, A
Wm E Greason, A
A Brownawell, A
Phillip Faber, A
Joseph P Weaver, A
Marion S Carbaugh, D
John A Stichler, E
Thad McKeehan, N
David E Millar, E
Wm A McCune, E
Wm Lockery, E
Wm P Woods, E
John W Crull, E
Jesse K Allen, E
Joseph Connery, E
David B Kauffman, H
George Brenizer, D
George J McLean, D
Elijah M Diehl, D
D Hoerner, F
Thomas English, F
Samuel K May, F
Theo R Zinn, F
Henry F Lamberton, F
John Fitzer, F
Keller Bobb, F
Peter Y Knisely, F
Benj F Barshinger, F
George White, F
John Barkley, G
James Witherow, G
Samuel McNaughten, G
Levi Bender, H
Joseph B Snavely, H
Nicholas Lenhar [?], D
Henry Miller, D
Joseph Matthews, D
Alexander Smith, D
143d Regt. Pa. Vols
John Heizer, E
148th Regt. Pa. Vols
Isaac Bear, A
149th Regt. Pa. Vols
Levi Knapp, A
George Enser, A
158th Regt. Pa. Vols
Abraham Myers, A
David Barnhill, A
Jacob Bricker, A
Hugh Campbell, F
Eli Ford, F
Zacharias Ford, F
Joseph Stine, F
James Cunningham, A
James McCaskey, C
Samuel Mixel, F
Daniel A Ziegler, F
Andrew Fickes, F
Henry Oatman, A
184th Regt. Pa. Vols
John G. Trout, O
187th Regt. Pa. Vols
F Eschenberger, B
Joseph Shaw, D
Theo K Boyles, D
Mc E Faughender, D
Wm P Gensler, D
Henry Nonemaker, D
Samuel Lutz, D
Uriah Stahl, D
David Sheriff, D
188th Regt. Pa. Vols
Jospeh Millard, I
194th Regt. Pa. Vols
John A Plank, F
200th Regt. Pa. Vols
Wm N Heagy, I
James Kroll, E
Lewis B Fink, E
Henry Yost, E
Michael Smith, E
John Askew, E
George Wolf, E
D Lenker, E
201st Reg. Penna. Vol
Richard C Moore, K
202d Regt. Pa. Vols
Jacob Burkhart, H
Sylvester J Orris, H
Samuel J Gochenaur, G
Robert Gracey, G
William Webb, G
Daniel Hippensteel, G
Joseph Reese, G
Joseph Gochenaur, G
Jesse Swartz, G
209th Regt. Pa. Vols
Thomas Hoerner, Company A
John P Leib, A
Enoch Sykes F
Samuel Hollinger F
210th Regt. Pa. Vols
Lemuel Mitchell
3rd Penn'a Cavalry
Chas A Holtzman, H
Abdiel Trone, H
Alex Koser, H
Josiah Gamble, H
Wm Myers, H
Wm Ewing, H
Samuel Golden, H
Adam Bricker, G
C Vanderbilt, H
Edward Tarman, H
Geo W Trout, H
Zach McGlaughlin, H
Joshuw McCoy, H
Culbertson Koser, H
John Nicholson, H
James Gilbert, M
7th Penn'a Cavalry
John Givler, K
George W Heck, K
Hiram Cleaver, K
Archibald Mullen, K
Joseph Livingston, K
9th Penn'a Cavalry
Joshue Duncan, I
Casper, Lizman, I
Jacob C Crens [?], I
Samuel McCullough, I
H Irvine, C
Robt L Kelly, I
Henry L Sennet, I
David Woods, I
Elijah Bittinger, I
Christian Felsinger, I
Leabright Keefauver, I
Henry Shriver, I
Jos A Shannon, I
Samuel A Welsh, I
Jacob Day, H
Johnston Bishop, H
Jacob Agle, D
William Bricker, I
Robert Laughlin, I
Samuel Speece, I [?]
11th Penn'a Cavalry
Anthony Y Knisely, K
13th Penn'a Cavalry
George W Graham, F
Anson Smith, F
Geo W Nailor, L
David F Hoerner, F
Jos Rudy, F
David W McKinney, F
Wm H Miller, F
James A Kelso, F
Benjamin D Hehn, F
John Snyder, F
Peter Huntsberger, [?]
John F Gettys, F
John F Eicenower, F
Wm D Kauffman, F
George Forney, F
A Y Steward, F
Jacob Myers, H
15th Penn'a Cavalry
John Butdorf, A
17th Penn'a Cavalry
Daniel E Hollinger, F
Emanuel Smith, F
Solomon Low, F
James Conley, B
Robt Kelly, F
WmShaw, F
John Burget, F
David Carle, F
Samuel Deardorf, F
Campbell Evilhock, F
James O'Donel, F
Wm B Flinchbaugh, F
Peter Ginter, F
Amos Hershberger, F
John W Kaufman, F
David Kutz, F
George W Megaw, F
Thomas Speece, F
Martin F Shoemaker, F
Emanuel Stouffer, F
Abner W Zug, F
Geo W Whitmore, F
Samuel G Weakline, F
Wilson Seavers, F
Wm H Weaver, F
Lewis Ringwalt, F
19th PA. Cavalry
Serg't Wood, C
20th Penn'a Cavalry
Wm Baisley, F
Moses A Griffith, A
John M Kunkle, A
Wm Shelly, D
22d Pa. Cavalry
Jefferson Palm, F
U.S. Cavalry
Chas Fought, 4th
Wm Connelly, 2d
Wm Natcher
John Weigle, 4th
Penn'a Artillery
Geo W Welsh, 1st
Peter Paul, 3d
Horatio M Houston, 1st
Samuel Bortel, 3d
T W Christ, 3d
Wm H Albright, 3d
2d Regt Cal Cavalry
Henry Duncan
1st Rhode Island Cavalry
Company "F"
Willis F Elliott,
4th Illinois Cavalry
Company "L"
Jas W Hohn