Shiloh, Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee
Sunday, April 6, 1862 Monday, April 7, 1862
Army of the Mississippi, 44,699
General Albert
Sidney Johnston, Killed
General Pierre
G.T. Beauregard
Clarke County, Arkansas, Artillery Battery 76 Men
Captain Franklin Roberts
2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Caswell, Tennessee, Artillery Battery 76 Men
Captain Hugh L. W. McClung
2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder Napoleons
3rd Tennessee Cavalry Regiment 785 Men
Colonel Nathan Bedford Forrest wounded, Fallen Timbers
Nathan Bedford
Forrest, Wounded
8th Texas Cavalry Regiment, Terry's Texas Rangers 700 Men
Colonel John A. Wharton, wounded
Wirt Adams', “Mississippi’ Cavalry Regiment 600 Men
Colonel Wirt Adams
1st Corps
Major General
Leonidas Polk
47th Tennessee Infantry Regiment Arrived April 7th 731 Men
Colonel Munson R. Hill
Lindsay's Improvised Mississippi Cavalry Regiment 600 Men
Colonel Andrew J. Lindsay
Brewer's, Mississippi and Alabama, Cavalry Battalion 200 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Richard H. Brewer
Clark's 1st
General Charles Clark Wounded
General Alexander P. Stewart
Russell's 1st
Colonel Robert M. Russell, “12th Tennessee”
11th Louisiana Infantry Regiment 550 Men
Colonel Samuel F. Marks wounded
Lieutenant Colonel Robert H. Barrow
12th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 700 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Tyree H. Bell
Major Robert P. Caldwell
13th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 600 Men
Colonel Alfred J. Vaughan, Jr.
22nd Tennessee Infantry Regiment 800 Men
Colonel Thomas J. Freeman wounded
Bankhead's-Scott's Tennessee Artillery Battery 93 Men
Captain Smith P. Bankhead 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Stewart's 2nd
Brigadier General Alexander P. Stewart
4th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 800 Men
Colonel Rufus P. Neely
Lieutenant Colonel Otho F. Strahl
5th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 600 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Calvin D. Venable
13th Arkansas Infantry Regiment 306 Men
Lieutenant Colonel A. D. Grayson, killed
Major James A. McNeely, wounded
Colonel James C. Tappan
33rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment 600 Men
Colonel Alexander W. Campbell, wounded
Stanford's, “Mississippi” Artillery Battery 131 Men
Captain Thomas J. Stanford 3 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
1 x 3" rifle
Cheatham's 2nd
Major General Benjamin Franklin Cheatham, wounded
Johnson's 1st
General Bushrod R. Johnson, Wounded
Colonel Preston Smith, “154th Tennessee”, Wounded
2nd Tennessee Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel J. Knox Walker
15th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Robert C. Tyler, wounded
Major John F. Hearn
154th Tennessee Senior Infantry Regiment 650 Men
Colonel Preston Smith
Lieutenant Colonel Marcus J. stone, wounded
Blythe's, “Mississippi” Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel A. K. Blythe, killed
Lieutenant Colonel David L. Herron, killed
Major James Moore
Polk's, “Tennessee” Artillery Battery 102 Men
Captain Marshall T. Polk, wounded 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12 pounder howitzers
Stephens' 2nd
Colonel George Maney
1st Tennessee Infantry Regiment, 5 companies 200 Men
Colonel George Maney
Lieutenant Colonel Hume R. Field
6th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Timothy P. Jones
7th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Colonel Charles Wickliffe, mortally wounded
Lieutenant Colonel William D. Lannom
9th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel Henry L. Douglass
Smith's Turner's, “Mississippi” Artillery Battery 120 Men
Captain Melancthon Smith 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12 pounder Napoleons
Major General Braxton Bragg
Independent Company, Alabama Cavalry 50 Men
Captain Robert W. Smith
Corps Cavalry
1st Alabama Cavalry Regiment 670 Men
Colonel James H. Clanton, wounded
Ruggles' 1st
Brigadier General Daniel Ruggles
Jenkin's, “Alabama”, Provisional Cavalry Btn, 5 independent companies 200 Men
Captain Thomas F. Jenkins
Gibson's 1st
Colonel Randall L. Gibson, “13th Louisiana”
1st Arkansas Infantry Regiment 800 Men
Colonel James F. Fagan
4th Louisiana Infantry Regiment 575 Men
Colonel Henry W. Allen, wounded
Lieutenant Colonel Samuel E. Hunter
13th Louisiana Infantry Regiment 700 Men
Major Anatole P. Avegno, mortally wounded
Captain Stephen O'Leary, wounded
Captain Edgar M. Dubroca
19th Louisiana Infantry Regiment 300 Men
Colonel Benjamin L. Hodge
Lieutenant Colonel James M. Hollingsworth
Bain's, “Mississippi” Artillery Battery 76 Men
Captain S. C. Bain 2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Independent Company, “Alabama Cavalry”, “Prattville Dragoons” 52 Men
Independent Company, “Alabama Cavalry”, “Mathews Rangers” 57 Men
Anderson's 2nd
Brigadier General Patton Anderson
1st Florida, “McDonnell’s” Infantry Battalion 250 Men
Major Thaddeus A. McDonnell, wounded
Captain W.G. Poole
Captain W. Capers Bird
9th Texas “Maxey's” Infantry Regiment 226 Men
Colonel Wright A. Stanley
17th Louisiana Infantry Regiment 326 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Jones, wounded
20th Louisiana Infantry Regiment 507 Men
Colonel August Reichard
Confederate, “Louisiana” Guards Response Battalion 169 Men
Major Franklin H. Clack
5th Company, Washington, “Louisiana” Artillery 155 Men
Captain W. Irving Hodgson 2 x rifled 6-pounders
2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Pond's 3rd
Colonel Preston Pond, Jr., 16th Louisiana
16th Louisiana Infantry Regiment 330 Men
Major Daniel Gober
18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Colonel Alfred Mouton, wounded
Lieutenant Colonel Alfred Roman
38th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 700 Men
Colonel Robert F. Looney
Cresent, “Louisiana” Infantry Regiment 700 Men
Colonel Marshall J. Smith
Orleans Guards, “Louisiana” Infantry Battalion 300 Men
Major Leon Querouze, wounded
Ketchum's, “Alabama” Artillery Battery 114 Men
Captain William H. Ketchum 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Withers' 2nd
Brigadier General Jones M. Withers
Gladden's 1st Brigade
Brigadier General Adley H. Gladden, mortally wounded
Colonel Daniel W. Adams, 1st Louisiana, wounded
Colonel Zach C. Deas, 22nd Alabama, wounded
1st Louisiana Regulars Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel Daniel W. Adams
Major Fred H. Farrar, Jr.
21st Alabama Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Stewart W. Cayce
Major Frederick Stewart
22nd Alabama Infantry Regiment 435 Men
Colonel Zach C. Deas
Lieutenant Colonel John C. Marrast
25th Alabama Infantry Regiment 305 Men
Colonel John Q. Loomis, wounded
Major George D. Johnston
26th Alabama, “Coltart's” Infantry Regiment 440 Men
Lieutenant Colonel John G. Coltart, wounded
Lieutenant Colonel William D. Chadick
Robertson's Dent's, “Alabama and Florida” Artillery Battery 76 Men
Captain Felix H. Robertson 4 x 12-pounder Napoleons
Chalmers' 2nd
Brigadier General James R. Chalmers
5th Mississippi Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel Albert E. Fant
7th Mississippi Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton Mayson
9th Mississippi Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Lieutenant Colonel William A. Rankin, mortally wounded
10th Mississippi Infantry Regiment 360 Men
Colonel Robert A. Smith
52nd Tennessee Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel Benjaimin J. Lea
2nd Alabama Light Artillery Battalion, Company “E” 76 Men
Captain Charles P. Gage 2 x 12-pounder howitzers
2 x 3" rifles
Jackson's 3rd
Brigadier General John K. Jackson
2nd Texas Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Colonel John C. Moore
Lieutenant Colonel William P. Rogers
Major Hal. G. Runnels
17th Alabama Infantry Regiment 600 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Robert C. Fariss
18th Alabama Infantry Regiment 413 Men
Colonel Eli S. Shorter
19th Alabama Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Colonel Joseph Wheeler
Burtwell's, “Georgia” Artillery Battery 114 Men
Captain Isadore P. Girardey 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
3rd Corps
Major General
William J. Hardee, Wounded
Hindman's 1st
General Thomas C. Hindman, Disabled
Colonel R. G. Shaver, “7th Arkansas”, Disabled
2nd Arkansas Infantry Regiment 600 Men
Colonel Daniel C. Govan
Major Reuben F. Harvey
3rd Confederate Infantry Regiment 300 Men
Colonel John S. Marmaduke
6th Arkansas Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Colonel Alexander T. Hawthorn
7th Arkansas Infantry Regiment 700 Men
Lieutenant Colonel John M. Dean, killed
Major James T. Martin
Warren, “Mississippi” Light Artillery Battery 76 Men
Captain Charles Swett 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Pillow, “Tennessee” Flying Artillery Battery 114 Men
Captain William Miller 2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
2 x 3" rifles
Cleburne's 2nd
Brigadier General Patrick R. Cleburne
2nd Tennessee Infantry Regiment, Provisional Army 365 Men
Colonel William B. Bate, wounded
Lieutenant Colonel David L. Goodall
6th Mississippi Infantry Regiment 425 Men
Colonel John J. Thornton, wounded
Captain W. A. Harper
15th Arkansas, “Cleburne's” Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Archibald K. Patton, killed
23rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment 578 Men
Lieutenant Colonel James F. Neill, wounded
Major Robert Cantrell
24th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H. Peebles
35th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 369 Men
Colonel Benjamin J. Hill
Major F. A. Shoup
Austin's-Trigg's, “Arkansas” Artillery Battery 76 Men
Captain John T. Trigg 2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Helena, “Arkansas” Artillery Battery 76 Men
Captain J. H. Calvert 2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Jackson, “Arkansas” Light Artillery Battery 76 Men
Captain George T. Hubbard 2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 3" rifles
Wood's 3rd
Brigadier General Sterling A. M. Wood, Disabled
Colonel William K. Patterson, “8th Arkansas” Temporarily commanding
3rd Mississippi, “Hardcastle's” Infantry Battalion 280 Men
Major Aaron B. Hardcastle
8th Arkansas Infantry Regiment 280 Men
Colonel William K. Patterson
9th Arkansas Infantry Battalion 140 Men
Major John H. Kelly
16th Alabama Infantry Regiment 300 Men
Lieutenant Colonel John W. Harris
27th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 350 Men
Colonel Christopher H. Williams, killed
Major Samuel T. Love, killed
44th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 250 Men
Colonel Coleman A. McDaniel
55th Tennessee, “McKoin's” Infantry Regiment 280 Men
Colonel James L. McKoin
Independent Company, Georgia Cavalry, “Avery's Dragoons” 40 Men
Captain I. W. Avery
Jefferson, “Mississippi” Light Artillery Battery 76 Men
Captain William L. Harper, wounded 2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
Lieutenant Put Darden 2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Reserve Corps
Brigadier General John C. Breckenridge
Trabue's 1st
Colonel Robert P. Trabue, “4th Kentucky”
3rd Kentucky Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Anderson, wounded
4th Alabama, “Clifton's” Infantry Battalion 200 Men
Major James M. Clifton
4th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 431 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Andrew R. Hynes, wounded
5th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel Thomas H. Hunt
6th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel Joseph H. Lewis
31st Alabama Infantry Regiment 300 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Montgomery Gilbreath
Crews', “Tennessee” Infantry Battalion 200 Men
Lieutenant Colonel James M. Crews
Morgan's, “Kentucky” Cavalry Squadron 100 Men
Captain John
Hunt Morgan
Byrne's, “Kentucky” Artillery Battery 133 Men
Captain Edward P. Byrne 5 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Lyon's Cobb's, “Kentucky Artillery Battery” 114 Men
Captain Robert Cobb 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Bowen's 2nd
General John S. Bowen, Wounded
Colonel John D. Martin
1st Missouri Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Colonel Lucius L. Rich
2nd Confederate Infantry Regiment 300 Men
Colonel John D. Martin
Major Thomas H. Mangum
9th Arkansas Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel Isaac L. Dunlop
10th Arkansas Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel Thomas D. Merrick
Independent Company, Kentucky Cavalry, Thompson's 50 Men
Captain Phil B. Thompson
Watson, “Louisiana” Artillery Battery 114 Men
Captain Daniel Beltzhoover 4 x rifled 6-pounders
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Pettus, “Mississippi” Flying Artillery Battery 114 Men
Captain Alfred Hudson 2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
2 x 3" rifles
Statham's 3rd
Colonel Winfield S. Statham, “15th Mississippi”
15th Mississippi Infantry Regiment 300 Men
Major William F. Brantly
19th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel David H. Cummings
20th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 300 Men
Colonel Joel A. Battle, captured
22nd Mississippi Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel Frank Schaller, wounded
28th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 300 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Uriah T. Brown
45th Tennessee Infantry Regiment 300 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Ephraim F. Lytle
Rutledge's, “Tennessee” Artillery Battery 114 Men
Captain Arthur M. Rutledge 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Army of the
Tennessee, 47,721
Major General U. S. Grant
14th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment 750 Men
Colonel David E. Wood
15th Michigan Infantry Regiment 750 Men
Colonel John M. Oliver
1st Illinois Light Artillery Regiment, Battery H 83 Men
Captain Axel Silfversparre 4 x 20-pounder Parrott rifles
1st Illinois Light Artillery Regiment, Battery “I”. 83 Men
Captain Edward Bouton 6 x James Rifles
2nd Illinois Light Artillery Regiment, Battery B 112 Men
Captain Relly Madison 5 x 24-pounder Siege Guns
2nd Illinois Light Artillery Regiment, Battery F 112 Men
Captain John W. Powell, wounded 6 x 6-pounder smoothbores
8th Independent Battery, Ohio Light Artillery 112 Men
Captain Louis Markgraf 6 x 30-pounder Parrott rifles
McClernand's 1st
1st Illinois Light Artillery Regiment, Battery “D” 62 Men
Captain Edward McAllister, wounded 4 x 24-pounder howitzers
2nd Illinois Light Artillery Regiment, Battery “D” 108 Men
Captain James P. Timony 6 x James Rifles
2nd Illinois Light Artillery Regiment, Battery E 78 Men
Lieutenant George L. Nispe. 2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
14th Independent Battery, Ohio Light Artillery 108 Men
Captain Jerome B. Burrows, wounded 4 x 6-pounder Wiard Rifles
2 x 12-pounder Wiard Rifles
1st Battalion, 4th
Illinois Cavalry Regiment
247 Men
Independent Company, Illinois Cavalry, Stewart's 57 Men
Lieutenant Ezra King
Hare's 1st
Colonel Abraham M. Hare, “11th Iowa”, Wounded
Colonel Marcellus M. Crocker, “13th Iowa”
8th Illinois Infantry Regiment 476 Men
Captain James M. Ashmore, wounded
Captain William H. Harvey, killed
Captain Robert H. Sturgess
11th Iowa Infantry Regiment 750 Men
Lieutenant Colonel William Hall, wounded
13th Iowa Infantry Regiment 713 Men
Colonel Marcellus M. Crocker
18th Illinois Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Major Samuel Eaton, wounded
Captain Daniel H. Brush, wounded
Captain William J. Dillon, killed
Captain Jabez J. Anderson
Marsh's 2nd
Colonel C. Carroll Marsh, “20th Illinois”
11th Illinois Infantry Regiment 239 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas E.G. Ransom, wounded
Major Garrett Nevins, wounded
Captain Lloyd D. Waddell
Major Garrett Nevins
20th Illinois Infantry Regiment 526 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Evan Richards, wounded
Captain Orton Frisbie
45th Illinois Infantry Regiment 562 Men
Colonel John E. Smith
48th Illinois Infantry Regiment 427 Men
Colonel Isham N. Haynie, wounded
Major Manning Mayfield
Raith's 3rd
Colonel Julius Raith, 43rd Illinois, Mortally Wounded
Lieutenant Colonel Enos P. Wood, “17th Illinois’
17th Illinois Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Enos P. Wood
Major Francis M. Smith
29th Illinois Infantry Regiment 387 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Ferrell
43rd Illinois Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Adolph Englemann
49th Illinois Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Phineas or Pease, wounded
W.H.L. Wallace's 2nd
General William H. L. Wallace, Mortally Wounded
Colonel James
M. Tuttle, “2nd Iowa”
1st Illinois Light Artillery Regiment, Battery A 110 Men
Lieutenant Peter P. Wood 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
2nd Illinois Cavalry Regiment, Companies A and B 126 Men
Captain John R. Hotaling, Company “A”
Captain Thomas J. Larison, Company “B”
2nd U.S. Cavalry Regiment, Company “C” 50 Men
Lieutenant James Powell
4th U.S. Cavalry Regiment Company “I” 68 Men
Lieutenant James Powell
1st Missouri Light Artillery Regiment, Battery “D” 60 Men
Captain Henry Richardson 4 x 20-pounder Parrott Rifles
1st Missouri Light Artillery Regiment, Battery “H” 61 Men
Captain Frederick Welker 2 x 10-pounder Parrott Rifles
2 x 20-pounder Parrott Rifles
1st Missouri Light Artillery Regiment, Battery “K” 60 Men
Captain George H. Stone 4 x 10-pounder Parrott Rifles
Tuttle's 1st
Colonel James M. Tuttle
2nd Iowa Infantry Regiment 490 Men
Lieutenant Colonel James Baker
7th Iowa Infantry Regiment 383 Men
Lieutenant Colonel James C. Parrott
12th Iowa Infantry Regiment 489 Men
Colonel Joseph J. Woods, wounded and captured
Captain Samuel R. Edgington, captured
14th Iowa Infantry Regiment 442 Men
Colonel William T. Shaw, captured
McArthur's 2nd
General John McArthur, Wounded
Colonel Thomas Morton, “81st Ohio”
9th Illinois Infantry Regiment 600 Men
Colonel August Mersy
12th Illinois Infantry Regiment 320 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Augustus L. Chetlain
Captain James R. Hugunin
81st Ohio Infantry Regiment 468 Men
Colonel Thomas Morton
13th Missouri Infantry Regiment 450 Men
Colonel Crafts J. Wright
14th Missouri Infantry Regiment, “Birge's Sharpshooters” 458 Men
Colonel B. S. Compton
Sweeny's 3rd
Colonel Thomas
W. Sweeny, “52nd Illinois”, Wounded
Colonel Silas D. Baldwin, “57th Illinois”
7th Illinois Infantry Regiment 546 Men
Major Richard Rowett
8th Iowa Infantry Regiment 689 Men
Colonel James L. Geddes, wounded
50th Illinois Infantry Regiment 530 Men
Colonel Moses M. Bane, wounded
52nd Illinois Infantry Regiment
641 Men
Major Henry Stark
Captain Edwin A. Bowen
57th Illinois Infantry Regiment 613 Men
Colonel Silas D. Baldwin
Captain Gustav A. Busse
58th Illinois Infantry Regiment 613 Men
Colonel William F. Lynch, captured
Lew Wallace's 3rd
Major General Lew Wallace
9th Independent Battery, Indiana Light Artillery 112 Men
Lieutenant George R. Brown 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Buell's Independent Battery, Missouri Light Artillery 118 Men
Lieutenant Charles H. Thurber 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
3rd Battalion, 5th Ohio Cavalry Regiment, “was not engaged” 283 Men
Major Charles S. Hayes
3rd Battalion, 11th Illinois Cavalry Regiment, “was not engaged” 276 Men
Major James F. Johnson
M.L. Smith's 1st
Colonel Morgan
L. Smith, “8th Missouri”
11th Indiana Infantry Regiment 631 Men
Colonel George F. McGinnis
24th Indiana Infantry Regiment 694 Men
Colonel Alvin P. Hovey
8th Missouri Infantry Regiment 673 Men
Lieutenant Colonel James Peckham
Thayer's 2nd
Colonel John M. Thayer, “1st Nebraska”
1st Nebraska Infantry Regiment 549 Men
Lieutenant Colonel William D. McCord
23rd Indiana Infantry Regiment 633 Men
Colonel William L. Sanderson
58th Ohio Infantry Regiment 630 Men
Colonel Valentine Bausenwein
68th Ohio Infantry Regiment, “was not engaged” 424 Men
Colonel Samuel H. Steadman
Whittlesey's 3rd
Colonel Charles
Whittlesey, “20th Ohio”
20th Ohio Infantry Regiment 491 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Manning F. Force
56th Ohio Infantry Regiment, “was not engaged” 701 Men
Colonel Peter Kinney
76th Ohio Infantry Regiment 714 Men
Colonel Charles R. Woods
78th Ohio Infantry Regiment 635 Men
Colonel Mortimer D. Leggett
Hurlbut's 4th
Brigadier General Stephen A. Hurlbut
1st Michigan Light Artillery Regiment, Battery B 84 Men
Lieutenant Cuthbert W. Laing 2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
4 x 10-pounder Parrott Rifles
13th Independent Battery, Ohio Light Artillery 89 Men
Captain John B. Myers 2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
4 x James Rifles
Mann's Independent Battery, Missouri Light Artillery 89 Men
Lieutenant Edward Brotzmann 2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Williams' 1st
Colonel Nelson G. Williams, “3rd Iowa”, Wounded
Colonel Isaac C. Pugh, “41st Illinois”
3rd Iowa Infantry Regiment 560 Men
Major William M. Stone, captured
Lieutenant George W. Crosley
28th Illinois Infantry Regiment 558 Men
Colonel Amory K. Johnson
32nd Illinois Infantry Regiment 652 Men
Colonel John Logan, wounded
41st Illinois Infantry Regiment 553 Men
Colonel Isaac C. Pugh
Lieutenant Colonel Ansel Tupper, killed
Major John Warner
Captain John H. Nale
Veatch's 2nd
Colonel James
C. Veatch, “25th Indiana”
14th Illinois Infantry Regiment 722 Men
Colonel Cyrus Hall
15th Illinois Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Edward F. W. Ellis, killed
Captain Louis D. Kelley
Lieutenant Colonel William Cam, 14th Illinois
25th Indiana Infantry Regiment 651 Men
Lieutenant Colonel William H. Morgan, wounded
Major John W. Foster
46th Illinois Infantry Regiment 710 Men
Colonel John A. Davis, wounded
Lieutenant Colonel John J. Jones
Lauman's 3rd
Brigadier General Jacob G. Lauman
31st Indiana Infantry Regiment 594 Men
Colonel Charles Cruft, wounded
Lieutenant Colonel John Osborn
44th Indiana Infantry Regiment 478 Men
Colonel Hugh B. Reed
17th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 250 Men
Colonel John H. McHenry, Jr.
25th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 200 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin H. Bristow
Major William B. Wall, wounded
Captain B. T. Underwood
Colonel John H. McHenry, Jr., “17th Kentucky”
Sherman's 5th
General William T. Sherman, wounded
2nd & 3rd
Battalions, 4th Illinois Cavalry Regiment 291 Men
Colonel T. Lyle Dickey
Squadron, Illinois Cavalry, two companies 103 Men
Captain Christian Thielemann
Major Ezra Taylor
1st Illinois Light Artillery Regiment, Battery B 112 Men
Captain Samuel E. Barrett 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
1st Illinois Light Artillery Regiment, Battery E 103 Men
Captain Allen C. Waterhouse, wounded 4 x 3.5" James Rifles
Lieutenant Abial R. Abbott, wounded 2 x 4.5" James Rifles
Lieutenant John A. Fitch
6th Independent Battery, Indiana Light Artillery 115 Men
Captain Frederick Behr, killed 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder howitzers
McDowell's 1st
Colonel John A. McDowell, “6th Iowa”, Disabled
6th Iowa Infantry Regiment 632 Men
Captain John Williams, wounded
Captain Madison M. Walden
40th Illinois Infantry Regiment 597 Men
Colonel Stephen G. Hicks, wounded
Lieutenant Colonel James W. Boothe
46th Ohio Infantry Regiment 701 Men
Colonel Thomas Worthington
Stuart's 2nd
Colonel David
Stuart, “55th Illinois”, Wounded
Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Malmborg, “55th Illinois”, Temporarily Commanding
Colonel T. Kilby Smith, “54th Ohio”
54th Ohio Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel T. Kilby Smith
Lieutenant Colonel James A. Farden
55th Illinois Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Malmborg
71st Ohio Infantry Regiment 510 Men
Colonel Rodney Mason
Hildebrand's 3rd
Colonel Jesse Hildebrand, “77th Ohio”
53rd Ohio Infantry Regiment 646 Men
Colonel Jesse J. Appler
Lieutenant Colonel Robert A. Fulton
57th Ohio Infantry Regiment 542 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Americus V. Rice
77th Ohio Infantry Regiment 645 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Wills De Hass
Major Benjamin D. Fearing
Buckland's 4th
Colonel Ralph P. Buckland, “72nd Ohio”
48th Ohio Infantry Regiment 606 Men
Colonel Peter J. Sullivan, wounded
Lieutenant Colonel Job R. Parker
70th Ohio Infantry Regiment 854 Men
Colonel Joseph R. Cockerill
72nd Ohio Infantry Regiment 647 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Herman Canfield, killed
Colonel Ralph P. Buckland
Prentiss' 6th
Brigadier General Benjamin M. Prentiss, captured
15th Iowa Infantry Regiment 782 Men
Colonel Hugh T. Reid, wounded
23rd Missouri Infantry Regiment 490 Men
Colonel Jacob T. Tindall, killed
Lieutenant Colonel Quin Morton, captured
1st Independent Battery, Minnesota Light Artillery 126 Men
Captain Emil Munch, wounded 2 x 12-pounder howitzers
Lieutenant William Pfaender 4 x James Rifles
5th Independent Battery, “Ohio Light Artillery” 137 Men
Captain Andrew Hickenlooper 2 x 6-pounder smoothbores
4 x James Rifles
1st & 2nd Battalions, 11th Illinois Cavalry Regiment 626 Men
Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll
Peabody's 1st
Colonel Everett Peabody, “25th Missouri”, Killed
12th Michigan Infantry Regiment 832 Men
Colonel Francis Quinn
16th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment 827 Men
Colonel Benjamin Allen, wounded
21st Missouri Infantry Regiment 617 Men
Colonel David Moore, wounded
Lieutenant Colonel H. M. Woodyard
25th Missouri Infantry Regiment 514 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Robert T. Van Horn
Miller's 2nd
Colonel Madison Miller, “18th Missouri”, Captured
16th Iowa Infantry Regiment 785 Men
Colonel Alexander Chambers, wounded
Lieutenant Colonel Addison H. Sanders
18th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment 735 Men
Colonel James S. Alban, killed
61st Illinois Infantry Regiment 437 Men
Colonel Jacob Fry
18th Missouri Infantry Regiment 552 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Isaac V. Pratt, captured
Federal Forces
Army of the Ohio, 17,918
Major General Don Carlos Buell
McCook's 2nd
Brigadier General Alexander M. McCook
5th US Artillery Regiment, Battery H 116 Men
Captain William R. Terrill 4 x 12-pounder Napoleons
2 x 10-pounder Parrott Rifles
Rousseau's 4th
Brigadier General Lovell H. Rousseau
1st Ohio Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Colonel Benjamin F. Smith
6th Indiana Infantry Regiment 660 Men
Colonel Thomas T. Crittenden
5th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 725 Men
Colonel Harvey M. Buckley
U.S. Regulars
Major John H. King
1st Battalion, 15th U.S. Infantry Regiment, “8 companies” 331 Men
Captain Peter T. Swain
1st Battalion, 16th U.S. Infantry Regiment 294 Men
Captain Edwin F. Townsend
1st Battalion, 19th U.S. Infantry Regiment, “5 companies” 206 Men
Major Stephen D. Carpenter
Kirk's 5th
Colonel Edward N. Kirk, “34th Illinois”, Wounded
29th Indiana Infantry Regiment 724 Men
Lieutenant Colonel David M. Dunn
30th Indiana Infantry Regiment 767 Men
Colonel Sion S. Bass, mortally wounded
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph B. Dodge
34th Illinois Infantry Regiment 726 Men
Major Charles N. Levanway, killed
Captain Hiram W. Bristol
77th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment 504 Men
Colonel Frederick S. Stumbaugh
Gibson's 6th
Colonel William H. Gibson, “49th Ohio”
15th Ohio Infantry Regiment 749 Men
Major William Wallace
32nd Indiana Infantry Regiment 812 Men
Colonel August Willich
39th Indiana Infantry Regiment 776 Men
Colonel Thomas J. Harrison
49th Ohio Infantry Regiment 737 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Albert M. Blackman
Nelson's 4th
Brigadier General William Nelson
Ammen's Brigade, “10th Ohio”
Colonel Jacob Ammen, “24th Ohio”
6th Ohio Infantry Regiment 598 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas L. Anderson
24th Ohio Infantry Regiment 550 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Frederick C. Jones
36th Indiana Infantry Regiment, “8 companies” 380 Men
Colonel William Grose
Hazen's 19th
Colonel William B. Hazen, “41st Ohio’
9th Indiana Infantry Regiment 569 Men
Colonel Gideon C. Moody
41st Ohio Infantry Regiment 371 Men
Lieutenant Colonel George S. Mygatt
6th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 484 Men
Colonel Walter C. Whitaker
Bruce's 22nd
Colonel Sanders D. Bruce, “20th Kentucky”
1st Kentucky Infantry Regiment 522 Men
Colonel David A. Enyart
2nd Kentucky Infantry Regiment 663 Men
Colonel Thomas D. Sedgewick
20th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 404 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Charles S. Hanson
Crittenden's 5th
Brigadier General Thomas L. Crittenden
1st Ohio Light Artillery Regiment, Battery G 118 Men
Captain Joseph Bartlett 4 x 6-pounder smoothbores
2 x 12-pounder Wiard Rifles
4th US Artillery Regiment, Batteries H & M 66 Men
Captain John Mendenhall 2 x 12-pounder howitzers
2 x 3" Rodman Rifles
Boyle's 11th
Brigadier General Jeremiah T. Boyle
19th Ohio Infantry Regiment 695 Men
Colonel Samuel Beatty
59th Ohio Infantry Regiment 460 Men
Colonel James P. Fyffe
9th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 495 Men
Colonel Benjamin C. Grider
13th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 495 Men
Colonel Edward H. Hobson
W.S. Smith's 14th
Colonel William Sooy Smith, “13th Ohio”
11th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 400 Men
Colonel Pierce B. Hawkins
13th Ohio Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph G. Hawkins
26th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Cicero Maxwell
Wood's 6th
Brigadier General Thomas J. Wood
Brigade, 20th, was not engaged
Brigadier General James A. Garfield
13th Michigan Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Colonel Michael Shoemaker
64th Ohio Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Colonel John Ferguson
65th Ohio Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Colonel Charles G. Harker
Wagner's 21st
Colonel George D. Wagner, “15th Indiana”
Indiana Regimental Flag
15th Indiana Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Lieutenant Colonel Gustavus A. Wood
40th Indiana Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Colonel John W. Blake
57th Indiana Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Colonel Cyrus C. Hines
24th Kentucky Infantry Regiment 500 Men
Colonel Lewis B. Grigsby