Civil War Diary of Thomas K. Mitchell of
Hillsborough, Ohio
Given by his grandson Harry J. Mitchell
400 Burgess Street
Topeka, Kansas 66608
Lawrence, Kansas
April 12, 1926
Having decided to put in print the diary written by my father-Thomas K. Mitchell-during the three years he served in the Federal Army during the Civil War, I am sure it will be of interest to those who might read it to make the following brief statement of his life.
He was born near Hillsborough, Ohio, February 11, 1828. He had two brothers and three sisters. The youngest sister-Mrs. Alice Franklin of Falls City, Nebraska-being the only one of the family living at the present time, He began teaching school when he was 16 years of age, and about that time moved to Illinois, and was a resident of McLean and Woodford Counties until March 1878, when he moved to Richardson County Nebraska, and located on a farm north of Falls City, where he lived until the time of his death, November 24, 1895.
After moving to Illinois he taught school until September 1861, when he enlisted in Company G 4th Illinois Cavalry, and served three years in the war. After returning home he again took up school teaching and continued at this until he was elected County Clerk of Woodford County in the fall of 1878.
He was married to Laura Franklin of White Oak, Illinois, October 26, 1865, and to this union seven children were born.
He was a fine penman as the writing in this diary will testify and the book is in excellent condition considering its age. We are printing a few copies so that we may be able to preserve the original copy longer in memory of one who spent three years of his life fighting for our Country.
J. D. Mitchell
Diary, by Thomas K Mitchell
White Oak, McLean County, Illinois, September 1, 1861
Company "G"
September 1861
1st--Having concluded to must in the United States Service for three years, I propose to keep a Diary for that length of time, keeping a brief record of my whereabouts, and some of the principal events of the war, so are as my information may Attend at the time. Have been to meeting today.
2nd--Went to Kappa and enlisted in Capt. Cook's Company of the 4th Illinois Cavalry. We go to Ottawa next Thursday.
3rd--Auditor's meeting at M. H. Knights. As Supervisor, I settled up the town business to the present time.
4th --Went to Bloomington today--am now ready to start, tomorrow, for camp.
5th--Camp Hunter-Illinois--Left home early this morning. Saw some of the neighbors, and went to Kappa--found a few of the Company there Left Kappa on the S o'clock train, and joined the main part of the company at El Paso. Landed in Ottawa at 3 o'clock P.M. The company was drawn up in line in the street and sworn. ' We were then marched down to this place, 3 miles below town. We drew some tents, cooking utensils, one blanket each, and one day's rations--put up our tents, got supper, and are now ready to go to bed in soldierly style, with some straw on the ground for a bed and a blanket for cover. Our company numbers 62 men. We are now enlisted for 3 years unless sooner discharged.
8th --We have passed one night in camp. Soundly--have been cleaning up our camp today. Slept well
7th--All well--have been making tables, benches, etc., and fixing up for camp life. Maj. McCullough came into camp today. There are five companies in camp.
8th--Sunday--we have no meeting.
9th--We are beginning to get acquainted with each other. I find some first rate fellows among my new acquaintances, and a few that are hard cases.
10th--Our Commissioned Officers are here now; they are Captain
Harry D. Cook; 1st Lieut. Silas W. Ogden; and 2nd Lieut. John L.
Harper. No non-commissioned officers are appointed yet. E. H.
Baker is acting Orderly Serg't.
11th--We have but little to do but cook eat, and keep our quarters clean.
12th--We have now been in camp one week. I have been helping to cook nearly all the time. If we had some cooks I would like camp life very well.
13th --There is nothing new in camp.
14th --Having no horses we have been drilling some on Foot.
Number of recruits came in today.
15th--Sunday--no meeting--have a large number of visitors from Ottawa and the country. Camp Hunter is a very pleasant place, on the south bank of the Illinois River, and three miles below Ottawa. It was once an Indian encampment--there is plenty of good water.
16th--companies and squads of men are coming in every day.
Are nine companies in camp?
17th--all well and all enjoying ourselves finely
18th --Have been drilling some today on foot.
19th --We have been in camp two weeks--we have no horses and have but little to do. When we get into actual service, we will be likely to find enough to do. There is a great difference between camp life here and a soldier's life on the battlefield, or in an enemy's country.
2Oth--Have had a great deal of rain during the week.
21st-- few more recruits for our company today.
22nd--Sunday--Preaching in camp by Mr. Johnson, of El Paso, A.D. Hiatt and I went to La Salle to hire a cook, but Failed--got our dinner in La Salle and on our return visited 1'Starved Rock,' it is a great curiosity. Spent the day very pleasantly.
23rd--We now have some horses to take care of, also a Few saddles. We commence drilling today, (Mounted) a Few of us at a time under command of Drill Master Ford.
24th--Our company was inspected today by the army Surgeons and accepted.
25th --Held an election for non-commissioned officers, Elected E.H. Baker, Orderly Sergeant; Abram Donica, commissary Sergeant; and Wm. S. Addington, First duty Sergeant--the others were then appointed by the captain, viz; W.R. Bigham, T.K. Mitchell, and C.D. Butler, Sergeants; I.M. Barton, Wm. Ellis, 6.H. Everett, T. Orr, W.H. Campbell, H. Mooberry, A.A. Adams and M. Montgomery, Corporals; B.W. Canady, bugler: A.D. Hiatt, Saddler: I.M. Davidson and G.S. Farnsworth, blacksmiths.
26th--Fast day--Appointed by the President, We were today inspected and mustered into the United States Service, by Capt. Pitcher of the U.S. Army, for three years, unless sooner discharged.
27th--Had Dress Parade this Afternoon. About 800 men on parade, Our Company now numbers 76 men.
We now have a guard around the camp.
28th--I am Sergeant of the guard today, it is a new business but I guess I will learn. Capt. James is command of the camp and officer of the guard.
2Sth--Sunday--no preaching accepts by a Catholic priest--I heard and saw him go through Mass.
30th --Pleasant weather
Review from the commencement of the Rebellion. December 17th, 1860, the S. Carolina convention met and on the 20th passed the Ordinance of Secession. Jan. 1st, 1861, Florida and Alabama seceded, and the Mississippi River was blockaded at Vicksburg, Miss., by order of Gov. Pottus, of Mississippi. The A.D. Tyler, first boat stopped, Jan 13th, Georgia seceded; 26th Louisiana seceded; Feb 8th, Jefferson Davis elected President of the Confederacy. Feb.18th Jeff Davis inaugurated. March 4th, Texas seceded. Abraham Lincoln inaugurated. April 12th, Fort Sumter attacked by the Rebels. April 14th, Fort Sumter surrendered by Maj. Anderson. April l5th, the President calls for 75,000 volunteers. May 30th North Carolina seceded. June 3rd, Battle of "Phillippi" in Western Virginia, July 11th, Battle of Rich Mountain, Virginia. July 21st, Battle of Bull Run Virginia, The U.S. Army was commanded by Gen. Beauregard, and were re-enforced by Johnson until they had 27,000 men. The Federals were defeated. U.S. loss, 481 killed, 1011 wounded and 1216 missing; Rebel loss, 268 killed and 1483 wounded. Aug. 10th, Battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo., Gen. Lyon, killed. Sept. 20th, Lexington, Mo. surrendered to the Rebel, Ben. Price by Col. Mulligan--U.S. Loss, 2,640 prisoners
October 1861
1st-all well. The company received 5O horses, saddles and bridles. The horses have been divided into lots according to color--we get the Sorrel horses.
2nd--Nothing new today
3rd--State Horse Show in Ottawa, The regiment visited the Fair grounds this P.M--had a nice ride.
5th--Heavy rain last night--cloudy and damp today.
5th --More rain last night--weather cool and cloudy.
6th --Sunday--Preaching in camp by an Episcopal minister--a very Good Sermon; Our Regiment is now fully organized with the Following Officers:
T. Lyle Dickey, Colonel; and Wm. McCullough, Lieut. Col. Majors; Charles C. James, M.R.M. Wallace and Samuel L Bowman; Adjutant Harry B.Cox; Sergt, Major, H.T. Buckley; Surgeon, Darius Dow; Assistant Surgeon, Hiram C. Luce; Chaplain, A.I. Eddy; there are twelve companies, Co. Capt. Osband; B Capt. Collins; C Capt. Townsend; D Capt. Kelter; E Capt. Rockwood; F Capt. Search; G Capt. Cook; H Capt. Wemple; I Capt. Shepherdson; K Capt. Wooster; L Capt. Longstreth; and M Capt. Dodge.
7th--Rec'd some 6overnment clothing today;
8th--The weather is Fine and we are all well.
9th--Were visited today by a number of girls From Ottawa. Commenced drilling with wooden sabers by G.S. Farnsworth. I am now drillmaster for the company in Foot drill.
10th --We now have Roll Call three times a day, drill on horse back three hours, saber drill one hour, and Foot drill one hour. The non-commissioned officers now tent and mess together. C. Jones of Kappa is our cook.
11th --Rain last night--cool this morning. Bought a horse of I. Burtis, of Hudson, provided the inspectors will receive him.
12th--Had my horse inspected and rejected. Learn this morning that we must be ready to leave by next Wednesday For Camp Butler. There is a good deal of work to do before we are ready to leave.
13th --Sunday--beautiful day--preaching by Mr. Eddy, our Chaplain. Text, Romans Chap 13th, verse 1st. Preached a war sermon, urging obedience to the powers that be.
14th --Had a squadron drill this Forenoon, by Capt. Wemple. Sparks has been home and got back today. A1l well at home
15th --Pleasant day, Had a First-rate drill. Ellis and Eli Brown are here tonight. We are expecting to leave soon.
Dickey, Colonel; and Wm. McCullough, Lieut. Col. Majors; Charles C. James, M.R.M. Wallace and Samuel L. Bowman; Adjutant Harry B.Cox; Sergt; Major, H.T. Buckley; Surgeon, Darius Dow; Assistant Surgeon, Hiram C. Luce; Chaplain, A.I. Eddy; there are twelve companies, Co. Capt. Osband; B Capt. Collins; C Capt. Townsend; D Capt. Kelter; E Capt. Rockwood; F Capt. Search; G Capt. Cook; H Capt. Wemple; I Capt. Shepherdson; K Capt. Wooster; L Capt. Longstreth; and M Capt. Dodge. 7th--Rec'd some 6overnment clothing today
8th--The weather is Fine and we are all well.
9th--Were visited today by a number of girls From Ottawa. Commenced drilling with wooden sabers by G.S. Farnsworth. I am now drillmaster for the company in Foot drill.
10th --We now have Roll Call three times a day, drill on horse back three hours, saber drill one hour, and Foot drill one hour. The non-commissioned officers now tent and mess together. C. Jones of Kappa is our cook.
11th --Rain last night--cool this morning. Bought a horse of I. Burtis, of Hudson, provided the inspectors will receive him.
12th--Had my horse inspected and rejected. Learn this morning that we must be ready to leave by next Wednesday For Camp Butler. There is a good deal of work to do before we are ready to leave.
13th --Sunday--beautiful day--preaching by Mr. Eddy, our Chaplain. Text, Romans Chap 13th, verse 1st. Preached a war sermon, urging obedience to the powers that be.
14th --Had a squadron drill this Forenoon, by Capt. Wemple. Sparks has been home and got back today. A1l well at home
15th --Pleasant day, Had a First-rate drill. Ellis and Eli Brown are here tonight. We are expecting to leave soon.
16th-The Browns started home this morning. All well.
17th-A squad of men was mustered into the service today, by Capt. Pitcher. The Reg. Went to the fair grounds this P.m. A large crowd of spectators
18th-Drew some more clothing
19th-Report that Freemont is superceded by Hunter
20th-Sunday-heavy frost-Dress Parade at 10 o'clock A.M. Preaching by Mr. Raymond, of Peoria, a very good sermon, Dress Parade this P.M. A large crowd of spectators
21st-Cloudy and cool Drew Jackets
22nd-Frosty morning-a little rain in the forenoon
23rd-Cold morning, pleasant day, Went to Ottawa, Getting ready to leave our company is now full. 88 men.
24th-Heavy frost this morning. The boys that brought in horses of their own got their money today-$95.00 each
25th-Pleasant day, busy making mess chest for our mess
26th-No drill today, was on Patrol guard last night; The Chicago Tribune says we will start next Wednesday.
27th-Sunday-Jas And Kate Burtis and Jan Johnson came in this morning-was glad to see them. Preaching by Chaplain-Text, Mathew 16, 25th. He preached a good sermon but I think he wrongly interpreted the text.
28th-Warm, windy, and dusty, The Regiment went to Ottawa today, and was presented with a flag by the citizens. They also presented a saber to Col. Dickey. It was all a great bore on the soldiers. We had a very dusty ride, and when we got there we couldn't get near enough to the speakers to hear anything. Speeches were made by Judge Caton and R.C. Cook. The flag is very nice and is said to have cost $75.00.
29th-Our visitors started home this morning. It has been a very bad, stormy day, some rain and a heavy wind. Our horses were distributed today. I drew the largest horse in the company, but will put him in the team.
30th-very stormy last night, our camp is all hurry and bustle, preparing to leave. Co. "D", Capt. Kelter started this P.M.
31st-Cool and cloudy, Companies A, B, and C, started today, they are camped tonight 2 miles below this place. I am Sergeant of the guard tonight. The camp begins to look desolate. The regiment contains 1017 enlisted men; we have a brass band by Capt. Hall.
Muster Roll of Co G 4th Illinois Cavalry, October 30th, 1861.Captain, Harry D Cook; 1st Lieut John L. Harper; Sergeants, Elijah H. Baker, Abram Conica, William S. Addington, William R. Bigham, Thomas K. Mitchell, Charles D. Butler; Corporals, Joseph M. Barton, William Ellis, George H. Everett, Thomas Orr, William H. Campbell, Harrison Mooberry, Abel A. Adams, Marshall Montgomery; Bugler, Benjamin W. Canady; Saddler, Aiken D. Hiatt; John M Davidson and George S. Farnsworth, blacksmiths; Stephen Archer, Wagoner; Privates, Francis M. Archer, Alonzo S. Adams, Hezekiah T. Buckley, Alfred S. Burtis, Joseph Bunk, Carlin Baxter, Jacob Bevin, Warren W. Brown, Jonathan Carrier, John Carber, George W. Carr, Levi Chapman, David M. Cole, Alonzo Cooper, Albert C. Conkling, Harvey Canady, Elisher H. Dixon, Donica Jacob, Henry C. Drum, Danaiel C. Durkee, Valentine Denning, William B. Elliott, Hahum A. Elkins, John Feltman, Philip H. Faright, Thomas B. Faright, Barton Goodrich Horace H. Harris, Gideon R. Hawkins, David I. Horn, William H. Harrison, Benjamin Hull, Isaac H. Hood, Henry Horn, Wesley Hibbs, John Herr, Andrew I. Hatton, James E. Johnson, Charles W. Jones, Mark I. Kingsburg, Samauel Kuhn, Frederick Martin, Barney Manning, Frank Montgomery, Shelton F. Martin, James M. Martin, William O'Hare Patrick O'Brien, Charles W. Patterson, Thomas Porch, John Painter, William M. Pitter, Henry Robins, Thomas Saul, John W. Simpson, John W. Skinner, William Stillhammer, John W. Taylor, Hanson Tuesburg, Spencer A. Vanderbilt, David Welback, Abram Wilson, William Walton, Henry M. Woodsides, Benjamin S. Whiting.
Rebel defeat. U.S. Loss, B killed and 60 wounded.
November 1861
1st-We expected to start today, but didn't get off-now waiting for overcoats. No guard today, A, Cooper is transferred to Co. C.
2nd-All well-nothing new in camp
3rd-Sunday-was on Patrol guard last night. Two of our boys were shot and slightly wounded last night by a citizen. Drew our overcoats today.
4th-Camp Potter, Packed up this morning and about noon bade farewell to Camp Hunter. We are now five miles below Ottawa, camped on the bank of the Canal, near Buffalo Rock. Eight companies here, the other Battalion is 12 miles below
5th-No march today-had a nice drill this afternoon. Blacksmiths are shoeing horses now get hard bread.
6th-One man of Co M died this morning, He got hurt by wrestlin, Funeral in the afternoon. This is the first death in camp; an artist was here and took a likeness of the Reg. While on dress parade
7th-Camp Wallace, Marched through LaSalle and Peru, and camped 3 miles south of LaSalle. A very nice place on the prairie, but too far from water
8th-Lay over in camp, had a number of visitors today.
9th-Camp Bowman, Marched through Granville and camped near Hennepin, through beautiful country today
10th-Sunday-In camp, No meeting, the regiment is altogether now. Had mounted dress parade this P.M. Supposed to be 2000 visitors present.
11th-Camp James, Came through Hennepin and camped on the river opposite Jonry. People along the road treat us remarkable well, giving us apples, cakes and many good things.
12th-Camp McCullough, Had a very dusty ride today. Camped tonight 6 miles below Lacon.
13th-Belle Dickey, Had a pleasant ride through Spring Bay. Camped on the river 4 miles above Peoria. Anderson Wright is here; he was married a few days ago.
14th-In camp today, I am Sergeant of the camp guard. Traveled through a rough country since we left Hennepin. Drew our sabers today. They were brought up from Peoria.
15th-Camp Webb, 2 miles east of Peoria, Had a great ride through the city. Went out to the Fair Grounds where the 11th Illinois Cavalry is camped and came back through town to camp. Learn that a battle was fought at Belmont, Missouri on the 7th. Rebels defeated. U.S. loss, 84 killed and 235 missing, and 288 wounded.
16th-Camp Fannie McCullough-on Mackinaw, through groveland, near Tremont and through Dillon today
17th-In camp, quite cold, ground covered with snow, Lots of visitors here with apples and other good things, Adam Moore and D.T. Hood are here tonight. Sunday Port Royal, S. Carolina was taken on the 7th by the Federals
18th-Camp Ada (for Maj. Bowman's wife), Through Delevan and camped on Sugar Creek, Saw F. McGee, Visitors gave us a good supper. After dark some of the boys and a few girls of the neighborhood had quite a dance on the prairie sod, Music by the band
19th-Camp Davis-Through Middletown and Irish Grove, Camped on the Sangamon River at the crossing of the C.A. & St. L. Railroad, Cool tonight and raining.
20th-Heavy rain last night. Our camp is on low ground on the bottom and the water drove us out of our tents in the night. Moved our tents and cleaned up our things today. Quite comfortable tonight
21st-Pleasant day, we can get no bread today, but drew some corn meal and made mush of it. A regiment of soldiers from Wisconsin passed here going south.
22nd-More rain this morning. Had to get up before daylight and ditch our tents. Cool and windy. About noon had orders to move at 2 o'clock. Packed up and moved down the river about a mile. Camped in the woods-good place.
23rd-Cold and windy, froze some last night, no corn for our horses this morning. We got good bread today. Have been eating hard bread ever since we left Ottawa.
24th-Sunday, Still cold weather, No drill nore meeting, we had a pleasant camp here, with but few visitors.
25th-Had saber drill on foot this forenoon. Mounted drill at half past 1 o'clock and dress parade at 3 P.M.
26th-Weather more pleasant, Appearance of rain
27th-Pleasant day, Had a good drill and dress parade.
28th-Drilled today under Captain Dodge, Received orders to be ready to march tomorrow at 11 o'clock, A.M.
29th-We got nearly ready to march this morning when order was countermanded. Our tent (No. 1) was almost blown down before daylight this morning.
30th-Still in Camp Davis, 5 miles from Springfield, No one is allowed to leave camp. Orders to march tomorrow.
December 1861
1st-Camp Fuller-Sunday, Left Camp Davis at 10 o'clock this forenoon. Marched 7 miles south of Springfield and are now camped on Sugar Creek. Very cold this morning, we have now started for some place Further south, but I can't tell where. It is supposed, however, that we will go to Thebes, on the Mississippi River. About 100 men and horses were unable to travel and were left behind to go on the cars. It is very cold now for camping out.
2nd-Camp Dubois-Marched 20 miles and camped on Magoupin Creek, Cold day but got along very well. The country here is good, but very thinly settled.
3rd-Camp Halleck, Marched 23 miles and camped on Shoal Creek, near Hillsboro, on the Terre Haute and Alton railroad. Crossed the R.R. at Butler, 3 miles from Hillsboro. Weather still cold-snowed all the forenoon-country new-corn is good-winter wheat looks fine. Found some Persimmons. Now 50 miles from Springfield
4th-Camp Prentiss-Cold morning, but pleasant day, Marched 17 miles. Camped on the south fork of Shoal Creek, 2 miles S. East from Van Burensbrug, Fayette Co. Country rather poor, Corn is short. Said to be plenty of secesh here. Hiatt and I went out to get some apples tonight.
5th-Vandalia, 8 o'clock P.M., got here about noon, we take the cars here for Cairo. Have been loading all the afternoon. Eight men and horses on each car. Five trains have gone and we are now loading the last one.
6th-2 o'clock A.M. at Duquoin, All aboard and on the way to Cairo, We left Vandalia 15 minutes before 9 o'clock last night. Stopped here to let the regular train pass. Landed at Cairo at 9 o'clock this morning. We got unloaded about noon and are now camped just north of town, on a flat piece of ground near the Ohio River.
7th-Spent the day cleaning our clothes, saddles, etc
8th-Camp Grant-Sunday-No meeting, Will Cullum and W. Saunders are here today from Bird's Point.
9th-Commenced cleaning up a new campground. The flat back of Cairo is covered with logs and brush. Weather war.
10th-A very pleasant day
11th-Several of the boys are complaining of being unwell.
12th-Frosty morning but pleasant day, Review this P.M. of all the troops here, by General Grant. Rec'd Carbines today.
13th-Beautiful weather, Cairo is not much town.
14th-More troops are arriving daily.
15th-Sunday-Some visitors today, C. Arnold, Wm. Bonson, McPlatt, and Chester Rowell; they are all in fine spirits.
16th-Review today, by Gen. McClernand. Had a nice time. Two companies of the 17th reg. were at the review. A Boatload of Forage was captured and brought in by our gunboats with 30 prisoners. Ordered to sleep on our arms.
17th-Preaching in our tent last night by Eddy. A spy taken in camp today, proved to be a woman in male attire.
18th-Heard tonight that Charleston S. Carolina is burned-hope it is true. Reported that some of the Rebel troops have left Columbus to defend New Orleans.
19th-Still beautiful weather
20th-Nothing new, Weather warm
21st-Weather cooler, some appearance of rain
22nd-Sunday, No meeting, It has rained nearly all day, and is cold and disagreeable.
23rd-Cold-mud froze up tight. No drill today. The weather is probably warmer here in winter than at home, but so much rain and mud is worse than cold.
24th-More pleasant, Mr. Z. Brown landed here this A.M. with a box of provisions, Snow a foot deep at home. Thawing here. We divided the provisions between No. 1 and No. 5, and concluded to keep it for a Christmas dinner. I am in No.1 and Warren W. and Sparks are in No. 5.
25th-Christmas, Warm and pleasant, Roads a little muddy, Looked like rain in the afternoon. Our mess had a first rate dinner, Toast by G.H. Everett, "The fair donors of our Christmas dinner-may they long live to enjoy the Liberty for which we fought." Target shooting this afternoon by the first Battalion, We have had a pleasant Christmas.
26th-Weather cooler, a number of our boys are unwell.
27th-A.S. Burtis is in the Hospital.
28th-Z. Brown started home this morning
29th-Sunday, No meeting, Hiatt and I went to Bird's Points yesterday. Saw Capt. Harvey, W. Saunders and Tom Ewing, and had a pleasant visit.
30th-I am Serg't of the Picket guard. A battle was fought at Milford on the 18th. Rebel loss, 1300 prisoners.
31st-We were mustered today for pay. I was on guard this morning about ten hours. Nice weather. Report today that the Rebels have attacked Paducah. Two Regiments of Infantry went up there from here. Review today. Thus ends the year 1861.
January 1862
1st-Wednesday-New Year's day, Beautiful weather, Had a good supper for the Company, sent by folks in and around Kappa. The supper was very good but created discontent among some of the boys. Some of them claiming a part of it as private property, Mrs. H.D. Cook and Mrs. S.W. Ogden are here.
2nd-Had a Battalion drill today.
3rd-Some rain-no news.
4th-Cloudy and damp, Roads quite muddy. Company A is taken by Gen Grant, for bodyguard, Company C is at bid muddy bridge. Rec'd new Cavalry tactics by Philip St. Geo. Cooke.
5th-Sunday, No meeting, A little rain, Inspection in our tents, Cars came in last night covered with snow
6th-Quite cool today, we all have stoves in our tents and live quite comfortable. We have plenty of straw for beds and all sleep on the ground together.
7th-Had dress parade this P.M. According to the new tactics. C. And A. Rowell are here today. The gunboats are nearly finished. There are a great many troops here, and a move will probably be made soon on Columbus or some other place.
8th-Rained nearly every day, Companies G and I are ordered to march tomorrow morning. We go to Mound City.
9th-Mound City, Came to this place today, our teams and baggage was sent by Steamboat. There is a heavy fog on the river and the boat has not yet arrived. Weather is warm and the roads very muddy. The troops at Cairo and the 10th Reg. Illinois Infantry at this place are all ordered on a march with 5 day's rations and 80 rounds of ammunition. They probably intend making a demonstration against Columbus, or it may be only a reconnaissance in force. The river is high and still rising.
11th-Maj. James is with us, and is in command. There is said to be over 400 sick and wounded in the hospital. Several of them were wounded in the Battle of Belmont. Three were buried today. We just take them to the graveyard, where men employed for the purpose, take and bury them-thus many a poor fellow dies and is buried; far from home, with no one there to shed a friendly tear as his mortal remains are hid from sight under the clouds of the valley.
12th-Sunday, Cold last night, Mud is froze up tight.
13th-I am Sergeant of the guard. Cold and frosty.
14th-Warmer-thawing a little, I have a very sore eye. Got some eye water at the hospital. One of our boys W. Ritter has the measles. I am now detailed as guard on the Warf-boat, with orders to stop everything except Steamboats-and to let no one leave without a pass from Gen. Grant.
15th-Cold weather, I have a good time on the boat, I go to the Company for my meals, but sleep on the boat; The boat is owned by Frank Fair, a jolly old fellow and a strong Union man.
16th-Rained very hard last night and nearly all day, Heard some heavy cannonading down the river.
19th-Sunday, The majority of the folks here pay but little attention to Sunday, It is warm and the roads are very muddy. The river is rising rapidly. We worked all the forenoon taking boats and skiffs up the bank. A.S. Burtis has the measles, but is doing well.
20th-There is a party on the boat tonight gambling for turkeys. Uncle Frank got the turkeys on the other side of the river. The troops are coming back to Cairo. I don't know what he did.
21st-Weather warm, we were paid today by Maj. Whiting up to Dec. 31st, 186, I received $65.73 from September 5th, $17.00 per month. Most of the boys were out of money.
22nd-Cairo, Camp McClernand, We came back here today. The rest of the troops are back again. They made a reconnaissance around Columbus, but had no fight. We left Burtis in the hospital with V. Denning to take care of him. One man of Company K died since we left here, the first death in the Reg. from disease.
23rd-Pleasant weather
24th-Squared up my cooking bills and send $20.00 to S. Kirkpatrick. Was down town this afternoon. Troops are coming in every day. Boats are busy loading and C.
25th-Three regiments of infantry came in today; we are ditching our old campground. Two of our boys got hurt last night in a row.
26th-Sunday, A man of Company H died yesterday. Funeral by Chaplain, Mr. Eddy has resigned. Well enough, he does but little good here.
27th-Looks like rain, I am Serg't of camp guard. Six men in the guardhouse for refusing to go on guard, Heard that Jeff Thompson is taken prisoner. (Doubtful)
28th-W.W. Brown, I. Carrier, and I.H.H. Horn are all in the hospital with the measles-several others sick.
29th-Rained nearly all last night, Today it is raining, snowing and sleeting. Wrote to father and sent him ten dollars. Alfred S. Burtis died at 4 o'clock this morning at Mound City-this is the first death in the Company.
30th-Capt. Cook and V. Denning started home this morning with the remains of A.S. Burtis. I.H. Hood, H. Canady, D.I. Horn, and H.A. Elkin have been taken to the hospital with the measles. They are all doing well.
31st-I am at the hospital taking care of our sick boys. Carrier is very sick. I am afraid he will not get well. I. Painter was brought in today with the measles. Lieut. Harper has been unwell for some time and has gone home today. Two inches of snow fell today. There was a battle at Mill Spring, Ky., on the 19th inst., in which the Rebels were defeated and Gen. Zolicoffer killed.
February 1862
1st-Rec'd marching orders for tomorrow. I have now received the following Am't of government property; one horse, one set of equipments-complete, one carbine and sling, cartridge and cap box, one saber and belt, poncho, haversack and canteen. Will get revolver tomorrow.
2nd-On board Steamer, Keystone, Drew our revolvers this morning. Thirty-three men of our company under command of Lieut, Ogden, with about 50 men from each of the other companies of our regiment, all commanded by Col. Dickey, left camp at noon and came down to the wharf where we have spent the afternoon. We got loaded on the Keystone about 8 o'clock tonight. It has snowed nearly all day.
3rd-Paducah-Our boat lay at the wharf at Cairo all night, Everett and I slept in the hold, went up to town this morning and got breakfast. Several boats loaded with troops started up the river this morning and landed here at sundown. I don't know how long we will stay here, nor where we will go when we start.
4th-Camp on the Tennessee River, 45 miles above its mouth, We left Paducah last night and steamed up the Tennessee River 18 miles to Patterson's Ferry, where our regiment was landed at 3 o'clock this morning. There were four boatloads of us and we had a hard time in getting off in the dark. We left our wagons on board the Chancellor and started at 9 o'clock tonight. The country is owned by small farmers, saw but few darkies along the road, had a very hard ride. Tired enough to sleep tonight.
5th-Camp on the bank of the river, 3 miles below Fort Henry, Slept out doors last night. Started at 10 this morning and after marching 45 miles over rougher country than we saw yesterday, got here after dark. The whole expedition is camped here. 5 gunboats and 10 steamers are tied up here. The camp presents a grand sight after night. The hills are covered with campfires.
6th-Fort Henry, Rained very hard last night, Capt. Cook joined us this morning. We started at 10 o'clock for Fort Henry-The cavalry and Infantry over the hills. The Gunboats; Essex, Carondelet, Cincinnati, Tyler, St. Louis, Conestoga, and Lexington under the command of Com. Foote, went up the river and shelled the Rebels out of the Fort before we got to it. The fort was surrendered by Gen. Tiglman, Our first Battalion brought in a number of prisoners. The Rebels left a great amount of plunder. We occupy their quarters tonight. Found plenty of rations and are living high tonight.
7th-Fort Henry, Heard of five of our men being killed, several of the Rebels were killed, but I don't know how many. This fort is a strong place and we have won a great and almost bloodless victory. The largest gun in the fort is a 128 pounder. One of their largest guns burst.
8th -Rec'd a letter from S.K. My money all right, some prisoners brought in today. Saw C. Spaulding of the 20th Illinois today.
9th-Sunday, It doesn't appear much like Sunday here. Our tents and baggage have come. We have put up our tents and moved into them. On this trip I lost my saber, but have found another. We have been living finely on captured rations. Knapp, Dr. Master's clerk was drowned here today. Wallace, Orderly of Company E was drowned at Cairo the day we started, by falling off the boat.
10th-I have caught a bad cold. The 17th Illinois Reg. came in this morning. Saw Cy and Will Benson, C. Arnold and McPlatt. All well.
11th-Our Battalion was out on a Scout today. Went near enough to Fort Donelson to capture three of their pickets. They gave themselves up without firing a gun. We had a hard ride, got into camp after dark, and received orders to be ready to march tomorrow morning at 4 o'clock. Fort Henry has become quite a public place. A number of Steamboats are lying at the wharf all the time.
12th-Camp near Fort Donelson, We started this morning before daylight. Several regiments of infantry started yesterday afternoon. Our army drove in the enemy's pickets and after some skirmishing we are now encamped around the fortifications, which are very extensive. We are camped in the woods, without tents, and will have to sleep as we can. This place is on the Cumberland River and 12 miles from Fort Henry. The country is very rough and hilly. Some of it covered with Pine timber.
13th-Camped tonight a little closer to the fort, and near a farmhouse where we got feed for our horses. The battle commenced this morning about 9 o'clock and was kept up through the day, mostly by the artillery. There was some skirmishing by the infantry. The Rebels are all inside of their breastworks. Several of our men have been wounded. The Rebels have been driven from some of their batteries. Our business today has been to support Taylor's battery, where we could watch the effect of their shells on the enemy's works. They must surrender after a while. Cool and raining.
14th-Camped tonight at Randolph Forges, 2 miles from Dover. Dover is a small town inside the fortifications. Rained and snowed last night, the pickets commenced firing about 11 o'clock. We were called out, saddled and mounted our horses in a hurry, and then were dismissed. Snowed nearly all night. I didn't sleep any. Very cold, this morning we mounted our horses early and scouted around the fort all day. Some heavy skirmishing and cannonading done today, but nothing decisive, Our Reg. was very busy supporting the infantry at different points. The Rebels fight with a will worthy a better cause, but they can't hold out much longer. We are short of rations. I got my supper tonight from and old black woman. She was glad to see the Yankees.
15th-Camped tonight the same place we were Wednesday night. This has been the great day of the battle. The Rebels left their works on the right and advanced on the 9th Illinois Reg. It was soon supported by the 18th, 8th, 31st and other regiments. A brisk battle ensured. The hottest of the siege, but the rebels were beaten and driven back to their works. Several of our men were killed and a large number wounded. Our Reg. was in the rear of the infantry. We once dismounted and ran up the hill to help them, but were to late. We were near enough to hear the bullets and shells whizzing by us at a lively rate.
16th-Sunday, Camp same place, Fort Donelson surrendered this morning giving 18,000 prisoners and a great amount of property of all kinds. Gen's Buckner and Johnson were taken, but Floyd and Pillow escaped. We have lost a large number of men in killed and wounded, but I think the Rebels have lost as many. Our regiment was among the first inside the fortifications. We were placed on guard around the prisoners. About 10 o'clock in the forenoon and staid there until after dark. The prisoners are all dressed in homemade clothing. The balance of our regiment is here from Cairo. Lieut. Harper is here, and we are all together again. We are enjoying ourselves finely tonight. Saw Wm. Benson this evening. None of the White Oak boys of the 17th were hurt.
17th-Camped tonight at the Randolph Forges. The forge belongs in part to John bell, or rather to his wife. They employed about 400 hands. Nearly all of the niggars have been sent to Nashville. I was over the battle ground this afternoon, and saw such a sight, as I never wish to see again. Our boys had gathered up their dead and were burring them, but a great many of the Secesh were lying as canteens, and many other things are scattered over the field. Oh! The horrors of war, our loss in the battle is not yet know
18th-Forges, I was out today with seven men on patrol. Stopped at the house of a Mr. Winn. He owns 1400 acres of land for which he paid $8,000.00. It is the nicest place I have seen in Dixie. He has been in the Secesh army, but claims to be a Union man. He treated us very cordially, and invited us to stay for supper, which I declined. Reported that 100 prisoners were brought in today.
19th-Had orders to march today but they were countermanded. Rained last night and very hard this forenoon. We are quartered in Negro houses that have been left vacant.
20th-Beautiful day, Spent the day in writing letters. The Forge is situated in a hollow near a small creek. It is a very pleasant place. The owners left us plenty of hay and corn, and we feed it very liberally.
21st-Put up our tents and moved into them, Everett and I are in No. 5. No. 1. Tent was left at Cairo. Butler is at Cairo yet. Dr. Conkling is here. Saw C. Spaulding today. Learn that Fannie S. and Ira Lackey are married. Tom Ewing was wounded in the fight. The weather is pleasant. Looks like spring. I have a new horse, a Secesh Cavalry Pony.
22nd-Heavy rain last night and today. 34 guns were fired at fort Donelson in honor of Washington's Birthday. Some 18,000 of our troops have gone up and taken Clarkville. Jonathan Carrier died Feb. 2nd, and Harvey Canady Feb. 7th, both at Cairo, from the measles. The other boys left there with the measles, have all gone home on furlough. Learn that the folks of McLean County had a big time when they heard of the surrender of Donelson. Jas. Benson started to come here, but only got to Paducah.
23rd-Sunday, Beautiful day, this is the first Sunday that I have had nothing to do since we left Cairo. We have had no preaching in camp for two months. Learn today that we have a new Chaplain. He intended to preach, but most of the Reg. is out on a scout and the meeting was postponed. Some of our boys have the mumps.
24th-Nothing to do, One of Company B's men shot him self on the 17th and is not expected to live. I have heard of several accidents of the kind, all through carelessness.
25th-Some rain last night, but a very pleasant day.
26th-Inspection of saddles and other Government property, Lieut, Ogden has resigned, to take effect on the first of March. Cy Benson was here today.
27th-Our Reg. is now divided. Each Battalion is in a different division. Reported that Columbus is evacuated by the Rebels.
28th-We are mustered today for pay. A great deal has been done during the last month by the western division of the army. Gen. Buell occupied Nashville on the 25th. Our loss at Donelson was 321 killed, 1046 wounded, and 150 missing. The Rebels lost 40 cannon, 15111 prisoners and a large number killed.
March 1862
1st-Weather cool, some appearance of rain, had a mounted drill-the first since we left Cairo.
2nd-Sunday, Heavy rain, No meeting, Spent the day in reading a novel, "Children of the Abbey." Better have been reading the Bible.
3rd-Snowing a little. Learn that N.R. Kirkpatrick was killed at Donelson. He was Lieut. And acting Adjutant. S. Baldridge was here after his body last Friday. A part of our Reg. has orders to march tomorrow. I am on picket guard tonight and not very well.
4th-Went to Dover and turned over five horses to Capt. Baxter. The troops at the fort are nearly all moving. 5 companies of our Reg, Started this morning. Saw the boy of the 17th.
5th-Went over to the Tennessee River with Muster roll for Col. McCullough to sign. Col. Dickey is sick and absent. The troops are all moving over to the Tennessee River.
6th-Snowed some last night, quite winter'y, three companies of our Reg. left today, Only three (E, G, and H) are here now. We have orders to march tomorrow.
7th-Camped tonight on the farm of a Mr. Gray, near the Metal Landing of the Tennessee River, 4 miles above Fort Henry. Mr. Gray professes to be a Union man, but I think that is doubtful. He owns a large farm and 62 slaves. We left Skinner, Davidson, Elliot, and Taylor at the Forges. Taylor is very sick. Lieut. Ogden started home today.
8th-We are now waiting for transportation. It is said that 40 boats have gone up the river loaded with soldiers. Reported today that Manassas is taken with 30,000 prisoners-too big to be true. I commenced acting Commissary Sergeant today. The country around here is very hilly. Some of the hills are covered with Pine timber, some with Chestnut, and some with Laurel. There is plenty of good water.
9th-Sunday, Bright and beautiful day, Wheat on the river bottom is growing green and nice. Had preaching this afternoon by Mr. Hayden, our new Chaplain. A short but good sermon, I like his appearance very well.
10th-Pleasant day, Still in camp, No prospect of moving.
11th-Warm, Buds are swelling, and spring will soon be here.
12th-Still is waiting for a boat. The 8th Illinois Reg. came over from the fort today. We have a nice place here to camp. Plenty of Corn and Oats, and no work to do.
13th-Weather warm. We have had no mail for 10 days. Report that the Rebel army in Missouri is routed.
14th-Rain today. Taylor, Elliott, and Davidson have gone down the river. Capt. Cook started home today on leave of absence for 20 days, the boys have been stealing old Gray's honey.
15th-Heavy rain last night, damp, dreary day. We moved down to the landing this afternoon. Companies E and H got aboard the steamer, Madison. The boat was not large enough to take us, so we must wait-don't like it much.
16th-Sunday. Saw W. Hinshaw and Jim Ross. Troops nearly all gone.
17th--Clear and warm. Saw L. McClun, W. Saunders, and S. Hazelbaker. The troops are all gone from here except our company and two companies of the 2nd Illinois cavalry. The river is still rising. Drew rations from the boat Cricket. Have plenty of fresh pork
18th-Several small boats have gone down, but none up.
19th-Paris Landing. The river is very high. A boat, the Allen Collier, came along about dark and moved us to this place, two miles above, and on the other side of the river. Our company has taken possession of a warehouse.
20th-We have a first rate place here. We have our quarters in a large storehouse that was plunde5red by the soldiers. Only our three companies here, but as we are surrounded by a large Bayou there is not much danger.
21st-Cool and cloudy. Peach and plum trees are beginning to blossom. Drew rations from boat, Anglo Saxon.
22nd-On board steamer, John Raine, and on the Tennessee River a few miles above Paris landing. Maj. Wallace came down today with a boat for us. We started a little while before night. We are now tied up because it is too dark to run.
23rd-Sunday. Pickwick Landing. Landed here about 5 o'clock P.M. had a pleasant trip. The boat stopped a short time at Savanna, County seat of Hardin County. Our Chaplain stopped there sick. We will not go off the boat till morning. Took on several Union refugees today. Weather cool.
24th-Camp. Landed and came out to where our Battalion is camped. Camped on the Bluff. Saw S.B. Brown of the 12th Iowa. We are 10 miles from the line between Tennessee and Mississippi.
25th-We have a good camp here. Learn that Jim Brown and Marg. Phillips are married, also H. Gilstrap and Nan Benson.
26th-Weather warm and pleasant. Peach trees in full bloom. Folks here say this is a late spring. Everett and I went on a visit to the 17th Reg. Saw some cotton bales today, the first I ever saw. Our Battalion is in Gen. Smith's division.
27th-The Reg. was out on a scout today. My horse got lame on the way and I came back. Saw the boys of the 52nd Reg.
28th-Went with Lt. Harper to visit the 17th Reg.
29th-Still warm and pleasant. Drew some clothing.
30th-Sunday. No meeting in camp. Elisha H. Dixon died March 25th, 1862, of fever and the effects of the measles. He died and was buried at Savanna, Tennessee.
31st-We are camped on bluff and near the road. Teams are passing all the time, hauling out provisions and forage. Grass is growing finely, the leaves are coming out and flowers are springing up in the woods.
1st-All fools day. The Col. Of the 12th Iowa played a nice trick on his Reg. while on drill. He ordered a charge and then run off and left them charging. There is a large army here now but I don't know when an advance will be made. Isaac H. Hood died this afternoon, from effects of measles
2nd-Some rain. I have been quite unwell for two or three days.
3rd-Hood was buried today on the bluff, near the lower landing.
4th-Review yesterday by Gen. Grant. Still unwell.
5th-We are now in Sherman's division. We moved this afternoon to the front. The pickets were drove in last night.
6th-Sunday-night at the landing. This has been a terrible day. Our pickets were drove in early, and we were soon attacked by Gen. Johnson and Beauregard with all their forces from Corinth. About 8'oclock in the morning the engagement became general. Our advance forces were driven back and our camps pillaged. The battle has been raging furiously all day. The musketry and cannonading has been terrific. The Cavalry could do but little. We have been driven back nearly to the river. Our cause seems almost hopeless, but Buell's advance under Nelson, have been crossing the river this evening. The firing has ceased. Both armies are on the field, what will be done tomorrow. Time will tell.
7th-Monday night. The battle is over and we are safe. Rained hard last night. Quite a fright was caused by the pickets firing off their guns after the rain. The battle commenced soon after daylight this morning. Gen. Buell was on the left, Gen. Wallace on the right, and Gen. Grant in the front. The battle raged with great fury. The musketry firing was one continuous volley, and the roar of the cannon was almost deafening. We gained ground slowly until 3 o'clock in the afternoon when the rebels gave way and began to retreat. Our Cavalry and artillery pursued them until they were completely routed. Our loss has been heavy, but the rebels have lost as many. The battlefield presents a horrible sight-it is covered with the dead, wounded, and dying-Yankees and butternuts, dead horses, broken wagons, guns, clothing and c. This has been one of the severest battles ever fought in America. Everything of value was taken from our camp. We are on the bluff, with but little to eat.
8th-A large force was out this morning in pursuit of the enemy. Our Reg, in the advance, Eight miles out we came up with their Cavalry. The Ohio 77th was sent forward. The Reb's charged on us and quite a skirmish ensued. The infantry broke and run several of them were killed, and about as many of the Reb's. We drove them about a mile-found a hospital-500 wounded Reb's, and 40 of our men. This is the first skirmish for Co. C. George Farnsworth was badly wounded in the shoulder. Everett's horse killed.
9th-Cool, damp and cloudy, Rained Sunday night and Monday night, we had to lie out without tents. Got our tents up today. Nearly all our camp equipage was destroyed, or carried off except the tents. One of them was burned; the others all have bullet holes in them. I have not yet learned the number of killed and wounded. It is frightful to visit the hospital and see the numbers that are wounded.
10th-Weather more pleasant, Reported that our pickets were driven in today, have been quite unwell, but am now better
11th-Rained all the afternoon, Report that Island No. 10 is taken
12th-Rained all the forenoon I.H.N. and D.I. Horn, N.A. Elkins, and W.W. Brown got back today. Rec'd several letters. John W. Taylor died at Mound City, Illinois, March 26th, of fever.
13th-Sunday, Pleasant day A part of our Reg., 20 from each company and four regiments of infantry started up the river last night on board a steamer for a scout.
14th-Our boys got back today, Was up to the Memphis and Charleston Railroad east of Corinth-burned two bridges. Swett and Orme of Bloomington, Illinois, are here.
15th-The Cavalry was out today. Made a reconnaissance on the Corinth road, and drove in the Rebel pickets.
16th-Gen. Sherman's division is all in the front except the two Battalions of our Reg. The first Battalion is in McClernand's division.
17th-Gen. Mitchell has possession of the Railroad east of the Tennessee River. G.S. Farnsworth went home on the Empress.
18th-Heavy rain in the afternoon. No news of importance. R.B. Jackson (Officer's Cook) started home to Bloomington, today.
19th-More rain. It has rained steadily all day. 25 men of our Co. are on picket guard. I am setting up with Harrison tonight, he is very sick with Congestive chills, will hardly get well.
20th-Sunday, More rain, Cool and disagreeable
21st-Rained all last night, Reported that Memphis is taken, Harrison is still very sick. Several of the boys are unwell.
22nd-Clear and warm today. Fifty-three of the enemy's pickets came in yesterday and surrendered. A part of Gen. Pope's division have gone up to Hamburg, 6 miles above Gen. Halleck is here now and in command.
23rd-Review of Cavalry today Prospect for being paid soon
24th-Was out on a scout. A large force went out 10 miles, drove in the Rebel pickets and burned their camp. Brought in 10 prisoners. Our troops are moving farther out.
25th-Learn that a great battle was fought March 6th, 7th, and 8th at Pea Ridge, Ark., between gen. Curtis and the forces of Van Dorn, Price and McCulloch. Rebel defeat, U.S. loss, 1200 killed and wounded.
26th-Sunday, Our company is on picket
27th-Pleasant day, we are still camped on the bluff.
28th-W. H. Harrison died this morning. Captain Cook returned today.
29th-Our Co. is now Gen. Sherman's bodyguard. Our loss in the battle of Shiloh is now said to be 1735 killed, 7882 wounded and 3956 missing.
30th-Mustered for pay, We are ordered to move tomorrow, This seems to be a general advance of the army, Island No. 10 was taken by Gen. Pope on the 7th; he captured 5000 prisoners, 100 cannon and a large amount of property
May 1862
1st-Camp No. 1, Moved today, The army is all advancing, We are yet 15 miles from Corinth, We left 15 men sick at the landing. Reported that Orleans and Yorktown are both taken. Saw John and Jesse McCreight and Turner Wright of the 70 Ohio.
2nd-We are camped near Gen. Sherman's Headquarters.
3rd-Warm and pleasant, We were paid today by Maj. Judd, for two months up to the first of March. I rec'd $34.00. Cannonading in the advance. The Signal Corps is at work.
4th-Sunday, Camp No. 2, Moved today through Monterey and about 3 miles nearer Corinth. Rained all the afternoon. Our camp is in a very we place in the woods.
5th-Rained all last night, Our company was on picket last night, Drew five days' rations with orders to make it last ten days The roads are very bad. There is not much farming going on about here. I have seen some plowing or rather scratching with a shovel plow, but no crops are planted or sown yet. Apples and peaches will be plenty. They are now as large as Hazelnuts. Roses in full bloom.
6th-There are now but 47 men in the Company, Eight on sick furlough, nine at Headquarters, 15 at the landing sick, and seven dead. Woodsides is sick and I have to attend to the forage.
7th-Camp No. 3. Moved today about a mile.
8th-Reported here today that Yorktown is evacuated.
9th-Our regiment was out this morning, found all quiet. C. Jones started home. I sent 25 dollars by him to S. Kirkpatrick. Brown Hibbs and Elkins went to the landing sick. Carling Baxter died May 4th at the Landing, of small pox.
10th-Our pickets were driven in this afternoon. The regiment went out but found all quiet. There was quite an excitement among the boys in camp, but it didn't last long.
11th-Camp No. 4. Sunday. Moved about a mile today. We are now near the line between Tennessee and Mississippi. We have a nice camp in the woods, but water is scarce.
12th-Weather warm. Reported that Norfolk is in our possession, and that the Rebel gunboat, Merrimac is sunk.
13th--There is but little water to be had here for our horses, and no good water for drinking or cooking.
14th-Camp No. 5. Moved this morning-now in Mississippi, and about 3 miles from the Rebel fortifications. There has been a good deal of firing between the pickets today. Our division is on the right of the army and has thrown up breastworks. Some siege guns have been mounted.
15th-Our pickets and the rebel pickets are now close together. No new. Drew rations today for 44 men.
16th-Deserters from the rebels, say they are of half rations. We have plenty of rations now.
17th-Our division advanced this afternoon and had quite a skirmish with the enemy. The 8th Missouri Infantry lost 8 men killed and several wounded. 18 Rebels killed.
18th-Camp No. 6. Our regiment went out at 2 o'clock this morning, back at noon. All quiet except firing between pickets. Report that Richmond and Memphis are taken. Sunday-no meeting.
19th-A good deal of skirmishing along the lines-prospect for a fight. Kept our horses saddled all day. All quiet tonight.
20th-Heavy rain last night and this morning. Made out a statement of the condition of the company. Present for duty 29-present sick 10-absent sick 24-detached 12-promoted 3-transferred 2-died Total 88 men.
21st-Camp No. 7. General advance today. We moved about a mile. A good deal of skirmishing late in the evening. We have again thrown up breastworks and brought up the siege guns.
22nd-Pleasant camp. Had our horses saddled by daylight. No move. Took off our saddles at noon. Now ordered to be ready for a fight at any time. Maj. James has resigned and lt. Wm. L. Gibson is appointed Major.
23rd-Called up at daylight. The division was in line of battle at 6 o'clock this morning. False alarm, only a skirmish between the pickets. Raining all the afternoon.
24th-Cool, damp and cloudy. I have been making out Pay Rolls.
25th-Sunday. The regiment was out twice today. Learn that Wm Benson died, May 10th of wound received at Shiloh.
26th-Finished Pay Rolls. Lt. J.L. Harper is appointed 1st Lieut. E.H. Baker, 2nd Lieut, to rank from March 1st.
27th-Midnight, at the hospital. I am here taking care of the sick. There are four patients. Three of them, our boys, Baker, Mooberry and Stillhammer. The last two are quite sick. They are now all-asleep and nothing is heard, save once in awhile, the shrill whistle of a Locomotive at or near Corinth, and now and then the sharp crack of a rifle fired by some of the picket guard.
28th-The weather is quite warm. Some skirmishing and heavy cannonading today. Lt. Harper is sick.
29th-Camp No. 8. Moved about a mile. Our breastworks are now within a mile of the enemy's fortifications.
30th-Corinth is evacuated. This morning they blowed up their magazines, which was the first we knew of their retreat. A large force is after them today. They have crossed the Tuscumbia and burned the bridge.
31st-Have heard nothing from the Rebels. They took their guns and most of their property with them. Pope and Buell are said to be in pursuit. Halleck is rejoicing that he has taken Corinth without a battle. On the 20th of this month North Carolina seceded
June 1862
1st-Sunday. Heard preaching today by the Chaplain of the 48th Illinois Reg. General Pope has taken a number of prisoners. We haul water from the rebel's wells.
2nd-Pleasant day. No news. Our Reg. and div. was ordered out today and are not back yet. Raining.
3rd-Warm and showery. Sent rations to the Co. They are at Chewalla on the Memphis & Charleston railroad.
4th-Sent three days' rations to the company.
5th-Learn that Pope and Buell have taken 5,000 prisoners. Also reported that McClellan has taken Richmond.
6th-Camp near Chewalla, in Tennessee, 9 miles west of Corinth. Moved here today. Saw some men cutting wheat. The wheat crop is light. Corn seems to be backward. The land here is very poor, and is poorly worked. Poor land and poor farmers make poor crops.
7th-We have a pleasant camp. Chewalla is a small town on the railroad. A good deal of Chestnut timer here.
8th-Sunday. Found some whortleberries today. Reported that Memphis is taken and that the Mississippi River is ours. Also that the Rebels have evacuated Grand Junction.
9th-Chewalla, McNairy Co, Tennessee. We are ordered to be ready to march at an hours notice. Now have beautiful weather.
10th-John Painter died at Montrez, Tennessee, June 6th 1862 of Chronic Diarrhea. Rec'd orders to march tomorrow. Halleck reports 20,000 prisoners and deserters.
11th-Night, near Pocahontas. I am with the wagon train. We started at 3 P.M. today. It is now dark and we have several miles to go yet.
12th-Morning. We got into camp this morning about daylight. Had a great deal of trouble occasioned by a lengthy train, and rough, hilly roads. Was on the road 13 hours and only traveled 14 miles. Crossed the Hatchie River one mile South of Pocahontas. The moon was eclipsed in the night. While the eclipse was total we were on a Pine ridge and it was very dark. Night-camped in the edge of Mississippi on Spring Creek. Roads dusty and water scarce. Stopped at noon at Porter's Creek-Quite a number of girls were there to see the Yankee soldiers. Some pretty ones.
13th-Camp near Grand Junction. Got up this morning at 3 o'clock-found some ripe wild plums today.
14th-Camp west of Grand Junction. This is the crossing of the M & C and Miss. Central railroads. The Rebels burned the depot, and tore down a large hospital building.
15th-Sunday. LaGrange. Camped east of town and near the residence of Gen. Mickey. This is a pretty town, with nice yards, gardens and orchards. The country is good, well improved, and well farmed. Some large cotton plantations. Wheat and oats are light; corn is tolerably good; Cotton looks well. There are two Colleges, male and female in town. Night moved out to Wolf River, two miles west of town.
16th-Our company is now camped near Wolf river, two miles west of LaGrange, Guarding a bridge. The weather is warm and dry. Wheat is all out. Lots of niggars here. They are generally poorly dressed, poorly fed and worked hard. They have a peck of meal, two pounds of bacon, and one quart of molasses for a weeks rations. They go to work at daylight and work till sundown. One man near our camp has three darkies plowing corn, two males and one female. The men are rough, ragged and dirty; the girl has one pants, shirt, petticoat and straw haw and waits on the table at mealtime. They call her aunt Jack.
17th-Went to town this morning for forage. The regiment was nearly all gone to Holly Springs. This is the day for taking the vote on the Illinois Constitution. We have had no chance to vote. There is only one vote in our Co., for the constitution. Saw a large lot of darkies, both men and women, plowing corn today-they were the raggedest specimens of work hands I ever saw. They all work mules, with rough shovel plows and very poor harness. Corn looks well here, but is thin on the ground. The folks here are mostly Secesh, but more friendly than I expected to find them. They are raising more corn than common, and less cotton, Memphis was taken by our Gunboats on the 6th inst. We now have railroad connection between Corinth and Lagrange by way of Jackson.
18th-In town today again after rations. Business dull. Stores mostly sold out and shut up. Everything high. Coffee and Salaratus $1.00 per lb. Salt $75.00 per bbl. Flour $20.00 per bbl. Calico and Muslin from $1.00 to $1.25 per yard. Troops occupy all parts of the town. Secesh report here that McClellan is killed and his army cut to pieces. No mail since we left Chewalla. Nice rain last night. Blackberries are getting ripe. Our camp is in Fayette Co. Tennessee.
19th-The weather is warm through the day, but quite cool at night. Col. Dickey is now on gen. Grant's staff, as chief of Cavalry. Maj. Gibson is in command of the Regiment.
20th-Went out into the country today for forage. Mail today. D.A. Horn, B.W. Canady, and F. Montgomery were discharged today.
21st-Richmond report contradicted. Rec'd orders to march tomorrow.
22nd-Sunday. Camp near Lafayette and 32 miles east of Memphis. Got here about midnight, and have just rec'd orders to march tomorrow morning at 3 o'clock. I have to draw rations and will not get to sleep any.
23rd-Memphis, Tennessee. Camped in the suburbs of the city. Started at daylight, four companies of us, and came through as escort for the Division train. Got here at 2 o'clock P.M. Memphis is a considerable town, but there is not much business going on. Saw some poor country today, but the improvements near Memphis are good. Saw 2 schoolhouses near Memphis, the first I have seen in the state.
24th-Camp-9 miles east of Memphis. Left town at 3 o'clock P.M. and got here at sundown. Saw the Magnolia tree in town. The city is noted for its shrubbery. The country here is poorly watered. Wells deep. Wheat has been light. Oats hardly worth cutting. Corn is small. Cotton is the main crop here, and it is small this year. Blackberries and wild plums are ripe. There is 100 teams in our train, all loaded with rations. The roads are very dusty.
25th-Lafayette. Got back this afternoon, tired and hungry. Expected an attack at Germantown, but found no enemy there.
26th--Camp near Moscow, 10 miles east of Lafayette. Moved here today. Report that a train of cars was captured yesterday, by the Reb's at Germantown, soon after we came through there.
27th-Very warm. No mail lately. Camped on the river bottom.
28th-Rain this morning. Moved camp this afternoon. Have a better place, in the timber, on the bank of Wolf River.
29thThe Rebels took 40 prisoners on the train, captured near Germantown on the 25th. They were nearly all soldiers and were all paroled except one Colonel and two Lieutenants.
30th-Mustered for pay. The officers of Co. G are now as follows: Capt. M.D. Cook, 1st Lieut. J.L. Harper; 2nd Lieut. E.H. Baker; Sergeants Donica, Mitchell, Bigham, Everett, Montgomery and Orr; Corporals, Wilson, Ellis, Mooberry, Hibbs, Tuesburg, Elliot, Adams, and Woodsides. Lt. Harper is still quite unwell.
July 1862
1st-Our Reg. was ordered out yesterday afternoon with six day's rations. Finished pay rolls, and wrote some letters today. One of Co. H's men was accidentally shot yesterday (through carelessness) and died today.
2nd-Went out (Hawkins and I) this forenoon hunting berries. We found plenty of them-brought in some and Marti made some pies of them. No news from the boys.
3rd-Very lonesome in camp. Report today of skirmish at Holly Springs and that one of our Co. was killed.
4th-Independence Day. One year ago today I was enjoying myself at White Oak and Bloomington, not dreaming that, today, I would be here in a military camp, near a one-horse town in Dixie. A few guns were fired here, at Lafayette and Lagrange. Took dinner with Hiatt.
5th-Pleasant days. Reported again that Richmond is taken. Engaged today in reading the writings of the Milford Bard.
6th-Warm and sultry-no new of any kind.
7th-Our boys got back today. They had a little skirmish last Tuesday, July 1st, in which Ranson Tuesburg was killed. He was shot through the head. Simpson's horse was killed. Nothing of importance accomplished.
8th-Pleasant day, weather warm and rather dry. The telegraph wire was cut between here and Lagrange today.
9th-No mail since the 5th. Woodsides took charge of the horses today.
10th-Had some green corn for dinner today.
11th-No news from Richmond.
12th-A.A. Adams got back today. Made out discharges for him and V. Denning, D.O. Durkee and C.D. Butler, all dated July 10th.
13th-Sunday. Shower today. It don't appear much like Sunday here. To the soldier every day is alike. We get no papers, and no news but telegraphic reports, and they are very uncertain. Reported today that Curtis has cleaned out Arkansas, that Vicksburg is burned and that McClellan has got the Rebels just where he wants them.
14th-Twenty of our Co. on picket. Our forage train was fired on yesterday. One man killed and two wounded, of Co. I. Some farmhouses were searched today and a lot of arms found.
15th-The dry weather is hurting the corn very much.
16th-Cloudy and appearance of rain. We have a good camp here but it is in the brush and is a very lonesome place. We get no papers, and find but few books to read. We now have 52 men in camp, one in hospital, 12 at home, 10 dead, 7 discharged and 4 promoted-total 86.
17th-Heavy rain last night. More rain today. The corn needed it badly, but it is too late to make good corn of any except the earliest pieces. Late corn is small and yellow. Great niggar dance at Co. H's qrs. Last night. Some good dancing. The folks around here are about out of salt, and can get no more. Received orders to march tomorrow morning-don't know where we go.
18th-Camp-6 miles west of Lafayette. Got into camp after dark, tired and sick. Our division is all moving towards Memphis. Some of the infantry boys cleaned out a sutler on the road this afternoon. Peaches are getting ripe.
19th-Camp-9 miles east of Memphis. Stopped in Germantown at noon. Got some good peaches and sat on the steps of the only meetinghouse in town and ate my dinner. The boys cleaned out all the stores in town one large dry goods store and four small ones. They took every thing they wanted and a good deal more. The officer's didn't try to prevent it.
20th-Sunday. In camp today. Rain this forenoon-pleasant after the rain. Orders to march tomorrow morning at 4 o'clock.
21st-In camp two miles below Memphis. Got into camp before night. Some mail today. Received several letters. One from S.I. Crawford of Indiana. Wm. T. Mitchell of 37th Reg. Ind. Vols. Died June 14th, 1862 in North Alabama of sunstroke. This has been a very hot day, and very hard on the soldiers. Several men were sun struck. John Carver among the rest. Gen. Sherman is now in command of the post.
22nd-We have a good camp here in a nice shady grove, near the river and plenty of good spring water. Some rain today. There is more business doing in Memphis than when we were here before. They are building fortifications below the city. Some 5 or 6 hundred darkies are at work. Saw some of the boys of the 70th Ohio Reg.
23rd-Heavy rain last night. I have been quite unwell for two or three days with a bad cold.
24th-Called on today for our pay rolls. Prospect for pay soon.
25th-I am still unwell. My cold seems to get no better. Went to the Doctor this morning and got some medicine.
26th-All is quite here with no new at all.
27th-Sunday. No meeting. Still unwell. The weather is very warm, but it is generally pleasant here in the shade. Edwin Sessions was discharged today, disease, consumption.
28th-I am better today. I have quit taking medicine. I don't think much of doctor's stuff and take as little as possible.
29th-Heavy rain. The staff officers were paid today. Reported that P.H. Faught is in the guardhouse for running his horse.
30th-Heavy rain in the forenoon. We went to town and were paid by Maj. Ferrell for four months up to June 30th. I rec'd $68.00. Some of the boys will now have a big spree. I feel a good deal better. Had a tooth pulled today?
31st-More rain. Companies "F" & "H" are having a big time tonight, talking, singing and quarreling. Liquor is a bad thing among soldiers. Vicksburg was bombarded on the 23rd of June. On July 1st the President called for 300,000 more men. From July 1st to 7th was fought the seven days battles of Peninsula in Virginia. Severe fighting, Heavy loss on both sides, without any definite result. Gen. Halleck appointed Commander in Chief of the 22nd inst.
August 1862
1st-Sent fifty dollars to S. Kirkpatrick by Adam's Express Co., also forty dollars to Sparks, and wrote a letter to S. Kirkpatrick. John Feltman and S.E, Saltsman were discharged today.
2nd-The regiment was ordered out on a scout this morning with three days rations. Some infantry going with them.
3rd-Sunday. This has been a very warm day. I have been reading Parson Brownlow's book. It is an interesting work, a book for the times. Received a letter from Havilah. They are at Helena, Ark. He has been sick for some time and is now quite poorly. Wm. Pease is dead. I am about well again.
4th-The regiment came back this afternoon. They have been to Rolla, a small town, 9 miles east of here. They saw nothing of importance. Lieut Harper started home today. He has been very sick but is now better, he has tendered his resignation, but don't know whether it will be accepted or not. No mail since the 21st July.
5th-Finished reading Brownlow. The Union men of East Tennessee have had a hard time. Wm. S. Addington discharged today.
6th--/Received a large mail today.
7th-W.W. Brown was discharged today and his papers sent to his father. His discharge, and several others have been made, under Gen order No. 14 of Gen. Halleck. I don't think they are good.
8th-Had my likeness taken, in a tent in the woods, and sent it to Dyantha in a letter-price for plate seventy-five cents.
9th-Weather warm. W.W. Brown returned to Co.
10th-Sunday. Everett and I went to the city to meeting, to the Presbyterian Church. It has been a large and wealthy congregation, but is now mostly female. The preacher prayed for the country, and for the end of the war, but his prayer was so carefully worded that I couldn't tell whether he was Union or Secesh. Some of the rich families came in their fine carriages driven by a darkie. They left the darkie to watch the carriage and horses in the street, while they, his owners, entered their fine house to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences. Also visited the Public Square. It is a beautiful place in the center of which stands the Statue of Andrew Jackson. On one side of the marble column which supports the statue is inscribed the favorite sentiment of that old hore: "The Federal Union; it must be preserved." The rebels, during the reign of terror, in the city, tried to obliterate the word Federal, but they have only disfigured it enough to make it a lasting monument of their treason to their country, a warning to others in all time to come.
11th-Weather still warm. Brown started home today.
12th-Rec'd a letter from G.H. Fiber at Helena, Ark. Stating that Havilah is quite sick, and will soon start home. I would be very glad to see him, and might, if I knew when the boat would pass.
13th-A very warm day. Reported that the Rebel Ram Arkansas was blown up, lately, near Baton Rough.
14th-Our Company is on picket. Ordered to muster on the 18th, Made out discharges for W.B. Elliott and B. Manning, dated Aug. 7th.
15th-rain last night. Learned that Lieut. Harper has got 10 recruits for Co. g, some of them from White Oak.
16th-Last night and today has been quite cool.
17th--Sunday. Warm day. We have nothing to do in camp.
18th--Mustered today in pursuance of Gen. Order No. 70. Our Co. all-present except Lieut. Harper, W. Hibbs, N.A. Elkins and T. Porch. I have been making out Muster rolls today. Pleasant day.
19th-Muster rolls handed in. Absentees unless satisfactorily accounted for will be reported as deserters.
20th-Everett and I have been studying Algebra several days. Learn that G.S. Farnsworth was discharged Aug. 9th at Chicago, Ill.
21st-Went with Capt. Cook to the 53rd Ill. Reg. this afternoon.
22nd-Rec'd orders to march tomorrow at noon. We go to some station on the Mobile and Ohio railroad this side of Columbus. Went to town this afternoon, and got my watch. They charged me $3.50 for fixing and cleaning it.
23rd-Camp about three miles northeast from Memphis. Left camp about noon, and was led all over town, and on wrong roads by drunken officers, and got this far about sundown. Four companies of the 11th Illinois Cav. Are with us. Col. McCullough is here and in command. We sent nearly all our Camp Equipage by the river. Had plenty of roasting ears for supper.
24th-Sunday. Camp-23 miles from Memphis. Passed through Rolla and Union Station. Rolla is an old Village. Union is a thriving station on the Memphis and Ohio railroad. Peaches are abundant. We have all we want of them.
25th-Camped near Somerville, County seat of Fayette Co. Tenn. Started this morning at daylight, and got here about noon. Somerville is, or rather has been, a smart little town. The stores are all closed. The country through here is better than it is on the Germantown road. The corn is getting dry. They are pulling blades, and cutting up the earliest pieces. A great deal of the corn is late and will be light. Had plenty of peaches and green corn today. We took two prisoners today, because they started to run, an old man and his son. The women took on awfully about it.
26th-Camp near Bolivar. Started at daylight and got here at noon. Camped on the Hatchie River, one mile north of town. Bolivar is a pleasant town. County Seat of Hardeman County. The 17th Ill. Reg. is here. Everett and I went to see the boys this afternoon. Found them all well and in fine spirits. I. Conger has not been heard from sine last spring. Learn that a number of boys at White Oak have enlisted. Geo. Franklin, Jim Anderson, and Tom and Sam Ramsey are coming to our company. We traveled 26 miles today and are now 65 miles from Memphis.
27th-Camped near Medon. Only 14 miles today. Camped near a mill and cotton gin. I saw the gin in operation this afternoon. The size of the gin is 60 saws that is about medium size. The owner gins the cotton and bales it for one twelfth. They feed the seed to the cattle.
28th-Camp on North fork of Deer River, 10 miles north of Jackson, Came through Medon and Jackson. Medon is a small railroad station. Jackson is a considerable town, County Seat of Madison County, on the Mobile and Ohio railroad, and the terminus of the Miss. Central. The country here is not so good as farther west. Peaches are still plenty. The railroad is well guarded. The 8th Illinois is at Medon
29th-Camp near Trenton. Got here at noon. Trenton is a smart little village, County Seat of Gibson County Tenn.; it is 60 miles from Columbus Ky., and 60 from Bolivar. We are camped near the railroad. This is the best road I ever saw. A good deal of cotton is being shipped north. Our Reg. is now all here, except Co. A. (Grant's bodyguard).
30th-We are all busy cleaning up camp. Prospect of staying here awhile. Made out one copy of Muster roll today.
31st-Sunday. Mustered for pay. Elkins returned today. W. Hibbs and T. Porch are absent. Hibbs and the new recruits are at Springfield, Illinois waiting for transportation. On the 4th of this month the President called for 300,000 more men. On the 9th a battle was fought at Cedar Mountain, Virginia.
September 1862
1st-Pleasant weather. Some promotions were made today. A. Donica is Supernumerary Lieut. The Sergeants are Mitchell, Bigham, Everett, Montgomery, Orr, Wilson, Ellis, and Drum. Corporals; Moobery, Smiths, Davidson and O'Hare. Saddler; Horn, Wagoner, Wm. Prescut of Haywood County Tennessee.
2nd-Have been making out Pay rolls. Charged clothing account. My account is $54.00, for the first year. Learn that Capt. Wemple is promoted Major, Vice Bowman, resigned.
3rd-Moved today, closer to town. We have a better camp but not so much shade. Received a letter from G.M. Kirkpatrick. He is in Co. "E" 94th Illinois Vols. Now at Benton Barracks, Mo.
4th-Warm day. A good deal of cotton is being shipped from here.
5th-The regiment is out on a scout. One year ago this morning I left home and went to Camp Hunter, Ottawa Illinois. I thought then that I would be at home by this time, but have learned that war is very uncertain. We don't know now when we will get home, any more than we did then.
6th-Learn that our recruits are still at Springfield.
7th-Sunday. No meeting. The Reg. is not back yet.
8th-The Reg. got back today. Saw nothing of importance.
9th-the Reg. was ordered out at 12 o'clock last night. Reported that 400 Rebel Cavalry are within 16 miles of here. A number of troops have gone north on the railroad.
10th-The Reg. returned this evening. They found no Rebels. News from the east is rather discouraging.
11th-Drew some new Tents (Sibley) and clothing today.
12th-Drew some horses. I have been very busy issuing clothing, horses, etc. to the men. Weather cool.
13th-Our recruits have not come yet. We look for them daily.
14th-Sunday. Pleasant day. Went to meeting in town, to the Baptist Church. A goodly number of women present, but very few men except soldiers. Some pretty girls there. Text Math. 25 Ch. 29v. Preaching good, but old fashioned.
15th---Had a company and Battalion drill, the first Battalion drill we have had since we left Cairo.
16th-The regiment started out on a scout this morning. They go east toward the Tennessee River. 22 of our Co. went.
17th-News that the rebel army invaded Maryland on the 4th-a big fight expected soon.
18th-J. Feltman's discharge returned-not good. J.T. Harper's papers received, his resignation was accepted on the 3rd inst. Report that the Rebels have taken Harper's ferry; also that McClellan has taken a large number of prisoners.
19th-Good news from the east and from Corinth.
20th-Reports from Maryland still good, but nothing decisive. The Reg. returned today, bringing in a number of prisoners, darlies, horses, mules, etc. They brought in one Negro woman that would pass for white. Her husband is a Mulatto.
21st-Sunday. Sent out a scout this morning.
22nd-Camp near Shady Grove, 15 miles from Trenton. I am now out for a scout. Only 100 men from our Reg. (11 from our Co.) Under Lt. Callon. Shady Grove is a small village on the Memphis & Ohio railroad. This road has not been used for some time. Our gunboats destroyed the bridge over the Tennessee River last spring. Have plenty of chickens and turnkeys for supper. Some of the boys were out tonight to the residence of an old Secesh, named Yancy, and rescued a darkie that Yancy had been trying to kill. They cleaned out the place.
23rd-Camp at Huntingdon, County Seat of Carrol Co. Most of the folks here were old Whigs. Now Union.
24th-Here yet waiting for two companies of Tennessee Cav. From Humboldt. Reported that a strong Rebel force has crossed the Tenn. River in Benton County. They have several prisoners here.
25th-Camp near Camden, County Seat of Bento Co. Benton was formerly a democratic county and is now nearly all Secesh. Only one Union man in Camden. Dr. Travis.
26th-Camp 4 miles from the river. Fed at noon on Col Napier's far. (Secesh) The Reb's burned a boat here last spring and our men burned old Napier's house and barn.
27th-In Camden. We are quartered on the Citizens tonight. Took a Secesh Lieut. A.J. Hicks, today. The boys plundered his house. The Tennessee boys are regular Jayhawkers. The country here is poor, the people, mostly Secesh. Took supper with Dr. Travis.
28th-Sunday. Camp at Squire Nesbit's in Carrol County. Took supper with Squire Williams. Benton Co. Is very poor. There are lots of women and but few men at home. The married women nearly all claim to be widows. There has been plenty of peaches here, but not many apples. Persimmons and grapes are abundant. We have found no rebel force yet.
29th-Camp at Huntington, Took breakfast with Esquire, Williams, The are first-rate Union folks, and appear glad to see us, they have one son in the Rebel army, and one in ours. Took dinner with Mr. Noel in town. Will go to Trenton tomorrow.
30th-Trenton, We got back to camp this evening, having been gone nine days. Took breakfast this morning at McMinorsville, a small town 25 miles from here, and 9 miles this side of Huntington. Brought in several prisoners, a few darkies, and some horses and mules. Was over a good deal of country. There was 4 or 5 stores in Camden and the boys cleaned them out pretty thoroughly. I am afraid some of the boys will get into the habit of stealing everything they want. Too much drinking is allowed. On recruit for our Co. on the 22nd. Wm. French of Benton Co. Tennessee. Learn that a severe battle was fought at Tuka Mississippi on the 19th in which the Reb's were defeated. Also that a desperate battle was fought on the 14th at Antietam Md., heavy losses, particulars not yet known.
October 1862
1st-Learn that Lieut. ? Baker is under arrest for gross misconduct while on a scout to Eaton a few days ago.
2nd-Another scout went out west today under Capt. Cook. Two guides, Smith and Green are with them. They know the country.
3rd-Scout came in today bringing several prisoners, and about $30,000 worth of store goods, horses, mules, wagons, etc.
4th-Did a good deal of writing for Capt. Cook, making out charges against the prisoners brought in yesterday. Some of the are rank rebels. They will be tried by the Provost Marshall.
5th-Sunday. Received 16 recruits today from Springfield. Four of them from White Oak. G. Franklin, J.P. Anderson, and L.W. & S.V. Ramsey. Reported fighting at Corinth.
6th-We have got our new tents up, six in number. The Co. now numbers 75 men. We are divided into six messes. Our Mess is No. one, as follows: G.W. Everett, S.B. Everett, J.W. Simpson, P. O'Brien, W.H. Sparks, G. Franklin, J.P. Anderson, T.W. Ramsey, S.V. Ramsey, and T.K. Mitchell. Simpson is cook. The weather is warm.
7th-News that on the 3rd the rebels under Van Dorn and Price, attacked Corinth, and after a desperate battle were badly beaten. Reported that Gen. Oglesby was killed.
8th-News from Corinth that the Rebels are routed, horses, foot and dragoons, by Rosecrans and Hurlburt. Our men have buried 1200 rebels. Our loss 300 killed and 1000 wounded.
9th-One more recruit today. Now have 76 men.
10th-recruits inspected. Some rain today.
11th-Cloudy and cool. Another recruit today.
12th-Sunday. Weather warmer. Reported now that our loss in killed and wounded at Corinth and the Hatchie River was 750. Rebel loss 2000. We have a large number of prisoners.
13th-The effective force of the Reg. went out this morning at 2 o'clock. They have gone east toward the Tennessee River. A large force of Reb's reported to have crossed the river.
14th-Weather cool and some appearance of rain. Learn that a heavy battle was fought at Perryville, Ky., on the inst, between Buell and Bragg. Losses heavy on both sides.
15th-No new of importance.
16th-Drew and issued some clothing today.
17th-Received two more recruits from Springfield.
18th-Weather warm and pleasant. No news.
19th-Sunday. The regiment came in today. They killed one Guerrilla. Brought in 31 prisoners and 77 darkies.
20th-Some frost last night. The first we have had.
21st-We have one man in the hospital, but no sick in qrs.
22nd-Wrote to Elliott and sent him his discharge papers.
23rd-Warm and pleasant day.
24th-Companies H & L have gone to Humboldt. Co. D is at Columbus. Co. A with Gen. Grant, and 8 companies here.
25th-Rain this morning, grew colder, sleeted awhile, and at noon began to snow and kept it us until the ground was covered an inch deep. Looks quite wintry for the Sunny South.
26th-Sunday. Warmer. Snow melted off today.
27th-Last night was quite cool in our tents without fire. Had Battalion drill today. Another scout out tonight.
28th-Warm again. The boys that went out last night brought in three prisoners. Read Browlow's Chicago speech.
29th-Pleasant day. T. Porch came back today.
30th-Have been busy today making Muster roll.
31st-Mustered for pay. Co. G all present, 77 men. This is the end of October, and we are not yet fixed up for service. Our company went out tonight to Bell Station on the Memphis & Ohio railroad to get some molasses.
November 1862
1st-Beautiful weather. Capt. Cook is now on detached service as President of a Military Commission at this place.
2nd-Sunday. Our boys got back this morning from Bell Station. They brought in 15o barrels of Molasses. The Reg. went out this evening towards Brownsville.
3rd-The Tennessee Cavalry are now on picket, with one Sergeant from each company of our regiment.
4th-E.H. Baker is now 1st Lieut. A. Donica is 2nd Lieut.
5th-Very windy today. Clouds of dust fill the air. New today that the army of the Potomac is moving, and that Gen. Grant's forces are moving on Holly Springs Mill.
6th-The regiment came in this evening. They brought in a few prisoners and some property. They were gone 4 days, and had a big drunk.
7th-Windy today. Cleared off tonight and is quite cool. Received a letter from Eli Brown. The vote at the White Oak election was 66 Republican and 16 Democratic.
8th-Learn from the papers that the Democrats have carried Illinois. Quite cool last night, with heavy frost.
9th-Sunday. No meeting in camp. Beautiful weather.
10th-Camped near Cageville, 17 miles from Trenton. The effective force of the reg. was sent out here to hunt for 500 Guerrillas, said to be here. We can't hear of them.
11th-Trenton. Col. McCullough concluded that the Guerrilla story was a hoax, and we returned to camp. It is believed that the Rebels got up such reports; just to give us work to do.
12th-Learn that there is a lot of saddles at Columbus for us. John G. Walston was discharged today. Cause, Erysipelas.
13th-158 prisoners went north today on the cars.
14th-Took up C.D. Butler's name on the rolls. He was discharged July 10th, discharge condemned, he has returned.
15th-Col. Dickey is still chief of cavalry on Gen. Grant's Staff. A.T. Grego, Adjutant, is now with him.
16th-Sunday. Maj. Gibson has gone to Columbus as Provost Marshall. Maj. Wemple and four companies are at Humboldt. Co. D. is at Columbus, KY. Col. McCullough is here with six companies.
17th-A part of the Reg. went out this afternoon. It is raining some tonight. We are now under marching orders.
18th-Report that our boys that are out have had a fight today, but no particulars.
19th-Our boys came in this morning. They had quite a skirmish yesterday at Chestnut Bluffs. The Rebels were too strong for them, and they had to fall back. Capt. Shepherdson was wounded and taken prisoner. The Artillery that was here left for the south today. E.H. Baker started north today on leave of absence.
21st-The Reg. came in tonight. Couldn't find the rebels. The boys that were missing have all come in. Capt S and one man of Co. I were taken prisoners and paroled. The Capt. is badly wounded in the leg.
22nd-We drew 65 saddles and complete equipments for our company today, also some new horses.
23rd-Sunday. Fine weather. Have been very busy today, drawing and issuing clothing. We have order to march tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock. We go south, to the front.
24th-Camp on Fork of Deer River, 9 miles north of Jackson. We came through Humboldt today, and were joined by the four companies that were there. Capt. Cook remained in Trenton. A. Donica is in command of the Company.
25th-Camp at Jackson. Getting along finely. Companies B, C, H, and L, got their saddles here.
26th-Camped at Bolivar on the Hatchie River. We traveled 28 miles today. Saw Joe Cullum this afternoon.
27th-Camp at Lagrange. Got into our old camp near Gen. Mickey's before dark. Saw the boys of the 8th and 17th reg's; they are all well; the army starts south tomorrow. We are ordered to report to Col. Lee in the morning. We are out of rations and Col. McCullough is in a bad humor because Col. Dickey didn't provide for us. The 17th Reg. stays here.
28th-Camp on Cold water, 5 miles North of Holly Springs. The advance started early. We have not yet caught up with them.
29th-Our Co. on picket 3 miles North of the Tallahatchie River. We are now in a Brigade of Cavalry consisting of the 7th Kansas.
We are now 13 miles South of Holly Springs. Had some skirmishing today. One man of 3rd Michigan killed. Lt. Webber of Co. C, 4th Illinois wounded. The Rebels are in force at Fort Pemberton on the south side of the river. They are under command of Gen. Pemberton.
30th-Sunday. Cam, 4 miles from the river. Considerable skirmishing by the Cavalry and Artillery. No infantry here yet. Lieut. Callon of Co H wounded. No heavy fighting yet, but we expect a big fight at the river. We are out of rations. Have to eat crackers and fresh meat
December 1862
1st-Camp where we were on guard night before last. Some heavy skirmishing and cannonading today. Was down to the river this afternoon. The Rebels have evacuated the fort and burned the wagon and railroad bridges. They had a strong position here but were afraid to fight. The Cavalry is all ordered to march at One o'clock tomorrow morning with three day's rations. We have go our rations and are now ready for bed at 10 o'clock. Now we will have hard work, following the enemy. It rained very hard last night. George and I slept tolerably well, but got our blankets wet.
2nd-Camped in Oxford, the County Seat of Lafayette Co. Miss. And 14 miles south of the river. We got to the river before daylight. A regiment of infantry was building a bridge. We crossed soon after daylight. Came up with the Rebel rear guard at this place. Had a little fight and took a number of prisoners. Eleven of us took 18 of them on one road. There is no Cavalry on this road, except our brigade. The 7th Kansas and 3rd Michigan are armed with revolving rifles. Rained on us nearly all day and is quite cool. Oxford is a considerable town and a great many of the citizens have run off and left everything. Many of them went off with the army today and took nothing out of their houses. We are quartered in their houses tonight and find plenty of good things to eat
3rd-Camp, 6 miles South of Oxford, and on picket on a small river with a big name. The rebels burned the bridge, and it took us all the afternoon to rebuild it. The rebel army is retreating on three roads, south from Oxford. We have a brigade of Cavalry on each road. We have taken about 100 prisoners today on our road. They are nearly all tired of the war, and would as life be taken as not
4th-Camp, near Water Valley, 18 miles from Oxford and 48 miles from Holly Springs. Some skirmishing today. We took 112 prisoners on our road. We are out of rations, but have plenty of fresh meat and sweet potatoes.
5th-Camp same place. Came upon the enemy today, 6 miles from Water Valley, and 5 miles north of Coffeeville. Skirmish some and drove them about 3 miles, when we run into a strong force of the enemy's infantry and Artillery. Had quite a fight. Finding them too strong for us we were ordered to fall back. Co. "G" was put out as flankers on the right and rear. As soon as we began to retreat the Reb's came on us with a heavy force, on double quick. We had a brisk little fight and fell back about a mile, rather fast for good order, then retreated to this place, got here at 11 o'clock. As the last fight was just at dark I do not know all the particulars. Ordered to march at 2 o'clock. Frosty and cool.
6th-Camp, 15 miles Southwest of Oxford, on a farm where there is plenty of corn and hogs. Col. McCullough was killed in the fight.
Last night, while at the head of the Reg. Wm. Stillhammer of our Co. was badly wounded, John Herr slightly. A flag of truce party went back to the battleground today and found the bodies of Col. McCullough and three men, and buried them there. They saw no enemy. My horse was shot in the thigh last night. Took the ball out today. Reported now that the rebels are in force at Grenada and that a force of ours is on the railroad farther south. Our infantry is at Oxford. Our Co. teams are there and our rations farther back. We need rations badly. Have corn meal, potatoes and Fresh pork today. No pots to cook in. Everett and I will sleep in a cotton house tonight.
7th-Sunday. Still in camp. Thirteen of the rebel pickets came in today. We have no mail since we left Trenton. Got some rations today. Coffee, sugar, flour, and meal.
8th-Same camp. Beautiful weather. The nights are cool and frosty, but it is pleasant through the day. No news.
9th-Moved camp 3 miles nearer Oxford. Moved in order to find forage. Camped on a large plantation. Plenty of corn here. Maj. Wemple is here now and in command of the 4th. Learn that our loss at Coffeeville, in killed, wounded, and missing is 64. About half of them are prisoners. Only Col. McCullough and three others killed so far as I know. The Colonels body has been sent home.
10th-On picket, 6 miles from camp and 20 miles from Ponola. 38 men of our Co. here, guarding a bridge. We have an easy time of it, with plenty to eat-fresh pork and sweet potatoes. We got our mail today.
11th-Still on the picket line. The Co. Sent to relieve us didn't get here until dark, and we concluded to stay all night. No appearance of rebels about here.
12th-Camp near Water Valley in Yalabusha Co. Started into camp this morning and met the brigade moving. The best part of Water Valley has been burned since we were here before. The country here is poor. There is a good deal of Evergreen timber here, some Pine and Holly and Bay tree. The rebels are at Grenada yet. It is now raining.
13th-In camp today. Lt. Baker got back to the Co. yesterday. Capt. Cook is yet at Trenton. Capt Towsend of Co. C is now in command of the 4th. We are camped on a high and almost baron ridge of land. Get our forage in the country.
14th-Camp in Coffeeville, County Seat of Yalabusha Co. Miss. The Effective force of the brigade is out with 3 days rations. A few rebel pickets were here when the advance came in. They fired the bridges and left. It is 16 miles from here to Grenada. Plenty of women and but few men in town.
15th-Patrolled the country. We rode 12 miles. It rained very hard all the time. Got back before the night, fed our horses, got our supper, and are now on picket. Quite cool.
16th-Back in camp at Water Valley. Came back this forenoon. Learn that Burnsides has taken Fredericksburg.
17th-In camp. A very pleasant day. No news.
18th-Reported that the rebels are leaving Grenada. We are ordered to be ready to march at any time with 5 days rations. We get no newspapers and but little mail.
19th-We received orders tonight to be ready to march tomorrow morning at 3 o'clock, with 3 days rations.
20th-Camp on the Tallahatchie River near Abbeville. Had a hard ride and got here after dark. Learn that Van Dorn, with 2 Regt of Cavalry and 10 Reg's of mounted infantry took Holly Springs this morning at daylight. We came though Oxford. Saw Still hammer. He is getting well. Oxford is a larger and better town than I first thought.
21st-Sunday. Holly Springs. Started this morning before daylight and got here soon after noon. The rebels left here this morning. Col. Murphy of the____was in command here and surrendered without a fight. Some of the 2nd Illinois Cav. fought bravely. The Reb's took all they wanted and burned the Depot and Hospital and some of the best buildings in town. Our loss is heavy. They took about 1500 prisoners. They are all paroled.
22nd-Our company has been on picket today. Rec'd orders to march. Went into town, it is now 11 o'clock at night and we are waiting for orders. The rebels have gone north.
23rd-Noon at Grand Junction. We left Holly Springs last night at 12 o'clock, got here at 9 this forenoon. The rebels attacked the guards, 200 in number, 7 miles south of here yesterday and were repulsed. Rebel loss 16 killed and 30 prisoners. Our loss none. Weather warm and pleasant. Night, at Bolivar. Got here after night. Camped in the streets. Horses very tired and men sleepy. We are ahead of the Reb's. Got here before them.
24th-Camp near Salisbury on the Memphis & Charleston railroad. Our Col. On picket. The Rebels were around Bolivar this morning, but left and attacked Middleburg, 6 miles south. We had 300 men there. Rebel loss 16 killed and 20 prisoners. Our loss 3 men wounded. We got a few shots at them with the flying artillery, and followed them here. They are camped 3 miles south of us. This is Christmas Eve. We are on picket between the two camps.
25th-Christmas. Camp near Ripley, County Seat of Tippah County Miss. Came up with the enemy's rear guard here. Fired a few shots at them from the two pounder's and they soon skedaddled. This has been a pleasant day, but a dull Christmas. Instead of a good dinner, our rations are very short
26th-Camp on Tallahatchie River, 4 miles west of New Albany, Pontotoc Co. The reb's moved 15 miles last night. They are moving south. We have turned west. Heavy rain today, and tonight. Had plenty to eat today. Still raining.
27th-Camped in a nice grove of young pine timber on Tippah creek. And on the road to Holly Springs. Have been over a very rough hilly country today. Our rations are out and we have nothing for supper but corn mush. Rained all last night.
28th-Sunday. Holly Springs. Got here at noon. It seems that the army is all falling back. Our teams are on the Tallahatchie. Reported that Richmond & Vicksburg are taken.
29th-Our teams came up today. There is great commotion in the army. Some reports that Richmond is taken, others that Burnsides is badly whipped. We can't get any news. It is supposed that the rebels have taken Trenton, and torn up the railroad. Teams have been sent to Memphis for rations. We are on short rations, but manage to get enough to live. G.H. Everett has a very sore leg, caused by a cut from a knife several days ago. H, and all the sick that are able to travel have been sent to Memphis. There is a large army here, but I have no idea what we will do next.
30th-No reliable news yet. Various rumors afloat. Some full of hope, others dark and mysterious.
31st-Muster for pay today. Weather is warm and pleasant. Learn that Burnsides fought a great battle on the 13th at Fredericksburg Va., but know nothing about the result. Also that Forrest (Rebel) captured Trenton Tenn., on the 20th. Six of our boys were there, Woodsides, Robins, Porch, Martin, Kimler, and Hitch.
January 1863
1st-New Years. Camp 5 miles south of Moscow. The 2nd Brigade of Cavalry Left Holly Springs this morning for Moscow. Pleasant day and night. Have to sleep out of doors. Have a good supper tonight, crackers, sweet potatoes, turnips, fresh pork, and coffee.
2nd-Camped, 5 miles south of Somerville countryseat of Fayette Co., Tenn. Came though Moscow, left our teams there, and started for Somerville to hunt for Guerrillas or rebel Cavalry, said to be there. Our Co. on picket. Looks like rain.
3rd--Camp, 3 miles north of Moscow. Rained all last night, and this forenoon. We got into Somerville at 9 o'clock A.M. Searched and plundered the town pretty thoroughly. No rebels there. The men found plenty of liquor and those who wished got gloriously drunk. None of Co. "G" were very bad. One Captain of the 7 Kansas shot 3 of his men, killing two of the. One of them shot and mortally wounded the Captain. Such are some of the fruits of drunkenness. We got out of town about noon. Got some dinner and fed our horses, and during the afternoon came to this place. There has been more drunken soldiers on the road this afternoon than I ever saw before in one day. It is now raining. We will not sleep much tonight.
4th-Sunday. Moscow, Fayette Co. Tenn. Got into camp about noon. I have been busy making up reports this afternoon. We are ordered to move again tomorrow.
5th-Camp at Lagrange Tenn. Four companies, C, G, I, and L, came here this afternoon, and the boys that got drunk at Somerville were fined one month's pay and non-com. Officers, reduced to the ranks. There was a larger number of them in the 7 Kansas than in the 4th Illinois. None of Co. G, in the scrape. Major Wemple is in command of the companies here.
6th-We are on our old campground. Some rain last night. Cool today. We have had but little winter so far. We get no new. Nothing certain from Richmond. Report that they are fighting at Vicksburg. No mail since Dec. 15th. Sam Ramsey is sick in the hospital.
7th-The Co. was out east on patrol today. Saw nothing.
8th-Was out again today, east of Salisbury. Saw no rebels. Took dinner with Col. Guy on Spring Creek.
9th-Pleasant weather. Some rain last night.
10th-I have been busy writing on company business.
11th-Sunday. Beautiful day for the time of year. We are getting fixed up so as to live quits comfortable here.
12th-The Company is nearly all out on picket and patrol guard. It is said that our troops have evacuated Holly Springs.
13th-Bolivar Tenn. We left Lagrange this morning and moved to this place. The weather is warm and pleasant. Learn that the balance of the Reg. with the 7th Kansas are at Collierville, on the railroad east of Memphis.
14th-Rained last night, all day and is still raining. It is a very bad night to be out on picket.
15th-The rain last night, turned to sleet, and this morning to snow. Has been snowing all day. Quite cool and winter'y.
16th-Quite cold. The snow is about three inches deep. The ground or mud is frozen some, but not hard enough to carry a horse. I have been acting Adjutant today.
17th-It is still cold weather for the land of Dixie. Our company had to go out with the forage train. They started at daylight. It was a very cold job.
18th-Sunday. Weather more moderate. It has been thawing all day. Our teams stalled yesterday and had to leave their corn. The roads are getting very bad. Have been making muster and pay rolls. Rec'd some mail today.
19th--It has been raining all day, with a very high wind.
20th-More pleasant. The snow is all gone.
21st-More rain. Received orders to march tomorrow.
22nd-Camp two miles west of Lagrange. Got here before night. Made a good day's march. Sam Ramsey is yet in the hospital at Lagrange. He is no better, but rather worse. He has the Typhoid fever. G. Franklin is sick.
23rd-Camp between Moscow and Lafayette. Roads are awful bad.
24th-Camp near Collierville, with the regiment. Rained all day. We are camped in a good place if it was dry, but the ground is very wet and soft.
25th-Sunday. We and disagreeable.
26th-More rain. Was out on a scout this afternoon. Co. C was out and got into a fight, four of their horse came into camp without riders. The whole force started an hour before sunset, went out ten miles and got back at midnight. Found two of the wounded boys, but no rebels.
27th-Moved camp today. We have a much better place than we had. Lieut. Hitt was in command of Co. C yesterday. It is supposed that he, and nine men were taken prisoners. Some of them were wounded. Two have since died.
28th-A pleasant day. No news.
29th-The patrol guards were run in today by Rebel Cavalry. A larger force went out but found none. No one hurt.
30th-I have just heard of the following promotions: Capt. Townsend, of Co. C to be Major: Lieut. Hitt to be Capt. of Co. M: and Lieut. Wallace to be Capt. of Co. C.
31st-The Regiment was out on a scout today. Went to Cold Water and burned two bridges. Saw no rebels. Rain this afternoon. S.V. Ramsey died in the General Hospital at Lagrange Tenn., on the 29th Jan. 1863, of Pneumonia. Learn that a heavy battle was fought at Murfreesboro, Tenn. From the 2nd to the 5th of this month: Also that Sherman attacked Vicksburg on the 5th and was repulsed. He then went down and captured Arkansas Post and a number of prisoners. Gen. Grant took command at Vicksburg on the 23rd.
February 1863
1st-Collierville Tenn. Sunday. No new in camp.
2nd-Some prospect of being paid soon.
3rd-Report that Burnsides is superceded by Hooker.
4th-We were paid today by Major Bridgeman for two months, up to Aug. 31st, 1862. We settled our clothing account. My account was $54.20. Allowance $42.00. I received $21.00. Learn that we have a new Chaplain. Mr. Trask (Baptist).
5th-Snowed last night and this morning. The snow is two inches deep. I was out with the forage train today. Bible class in our Co. tonight, organized by the Chaplain.
6th-More pleasant. Snow melting. Scout out today.
7th-Snow all gone. No news of importance.
8th-Sunday. The Co. was out with the forage train.
9th-It is reported that one of our gun boats (Queen of the West) has run by Vicksburg. (ON Feb 1st).
10th-G.H. Everett got back today. He has been home.
11th-More rain. Weather warm, and roads very muddy.
12th-The company was on a scout today. Saw no rebels.
13th-More rain this morning.
14th-Valentine day. Rained very hard all the forenoon. Thunder shower tonight. Some of the boys are engaged in writing Valentines. Our mail is very irregular.
15th-Sunday. A part of the Co. is our foraging.
16th-It has rained nearly all day. Heard some firing in the southwest, but don't know what is means.
17th-More rain last night.
18th-Raining again today. Another of our boats, the Indianola, has run the blockade at Vicksburg.
19th-Nothing new, except that it is not raining.
20th-Clear and beautiful day. It begins to look like spring. The mud is drying up fast.
21st-Heavy rain today. The roads will soon be muddy as ever. They are too bad to haul forage if we could help it.
22nd-Sunday. A part of the company is out on Patrol.
23rd-Beautiful day. We have at last received some grain from the north. We have foraged on the country all the time since we left Trenton, but corn is getting scarce.
24th-Still pleasant, but I look for rain by tomorrow.
25th-Heavy rain today. The streams are all very high.
27th-A little more rain. Learn that the gunboat, Queen of the West, was captured by the rebels on the 17th; also the Indianola on the 20th, both below Vicksburg.
28th-Muster for pay. Capt. Cook is yet at Trenton. H. Horn and D.M. Cole are at Brigade Head Quarters. Marti and Stillhammer, in Hospital at Keokuk Iowa. The men taken prisoners at Trenton are at St. Louis. T.W. Ramsey has been unwell for several days. He is now in the hospital and is quite sick with Typhoid.
March 1863
1st-Making out Muster and Pay rolls.
2nd-We have commenced building stables for our horses, and preparing to stay here awhile.
3rd-Finished muster and pay rolls; also pay rolls for Oct. 31st. Prospect for being paid again.
4th-Beautiful weather. The mud is drying up again.
5th-Capt. Cook returned to the company today.
6th-Some appearance of rain again. No news.
7th-A small scout out today. Saw no rebels.
8th-Sunday. The company was out with the forage train.
9th-The regiment has gone out on a scout, with three days rations. Raining again tonight.
10th-Heavy rain last night, and has rained all day.
11th-The scout came in today. The 6th Illinois cavalry broke up the rebel Richardson's camp, and took several prisoners. Our regiment captured Gen Looney, a Major, and some others.
12th-Wrote to father and sent him some Tobacco seed.
13th-J.D. Franklin got here today. He came very unexpectedly. We were very glad to see him. T. W. Ramsey is growing better slowly. Saw A.W. Allen today. The 26th Illinois Reg. and 100th Indiana are here.
14th-No news. Begins to look like spring.
15th-Sunday. Was out with the forage train. Had a little skirmish with some rebel Cavalry. Two of our Reg. slightly wounded. Two reb's supposed to be killed, other wounded.
16th-Part of the regiment went out again today with the 7th Kansas. We had Bible Class tonight. Lesson, 4th chapter of Matthew. Had a pleasant and interesting conversation on Christ's temptation.
17th-Scout came in today. They had a little fight with some Rebel Cav. They killed three reb's and wounded others. None of our men were hurt.
18th-John Feltman and George Franklin were discharged today. Beautiful weather. Early Peach and Plum trees are in bloom; winter wheat is growing nicely;
19th-We were paid today by Maj. Hazelton for two months, up to Oct 31st. I rec'd $40.00. Mr. Franklin and George started home today. Sent $20.00 to S. Kirkpatrick.
20th-The weather is becoming more settled.
21st-Nice weather. Peach and Plum trees are in full bloom.
22nd-Sunday. Scout today. We went to Mt. Pleasant and Lafayette and then home. We saw no enemy. I saw a small field of corn that was planted yesterday.
23rd-Busy today coping orders in the Company Order book. Some appearance of rain.
24th-Rained nearly all day. No news of importance.
25th-Busy today copying orders in the Company Order book. Some appearance of rain.
26th-Learn that the 33rd Illinois, or Normal regiment, has gone down the river to Vicksburg.
27th-Fixed up our pay rolls of Feb. 28th.
28th-Heard this morning that a train of cars had been captured this side of Moscow. The regiment was ordered out, went to Cold Water, Mt. Pleasant, and home. Rode 30 miles, but saw no enemy.
29th-Sunday. Heavy wind last night, quite cool today. Learn that the 3rd Illinois Cav. Is at Germantown. Saw M. Dixon. Col. McCrellis of the 3rd is now our brigade commander.
30th-The weather is yet cool and windy.
31st-The news from Vicksburg is good, but nothing decisive is done yet.
April 1863
1st-All fool's day. Warm again and pleasant. Patrol out today, but saw nothing of importance.
2nd-Have been busy writing on company business.
3rd-Still beautiful weather. No news.
4th-F. Cullum and I. Johnston are here tonight.
5th-Sunday. No meeting. Inspection day.
6th-A.M. Montgomery was discharged today. Some powder burned today, celebrating Shiloh.
7th-Beautiful day. No news.
8th-Patrol from our company today. Saw nothing.
9th-Weather warm and pleasant.
10th-Reported that Charleston is taken. (Doubtful).
11th-The report about Charleston being taken is, as I expected, nothing but camp rumor.
12th-Sunday. Pleasant day. No news.
13th-Muster day. T.W. Ramsey was discharged today. He has not able to walk about. Raining tonight.
14th-Rained all last night. T.W. Ramsey started home.
15th-Fine weather. Reported now that all communication with the north is stopped.
16th-No papers, and no news from below.
17th-The above report proves to be a mistake, but the Memphis papers are stopped by order of Gen. Grant, for publishing contraband news.
18th-Report that Com. Dupont made an unsuccessful attack on Charleston on the 7th. The Keokuk was sunk.
19th-Sunday. Heavy rain and wind last night.
20th-Good news from Vicksburg, if true. Farragut's fleet and Grant's forces are said to be at Warrenton.
21st-Wrote to Wm. E. Elliott today.
22nd-Forces have gone from Memphis and Lagrange to Hernando and Holly Springs, and drove the Reb's away.
23rd-Fine weather. Everything is growing nicely.
24th-Rain this morning. Cleared off warm in the afternoon.
25th-Received orders for the effective force of the regiment to be ready to march at 8 o'clock tonight with four days rations. Now ready. We go to Lagrange tonight.
28th-In our old camp at Lagrange. Got here at 8 o'clock this morning. Fed our horses, got breakfast, and have been resting all day. We are sleepy. Some rain last night. Maj. Wemple is in command of the regiment.
29th-Camp near Ripley Miss. Started from Lagrange early this morning. Our force consists of the 4th Illinois and 2nd Iowa Cav., the 6th Iowa, Mounted infantry, and one company of the 2nd Tennessee Cav., in all 1300 men, and 4 howitzers, all commanded by Colonel Hatch of the 2nd Iowa. Col. Grierson, with the 6th and 7th Illinois Cav. Has gone ahead to Okolona. Co. G is on picket tonight.
30th-Camp in Pontotoc County, 15 miles north of Pontotoc, and 7 miles southeast of New Albany. Passed through a very rough country today. Folks generally poor. Men nearly all in the army. The women are very old fashioned and are nearly all dressed in home made clothing. Chamlers (Rebel) was at New Albany with 2500 men, but reports say that he left there today.
May 1863
1st-Mayday. Camp in Harrisburg, a small village in Itawamba Co. And three miles west from the Mobile and Ohio railroad. Passed through Chesterville today. Small village. Poor country. Have seen but few niggars yesterday and today. Report that Col. Grierson has cut the R.R. between Jackson and Meridian. Also that the rebels have a strong force at Okolona.
2nd-Cam 6 miles west of Verona, a small town, and almost entirely deserted, and moved south into the edge of Monroe Co. Came to the Koonewa River and found the bridge destroyed so we couldn't cross Came back to this place. Better country today.
3rd-Sunday. Camp two miles north of New Albany, a small town on the Tallahatchie River. We started about bedtime last night, and moved several miles, and camped again 8 miles east of Pontotoc. This place is 18 miles out of Ripley. Chalmers burned the bridge here before he left, but we forded the river without trouble. Saw some good country today.
4th-Camp on a large plantation belonging to a Mr. Palmer, and two miles south of Ripley. We find plenty of Horse food and meat here. The old man had his meat hid in the wood pile. The 46th Ill. Reg., mounted, is here tonight. It is said now that Grierson has gone on too Baton Rouge. We have been living on the country and taking their horses, mules and niggars.
5th-Old camp at Lagrange. Came through Ripley this morning. It has been a flourishing town, and the county seat of Tippan County, but at least, half of it is deserted, and the men there, and all through the country, are in the army.
6th-Collierville. Home again. Some rain last night. Slept but little. Quite cool today. The object of our expedition seems to have been to draw the attention of the enemy, and keep him from following Grierson. We captured and brought into camp about 200 horses and mules, and 150 Negroes. Also about 20 prisoners. In the country we have been over, I think that not more than half the land is being cultivated. The white men are in the army and the niggars are running away. The folks in the country are plowing corn. Cotton is coming up, but little planted this year. Their meat is spoiling because it was not salted enough.
7th-Beautiful weather. We were paid today by Maj. Walker, for 4 months up to Feb 28th, '63. I received $80.00.
8th-Warm day. Have been drawing and issuing clothing. Good news from the East and from Vicksburg. Heavy fighting on the Rappahannoc.
9th-Have been writing all day. News from the East not so good, at least it is more conflicting.
10th-Sunday. Glorious news if true. Received a dispatch this afternoon from Gen. Hurlburt, stating that the Stars and Stripes float over Richmond. Taken by Stoneman; that Hooker has been re-enforced; and that Grant is in the rear of Vicksburg, and has destroyed the Black River railroad bridge.
11th-Yesterday's dispatch concerning Richmond is confirmed, but still I think it is doubtful.
12th-News from the east not so good. Richmond is not taken. Hooker has retreated across the Rappahannock.
13th-Patrol out today. No news from below. It seems to be the prevailing opinion that Hooker is all right and will immediately advance.
14th-Reports from the East flattering, but nothing definite. We look for stirring news from Vicksburg before long. Grant took Grand Gulf on the 6th and is now in the rear of the Rebel stronghold. Scout went out today across Wolf River. Fine shower last night. Weather warm.
15th-Reported that Stonewall Jackson and Van Dorn are dead. Also that Col. Hatch had got into a fight with the reb's at Cold Water. We were ordered out to reinforce him. We got to town and were ordered back.
16th-No news today. Adjutant Gen. Thomas was here this afternoon and gave us a short speech on the new policy of organizing and arming the Negroes.
17th-Sunday. Preaching this afternoon by the Chaplain. Preached a very good sermon, on the text, Render unto Cesar etc. I think our Chaplain is a good man and is trying to do all the good he can. He is friendly and sociable, and distributes tracts and papers through the regiment every Sunday. This has been a beautiful day.
18th-Midnight. They have got up a scare at Germantown tonight. I have to stay up to send out a patrol at 12 o'clock. We are ordered to be ready to saddle and mount our horses on short notice. We had Bible class in our tent tonight. Our lesson was the last half of the 4th chapter of Matthew.
19th-Got up this morning at 3 o'clock, saddled and fed our horses, and got breakfast. About daylight the scouts came in and reported all quiet. Reported today that Grant has taken Jackson, and that Vicksburg is evacuated.
20th-We thought last night that the scare was over, but about midnight they got us up, and the Reg. started for Cold Water. We found no enemy, and got back before night. About sunset a squad of Rebel Cavalry made a dash on our infantry pickets and captured some of the. We were all in line in a hurry, but soon came back and got orders to march tomorrow morning with three days rations.
21st-Camp at Byhalia, 18 miles south of Collierville. Eight companies of us (187) men, in command of Maj. Townsend. We came within three miles of Byhalia, drove in the enemy's pickets and met the 3rd and 9th Illinois Cav. And returned to this place in command of Col. McCrellis. There was a small force of reb's here but they soon left. Col. Hatch came in with the 2nd and 6th Iowa Reg's and 6 pieces of Artillery. We have two six pound howitzers. The whole commanded by col. Hatch. The rebels are now said to be at Senatobia.
22nd-Camp in the country. I hardly know where, but about 8 miles north of Luxahoma and 10 miles from Senatobia. We have run on a little squad of rebel cavalry two or three times today and drove them forward. Came through two villages today. Cochran's cross roads and Bucksnort. Weather warm and roads dusty. Have plenty of good hams to eat.
23rd-Camp two miles south of Senatobia. Came up with a large force of rebel cavalry on Hickory Creek, north of town. Had quite a sharp fight with them, but they skedaddled. The reb's were commanded by Col. McCullough of the 2nd Missouri. They lost 11 killed and 12 wounded. Our loss none. The fighting was done by our brigade. Col. Hatch having gone around to the left. We took several prisoners. Senatobia is a small town on the Memphis and Jackson railroad. Rebels report that Grant has lost 40,000 men. While resting in town, some of the boys set fire to a house and burned half the town. The reb's have gone to Penola, 18 miles south of Tallahatchie.
24th-Sunday. Camp near Cold Water station. We went south today within 8 miles of Ponola. Tried to coax the rebels out, but couldn't do it. Ponola is on the south side of the Tallahatchie River and we hadn't force enough to cross. Saw the best country today that I have seen in Miss. Some large plantations and fine residences. The wheat crop here is large and tolerable good. I saw two pieces that were harvested yesterday.
25th-Camp near Pleasant Hill and 15 miles from Collierville. Came through Hernando, County seat of Desoto country, a pleasant town but some of the best of it has been burned. Weather still warm. Roads dry and very dusty.
26th-Camp at Collierville. Got home at noon found the boys all well. They have had a great scare in camp ever since we left. With the exception of dusty roads we had a very pleasant trip. While out I saw F. Cullum, M. Yoder, and C. Sackett. There was a good deal of Jay hawking done on the trip. Besides taking horses, mules, niggars etc. I think it is right to confiscate any rebel property that we need, but the system of allowing men to plunder for themselves, and to rob women and children is entirely wrong. News from Grant is that he has taken Jackson, had a big fight at Raymond on the 12th, and at Champion Hills on the 16th, and at Big Black River Bridge on the 17th. He whipped them every time, and has drove them into Vicksburg. Sherman has taken Haines Bluff.
27th-Weather warm. No new. All quite here.
28th-Another fight at Vicksburg on the 22nd. Reported that Pemberton has offered to surrender the place and guns, but grant will accept nothing but unconditional surrender, he is shelling them day and night. Our Brigade is allowed to furnish officers for a Negro regiment of Cavalry. I have been offered a Captain's commissioner in it.
29th-The folks here have commenced harvesting.
30th-Had a fine shower of rain today. Wrote to Elliott and sent him a likeness (his sister's) that he left here.
31st-Sunday. Beautiful day. Ordered on a scout tomorrow, with 3 days rations. We will go north of Wolf River.
June 1863
1st-Camp tonight at Dr. Cole's, 2 miles north of Hickory With, a small village 18 miles north of Collierville. We caught five guerrillas in the town. Our object on this trip seems to be to enlist Negroes. We have picked up a few, and some mules. Prospect of rain tonight.
2nd-Collierville. Rain this morning, with heavy thunder, and lightning struck a tree within 20 feet of the road just as I was passing it. A splinter struck me on the arm, but didn't hurt me much. Rec'd a letter from I.C. McNeil informing me that brother Havilah was killed at Vicksburg, May 22nd, in charge on the rebel works. He was shot just under the left eye, and probably died instantly. He was buried by his comrades May 25th, under "Flag of Truce." Our loss was heavy.
3rd-Fine shower this morning. Orders this evening from C.C. Washburne, Maj. Gen. Commanding Cavalry Division, to be ready to take the field at a moments notice. Learn that Val and Ingham, of Ohio, has been sent south to Bragg's army. Good enough for him. I with the Copperheads could all be sent to the same place.
4th-Another shower today. Some fears that Johnson will attack Grant n the rear. The papers say that in our fight at Senatobia the rebels lost nine Killed and 16 wounded and that we took 65 prisoners. Also that we brought into camp 500 horses and mules and 200 Negroes.
5th-Our Company sent to Germantown today as escort for some teams going after clothing. Had a pleasant visit to the 3rd Cav. (Illinois). Saw the boys and took dinner with them. Great changes are being made along the R.R. They are building the bridges and repairing the road through to Corinth, so as to evacuate the Central road and send all the troops they can to Grant. The Infantry here are ready to move. Don't know whether we will move or not.
6th-At Lafayette, 7 miles east of Collierville. Company G (lt. Donica and 25 men and Company "F", (lt. Cool: and 15 men) under command of Major Townsend, came here this evening to guard the road and Depot, while the changes are being made along the line. The 90th Illinois Irish Legion has been here. They all left tonight on the train. We are all on guard, divided into three reliefs.
7th-Sunday. This has been a pleasant day, but rather lonesome. Only 40 of us here. They have not sent us any rations today. Learn that Gen. Burnsides has ordered the suppression of the Chicago Times. It will create a good deal of noise in the north.
8th-Heavy rain this morning. We go some rations and horse feed today. We keep out 10 pickets and 2 camp guards; also patrol the railroad 3 miles each way. Learn that parts of the 3rd and 9th Ill. Cav. Were out today under Col. Wallace, and had a skirmish with 40 or 50 rebels. And drove them south of Byhalia. Three of their ambulance horses were killed by lightening. Gen. Oglesby is new in command of the forces on the road. Jackson and Bolivar have been evacuated. Hurlburt and most of his troops have gone down the river. Gen. Washburne has gone to Vicksburg. The weather is cool today.
9th-More rain. A number of troops and some artillery have gone west. We are likely to stay here for some days yet. We are getting a little tired of it, but if heavy work here will hasten the downfall of Vicksburg or relieve our brave boys there, we are willing to stand it. I find R.M. Benson's name in the list of wounded that have come up to Memphis.
10th-Two companies of the 50th Ind. Stopped here last night. They went on guard this morning and let us rest today. Burnsides order is rescinded by the President and the Chicago Times is allowed to live.
11th-On guard again today. A part of our force was out today to Mt. Pleasant. Saw no enemy. Reported that a squad of Reb's (2nd Missouri Cav.) was there yesterday.
12th-All quiet along the road. Col. Wallace is in command at Collierville. Learn that W. Saunders of the 8th Ill. Was killed at Vicksburg. All is going well below. Banks has Port Hudson surrounded. Johnson is gathering a heavy force at Jackson, but Grant will be ready for him. The Negroes fought well at Port Hudson.
13th-Our force went to Mt. Pleasant again today. Found nobody there but citizens. The 94th Illinois has gone down the river. The wheat in this neighborhood is all ripe. Some of it has been cut, but a good deal of it will be lost for want of help. The niggars have all run off.
14th-Sunday-Collierville. I came down this afternoon on the cars, after rations. Find all well. R.W. Hanford has got back, and is now Post Quarter. Master. G.H. Everett is acting Regiment Com. Serg't. Company "D" has joined the regiment. All here now except Co. "A".
15th-All back to Collierville. Received orders for escort tomorrow morning, at daylight, with five days rations.
16th-Camp-8 miles from Byhalia, on the road to Holly Springs. The 4th and 9th and 4 companies of the 3rd are here. At Cold Water we found about 40 of the reb's in ambush. Several shots were fired. Co. ":" was in the advance, and two of their men were badly but not dangerously would, and one horse killed. We have caught seven of the rebels. Co. "G" is on picket.
17th-Camp in Wayatt, a small town on the Tallahatchie River, 5 miles below the central railroad crossing. Formed a junction here with Col. Hatch's brigade, and the 2nd Iowa and 3rd Michigan. The river is high and the bridge destroyed. We soon made a temporary bridge, a string of logs for footmen and a raft for wagons and artillery. We swim the horses across. Hatch's brigade has crossed and we will cross in the morning. Our company is camped in an old building. McCrellis commands our Brigade. Col. Misner is in command of the Expedition. There is a beautiful landscape view on the south side of the river, viewed from the bluff back of town. I don't know where we are going, but suppose to Ponola, as the reb's are said to have a strong force there. We will be enough for them this time.
18th-Camp near the Tallahatchie, 8 miles above Ponola. Our Reg. crossed the river this morning in one hour and 20 minutes. Came out 4 miles, fed and got dinner. It is said that Gen. Chalmers has 3,000 men at Ponola, but I believe he will run off without a fight. Heavy rain last night, but our company was all under shelter in an old building. We had a great time in crossing the river, swimming horses, and bringing the saddles and arms over on rafts and the footbridge. Luckily no one was drowned.
19th-Came 7 miles north of Ponola on the Senatobia road. Went into Ponola this morning but found no enemy. Their whole force left yesterday. We went a few miles south of town, fed and got some dinner, then came back and crossed the river in a ferryboat. Ponola is, or rather was, a pleasant village on the Jackson and Tenn. Railroad, and the County Seat of Ponola County. The town was pretty thoroughly Jay hawked and part of it burned. There was a newspaper published there called the Ponola Star. It was effectually suppressed. We confiscated the press and brought it with us. We also found some clothing and arms. I suppose was are homeward bound. Some say the Chalmers has moved north.
20th-Camp north of Cold Water, and two miles south of Hernando, and 38 miles from Collierville. Came through Senatobia. They have been Jay Hawking, largely today taking a great many horses, mules, and Negroes, and burned a great amount of property, cotton gins, barns, corncribs, fences, and wheat shocks. As we pass along we can see the smoke curling up from every farm, within 3 or 4 miles of the road on each side. I don't like the policy of burning up private property and plundering their houses. It has a demoralizing effect on the army.
21st-Camp at Collierville. Sunday. Came through Hernando, Pleasant Hill, and Center Hill. Find all quiet here. We brought in 300 horses and mules, and about 500 Negroes of all ages and sizes, sex and color. One family, a light mulatto man, his wife almost white, and a pretty little daughter, as white as anybody. Their owner had started them to Florida. The property brought in is worth a million dollars. Chalmers came to Hernando. Some cavalry from Memphis had a fight with him here and got whipped.
22nd-The papers talk of a rebel raid into Pennsylvania. The President has called for one hundred thousand militia for six months. Weather warm. Blackberries getting ripe.
23rd-Pleasant weather. All well. Nothing new.
24th-Rained all day, sometimes very hard.
25th-Heavy rain last night, and some today.
26th-More rain last night. New from Vicksburg, report the siege progressing favorably.
28th-A very warm day with more rain.
29th-The rebel raid in the east is a big thing. Lee's whole army is moving northward.
30th-Muster for pay. Vicksburg holds out yet. The weather is warm. A little more rain today.
July 1st-Very warm. Another shower today. The news is not very encouraging. Both military and political news are all in a muddle. It is reported that Johnson is preparing to attack Memphis. A large part of Lee's army is in Penn., and it is rumored that Bragg is sending his army to Richmond. The peace party in the north appears to grow stronger. Organized bodies of Copperheads are resisting the enrolment and preparing to resist the draft in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and other places. The administration moves slowly. Many good men are getting tired of the war. A great many of the politicians and army officers are working for self and party nore than for the country.
2nd-More rain. News a little better. Rosecrans is moving on the reb's. Hooker has been superceded by Meade, as commander of the army of the Potomac.
3rd-Rebel report that Johnson will attack Bank's rear. The rain has ruined a great deal of wheat.
4th-Independence Day. No celebration here except firing 34 guns. They are having a celebration in Memphis, speeches, steamboat excursion, and picnic. The Union element is strong there. Over eleven thousand persons have taken the oath. No doubt many of them are Secesh, but have concluded to take the oath, and thus save their property.
5th-Sunday. Reported in today's paper that Generals Dix and Keys have taken Richmond. (Doubtful).
6th-A dispatch this afternoon from Gen. Hurlburt states that Vicksburg surrendered on the 4th. No particulars. Also that they have had a fight at Helena. Prentiss has whipped three times his number. Killed and wounded 600 and took 1200 prisoners. Glorious news if all true.
7th-This morning's paper confirms yesterday's news. Reported that Bragg has evacuated Tullahoma, Rosecrans is pushing on after him. Col. Dickey made a Copperhead speech at the convention at Springfield Ill.
8th-Pleasant day. No news. Have been busy writing today. Ordered to be ready to march at any time.
9th-Cheering news today from all points. The number of prisoners taken at Vicksburg is said to be 32,540, also 36 siege guns and 50,000 stand of small arms. Meade is reported to be shipping Lee's army in the east.
10th-No news today. Weather warm
11th-Warm, cloudy, and dull. General inspection today-mounted. I had the offer today of a Captain's commissioner in a Negro regiment. Captain Rockwood to be Colonel.
12th-Sunday. Preaching by Chaplain. Reports from the battle at Gettysburg Penn, on the 3rd and 4th are that Meade has captured 60 pieces of Cannon, and that Lee has lost 35,000 men, anxious to hear the result.
13th-No late papers. Singular weather for the time of year. It is cloudy or rather hazy, foggy and dark today and tonight is quite cool and damp.
14th-Not much news. Gen. Sherman is after Johnson. Morgan has crossed into Indiana with a large Cavalry force.
15th-The surrender of Port Hudson is confirmed. Gen. Gardner surrendered 3,000 prisoners to Gen. Banks. Weather cool. Rec'd orders to be ready to march with four days rations.
16th-The 9th Ill. Cav. And 4 companies of the 4th B, D, G, and K, all under command of Col. McCrollis started this morning with four days rations to go north and hunt for Richardson. I stayed in camp to make up some Ordinance Reports. Col. Hatch had a fight last Monday with the Rebels at Jackson.
17th-Report today that Lee has got across the Potomac; also from Rebel sources that Charleston has been attacked, Morris Island taken and a breech made in the walls of Sumpter. Morgan is yet in Indiana.
18th-Lee has crossed the Potomac and is moving south. Morgan's raid continues. He has gone east to Ohio.
19th-Sunday. Weather quite warm today. Latest accounts say that Morgan was in Adams County Ohio.
20th-Reports from Charleston confirmed.
21st-Gen. Sherman has taken Jackson Miss., and Rosecrans is said to be at Chattanooga. Bragg's army has gone from there, but I don't know where.
22nd-Nothing decisive from Charleston.
23rd-There has been a great riot in New York City, but it has been Quelled by the Militia. Report that Morgan has been captured in Ohio.
24th-No news, except that I am getting the sore eyes.
25th-Report in camp that Charleston is taken.
26th-Gen. Sherman has routed Johnson and taken Jackson Miss. Charleston is not taken.
27th-Companies B, C, and D are ordered to Vicksburg to join Co. A as body guard for Gen. Grant. They started this morning. This leaves eight companies here and makes the duty more heavy.
28th-Not much news. The draft is progressing in the northern states. My eyes are very sore.
29th-The weather is very warm and sultry.
30th-The papers today say the Morgan and the balance of his raiders have been captured in Ohio.
31st-This is the end of a eventful month in the Military history of the country. Vicksburg and Port Hudson have been taken. The great battle at Gettysburg has been fought. Lee's army driven out of Pennsylvania with heavy loss. Rosecrans has advanced in Chattanooga. Jackson Miss. Capture. Morgan and his force taken, and a heavy assault is now being made on Charleston, S.C.
August 1863
1st-Weather warm. W.H. Sparks, S. Archer, and I. Herr started home today on 30 day furloughs. I sent fifty dollars to S. Kirkpatrick by Sparks.
2nd-Sunday. Pleasant day. Preaching by Chaplain.
3rd-No news from the army. The weather is warm, but we have a good shower of rain occasionally.
4th-We can now get green corn and apples to eat. Peaches are also getting ripe.
5th-Rain this afternoon. We are all anxiously awaiting news for Charleston.
6th-Fine rain again this afternoon.
7th-Nothing new of any kind in camp.
8th-Latest reports from Carolina say the work still goes on. They were bombarding Fort Wagner.
9th-Sunday. Preaching in camp by Chaplain.
10th-Weather very warm. My eyes are a little better.
11th-Fine shower of rain this afternoon. Had some nice ripe peaches today, and some new potatoes.
12th-The regiment is ordered to be ready to move this evening, with six days rations, but I don't think they will start before morning.
13th-The effective force of the Brigade started this morning in command of Col. Wallace. I think they are getting to Water Valley to destroy some railroad cars said to be there.
14th-Our camp is nearly deserted. Only a few men left, except the sick. Capt. Cook, Commanding. `15th-A warm day. No Memphis papers today.
17th-It seems very lonesome to stay in camp while the regiment is away on a scout, and while the weather is so warm, camp is a dull place.
18th-Still warm. My eyes are not so well.
19th-The regiment has not come back yet. They have gone on to Grenada where they expect to meet a force from Vicksburg, clean out the rebels there, and destroy a great amount of railroad stock that the rebels have got together there.
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1st-Reported that Forts Sumpter and Wagner are in our Possession. (Doubtful) Learn that Jonathan Rowell of Co. G, 17th Ill. Regt, is dead. Another old friend has fallen. Some persons have been doing quite a business at stealing horses in our regiment and selling them to citizens in the country. They tried to take some of our horses last night. They did not succeed, but succeeded in getting away.
3rd-Quite warm today. Have been making muster and pay rolls. Some prospect of being paid soon.
4th-New from Charleston good. Weather warm.
5th-The Paymaster is here and has paid the staff, but will not pay the companies until Monday.
6th-Sunday. No news. All quiet in camp.
7th-We were paid today by Maj. Johnston, for four months, up to June 30th in 1863. I received $80.00, Inspection of worn out property today by Brigade Inspectors.
8th-There is no more talk of the regiment moving.
9th-A small scout or patrol went out tonight. Sent some men to Memphis, today, for horses.
10th-Have been busy writing for three or four days. My eyes are not entirely well. The effective force of the regiment went out this morning with 4 days rations.
11th-The weather is quite warm and dry. We go 15 new horses today. Capt. Cook has gone to Memphis.
12th-The Regt. Came in today, they have been to Holly Springs but saw no enemy. Davidson, Jones, and Simpson started home today on thirty day furloughs.
13th-Sunday. No preaching. Some prospect of moving.
14th-Report that Rosecrans has possession of Chatanooga Tenn. Capt. Cook started home today, with leave of absence for 20 days. I sent sixty dollars by him to S. Kirkpatrick. To be left with R.L. Davis, County Clerk of McLean Co. We have just received orders to be ready to move at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.
15th-Memphis Tenn. Started from Collierville this morning and got into camp south of Memphis about sunset. I suppose we will go down the river soon. I saw I. Stephens, I. Ross and W. Wheeler of the 52nd today. Weather warm, roads dusty.
16th-We have turned over nearly all our tents and some other property. Getting ready for a trip down the river.
17th-Still in camp. The boys are having a great time going to town, spending their money spree ling, getting drunk, etc. Whisky makes a great deal of trouble among soldiers.
18th-In camp yet. Some prospect of starting tomorrow. Several of the officers are in town on a spree.
19th-On board steamer "Illinois," tied up 5 miles below Memphis. There are 4 companies on this boat and 54 on the "Tutt." Several officers are left behind. Lt. Baker among the rest. G.H. Everett and I went to the Theatre last night. Performance tolerably good.
20th-Sunday. Helena Ark. Got here about 2 o'clock P.M. Stopped for wood. We will lay here all night. The Guerrillas have been firing on boats lately and it is rather dangerous running at night. Helena is a small tow, but well fortified. It is 90 miles below Memphis and 325 miles above Vicksburg. I slept in a state room last night. Mosquitoes plenty.
21st-Anchored in the stream, just below Island no. 78. The river is very low, and the scenery, monotonous. There are but few plantations in sight of the river so far. Passed Napoleon today, a small town.
22nd-On the river. Stopped awhile this afternoon at Lake Providence. There are three regiments of colored troops there; also some plantations worked by contrabands. We will get to Vicksburg tonight. I slept on the upper deck last night. Fared better.
23rd-Vicksburg Miss. Landed here last night, about midnight. Got unloaded about noon and are stopping below the city. Saw some fine plantations along the river yesterday. The 33rd and 94th regiments have gone down the river. Will Hinshaw is with us tonight.
24th-Camped on Clear Creek, near Big Black River and 13 miles east of Vicksburg. One mile from the R. Road. A part of Gen. Sherman's Corps is here yet. The country between here and Vicksburg is very rough, hilly, and poor. The improvements have been good, but they are nearly all destroyed except the houses.
26th-I don't like our camp very much. We have plenty of good water but a poor camp ground. We will be likely to find a better place before long. Gen. Sherman's Head Quarters is 5 miles above here.
27th-Sunday. Camped 4 miles west of Brownsville. We started at 2 o'clock this afternoon, on a scout with four days rations. Parts of 5 regiments are along. The 4th, 5th, and 11th Illinois, the 10th Missouri and the 4th Iowa. All Cavalry, and in all about 900 men, commanded by Col. Winslow of the 4th Iowa. We are east of the Big Black. A large force of rebel cavalry is reported to be some where about here.
28th-Camped 2 miles from the Big Black and within 18 miles of Canton. Came though Vernon today. Came up to Whitfield's Rebel Cavalry, said to be 1,000 strong. Companies "F" and "G" were in the advance. We charged on their pickets, and run them 2 miles. We took 8 prisoners. The reb's left their camp; they are now shooting at our pickets.
29th-Camped tonight on Sandy Creek, 3 miles below Yazoo City. We left camp last night at dark and moved 10 miles up the Big Black and camped on the west side. We went to bed at one o'clock this morning and were awakened at daylight by four pieces of rebel artillery, firing on our pickets. Two companies went out and soon drove them off. I have seen some good farms today, but the corn crop is light, except on the river bottoms. Yazoo City is a nice town, and there are some fine farms near it. It was well fortified. There are no troops there now. Some rain this morning makes it more pleasant.
30th-Camped near Mechanicsburg, and near the Yazoo River. Saw two splendid plantations today in the Yazoo bottom, belonging to a Mr. Roach. He was in the rebel Army, was taken prisoner at Vicksburg, has taken the oath, and is now at home. Saw some Rice growing on his farm. In the bottoms I saw some heavy cane brakes. Also plenty of the Palm, of which fans are made. Saw some large Magnolia trees, and a few fig trees. We found a few figs, but they are nearly all gone. Also found some Chinkapin trees with plenty of nuts. Grapes and Persimmons are plenty, but hardly ripe. Raining tonight.
October 1863
1st-In camp on Big Black River. They have moved camp farther out now, 18 miles north east from Vicksburg. Gen. Sherman's Corps is all gone but one division. Report that Rosecrans has had a big fight and shipped the rebels badly. No particulars. We get no late news here. Also reported that Meade is moving and finds no enemy.
2nd-Busy fixing up camp. We have a very good camp ground. Several of the boys have been sick since we came here. None of them bad. All getting better. Gen. Sherman, with most of his corps, has gone up the river, probably to reinforce Rosecrans.
3rd-Our camp begins to look comfortable. There is no news yet. There is one division of Infantry, 5 regiments of Cavalry and some Artillery here all commanded by Brig. Gen. Tuttle, of Iowa.
4th-Sunday. No meeting. Weather warm and dry.
5th-Col. Wallace has been relieved from command of the Brigade and assumed command of the reg. Our Brigade now consists of the 4th, 5th, and 11th Illinois and the 4th Iowa, and the 10th Missouri, all cavalry, commanded by Col. Winslow of the 4th Iowa.
6th-Very windy. No late papers.
7th-Shower of rain last night, cool this morning. The nights are cool but is warm through the day.
8th-No news. Our camp is a very dull place. So far from the river that we get no late papers of any kind. Wetly, our cook (No.1) is sick, with lung fever.
9th-All pleasant weather lately. All quiet in camp.
10th-More troops are coming out to Black river. Report that we will leave here soon. Capt Cook got back today. Learn that Gen. Steele has taken Little Rock, Ark.
11th-Sunday, pleasant day. They have got up a scare tonight. It is reported that the Rebels will attack us tonight. We have our horses saddled and every thing ready for them. I don't think they will trouble us before daylight. There is still some prospect of moving from here, but I don't know which way. Walton and Vanderbilt have gone to the Hospital at Vicksburg.
12th-The scare of last night went off very quietly I slept till daylight. The prospect for a move seems to be only a preparation for a big scout, Probably to Jackson. Heavy rain and thunder this evening. The lighting struck a tree in camp and killed three horses, belonging to Co. G. Gen. Grant has gone up the river.
13th-No news. I saw Syd Brown today. He belongs to the Pioneer Corps. They have been building a bridge across the Big Black River. We had a Company and Battalion drill today.
14th-We have been very busy this afternoon, fixing up for a fig scout. We are to start tomorrow morning at 4 o'clock, with 8 days rations. Some teams will go along to haul rations. There is a large forge of Infantry and artillery here for the trip.
15th-Camped tonight east of the big Black and one mile west of Brownsville. We left camp at daylight this morning. The expedition is under command of Major. Gen McPherson. Gen. Logan is out with his division. Col. Winslow is in command of the Cavalry. Our whole force is probably 12,000 men. We had some skirmishing today. I only know of one rebel being killed. Only one of our men wounded so far as I know. We have a good place to camp tonight. Plenty of feed, fresh meat and sweet potatoes.
16th-Camp 5 miles east of Brownsville. Heavy skirmishing today. The Rebels have some artillery. We drove one Brigade of their Cavalry out of their camp. Our loss was two killed, one artillery man, and on of the 4 Iowa Cavalry. One of the Company F, 4th Ill. (Dooley) was wounded. We were dismounted twice today. Got a few shots, this afternoon at them, while their artillery was shelling us. Our force is divided; part of it is 5 miles south. We are now 18 miles from Jackson. In a good camp, but water is scarce.
17th-Camped on John Robison's plantation, 3 miles west of Livingston, 16 miles from here. Have been skirmishing nearly all day. We have plenty of potatoes and fresh pork for supper.
18th-Sunday. Camped tonight, 5 miles west of Clinton, a considerable town, 8 miles west from Jackson, and 6 miles east of Champion Hills but it is nearly deserted. We are now moving towards Vicksburg. A squad of Rebel Cavalry has been following us all day. Our regiment was rearguard a part of the time. 2 men of Co. L, and one of Co. K, were wounded. One man of 4th Iowa, Killed. Some rebels killed, I don't know how many. Some think as many as 20. Lt. Baker's horse (Squire) was killed this morning. Weather cool.
19th-In camp on Big Black. Our camps were all moved nearer the depot, for greater safety, while we were out. The reb's followed us to within 5 miles of camp. We had pleasant weather all through the trip, and got back sooner than we expected. Crossed Champion Hills today, 26 miles from Vicksburg and 20 miles from Jackson. The road is deserted and looks desolate. A great many of the buildings have been burned, showing the sad effects of war.
20th-Still in camp near the depot. Some of the Cavalry have moved back to their old camps. We will be likely to stay here. Our paroled men, Woodsides, Robins, Porch, Martin, and Hitch, have all got back. These men were taken prisoners by Forrest, at Trenton Tenn. Dec. 20th, 1862. Were paroled, and sent to Benton Barracks, St. Louis, Missouri. And have just returned. Papers say that Chalmers tried to take Collierville on the 12th, but failed. The work at Charleston goes on slowly. Our cook Westly died on the 15th inst.
21st-reported that the Northern elections have gone for the union Candidates by heavy majorities.
22nd-No news. Appearance of rain. I.M. Davidson and C.W. Jones got back from home today. J.W. Simpson is not well enough to come back yet.
23rd-Rained last night and nearly all day. I have been finishing up pay rolls today. Cleared off tonight and is quite cool.
24th-Weather cool and disagreeable. Frost this morning, the first we have had. Have been moving our tents and fixing up camp today.
25th-Sunday. Weather more pleasant. Built a furnace in our tent, it makes it very comfortable. I am now in the tent and mess with Capt. Cook. Lieut. Baker started home today for 20 days.
26th-Moved camp today. Now camped near gen. Tuttle's Head Quarters, on Hebron's Plantation in a large orchard. We are near the railroad, and 9 miles from Vicksburg. Good camp, but too far from water. Prospect for a fight in the east.
27th-We are busy fixing up camp. There is said to be 1200 acres of Orchard here, more than half of it pear trees. We are paid today for two months, by Maj. Greenawalt, up to Aug. 31st 1863. Settled out last years clothing acct. My account was $21.54. I received $60.45.
28th-The weather is warm and pleasant. I have been busy writing all day. Several of the boys are unwell. I reported 12 men as unfit for duty this morning.
29th-Maj. Wemple, Capt's Hitt and Shepherdson, and some others have gone north to recruit. No one gone from Co. G., we sent none last year but got all the recruits we wanted.
30th-Muster for pay. 65 men present. H. Horn, on detached service. Simpson and Kuhn, at home sick. Vanderbilt and Walton in Hospital at Vicksburg. W. Ellis, H. Moonberry, and S.F. Martin, started home today on 30 day furloughs.
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November 1863
15th-Sunday. Hiatt, Whiting, and I went to Vicksburg today, on horseback. Visited the 17th saw Capt. Rowell, C. Benson, C. Arnold, and M. Lollis they are all well. They are building splendid fortifications around the city. Got some pieces of the tree (live oak) that Grant and Pemberton sat under on the 3rd of July 1863.
15th-Sunday, on Clear Creek, two miles from camp, and three miles from Bovina Station, 10 miles east of Vicksburg, is a plantation owned by E.G. Marble, and called "Woodlawn," It has been a beautiful place, but Marble went off with the rebel army, leaving everything at the mercy of the Yankee invaders. On the plantation is a family burying ground containing a beautiful marble tomb; in which lies the remains of Mrs. Marble. On the marble slab is the following inscription:
"Lucinda A. wife of E.G. Marble, Born in Jefferson Co.
Miss. Feb. 24th, 1817. Died at Woodlawn, Warren Co.
Miss. Sept. 9th, 1854. The mother of Laura, Alfred
Thomas and Charles"
"That bliss was mine, now lost now gone forever. Those
Links are severed, the heavenly tie is broken-that warm
Heart lies chilled in death, and that heavenly brow now
Cold, those black and Lustrous orbs, that fair face and
Lovely form, once so light and gay, passions now fled,
The ills of life and love all over-this beautiful flower,
Though blight so, now sleeps within this vase, too pure
For earth, just ripe for heaven, will bloom again in paradise.
Sleep on thou loved one of my youth-thou once sharer
Of my joys and sorrows. No thorns grew in thy path,
For Virtue, Patience, Truth, and Charity, removed them.
Thy children will rise up and bless thy name, and weave
The garland around thy tomb-thy Husband, doomed to
Tread this earth alone, will cheer them on to deeds as pure
Thine; with them, will plant the annual rose and Lilly rare,
To deck the spot selected by him, who loved thee truly in
Life and loving they memory, will make that spot as sacred
As our mutual love. The wild birds will carol and sing there
Evening lays among the shrubs, the gentle rippling brook
Fall listless near thy grassy couch, until that great trump
Shall summon thy companion and children to meet thee
In that spirit land. E.G.M.
16th-Report of a battle at Tuscumbia. Also fighting in the east. The Union majority in Illinois is said to be 30,000, in White Oak town, 48.
17th-Frosty mornings, and warm days. We are now having very pleasant weather.
18th-It is reported that Gen. Meade has been fighting, and has taken 2,000 prisoners.
19th-Weather warm. We have been signing pay rolls today. There is some sign of being paid soon. Some appearance of rain.
20th-Light rain this afternoon. News is good from all quarters. Gen. Banks is said to have gone to Brownsville Texas.
21st-Fine weather again.
22nd-Sunday. Beautiful day. Meeting this afternoon in our quarters by Chaplain. Co. G is on picket.
23rd-Rain this afternoon. We were paid today by Maj. Greenawalt, for two months up to October 31st, 1863. I received forty dollars.
24th-Heavy rain last night. Busy writing today.
25th-We get a great many grape vine reports, but nothing reliable. We are having heavy duty to do. On picket or patrol every other day.
26th-A part of the regiment is out with one days rations.
27th-Cool, and appearance of rain. Two Brigades of Infantry came out from Vicksburg today. I hope they will take off some of our duty.
28th-Rain last night. Cool tonight. Papers say that Longstreet has attacked Burnsides at Knoxville.
29th-Cool and wintry.
30th-Heavy frost this morning. Report of a battle at Chattanooga on the 24th, also that the rebels have captured a boat on the Mississippi River, run it up past Vicksburg, and up the Yazoo River. Some of the Cavalry has gone in pursuit.
December 1863
1st-Frosty morning, but pleasant day.
2nd-Cool this morning. Got a paper today of the 26th, reports of a great battle between Grant and Bragg, we have no particulars. The boat story of the 30th was a hoax.
3rd-Warm day. Looks like Indian summer. If the first three days of December are types of the winter months, we will have a mild winter. A part of the regiment is out after forage. We have been scarce of horse feed ever since we came here. Sometimes not more than half enough.
4th-News from Grant good. He is pushing Bragg towards Atlanta, Ga. Meade is also pushing Lee. Foragers came in with corn. The effective force of the regiment has gone on a 5 days scout. I couldn't go on account of Company business. I think they go down the river.
5th-No news. Lieut. Baker got back today.
6th-Beautiful days. Sunday. Preaching in our quarters tonight by Chaplain.
7th-No news today. Made out T. Porch's discharge and final statements today. The discharge is dated November 23rd, 1863. Capt. Cook is now detailed on a Court Martial in session at Brigade Head-Quarters. Raining tonight.
8th-Reported that Meade has taken two Corps of Lee's Army prisoners. Too big a story to be true. Some recruits came in today. We get three of them. George W. Ramsey, John turner, and David Masten.
9th-Reported that our boys have had a fight at or near Natchez. There is quite a talk among the old regiments about enlisting as Veterans. Three fourths of a regiment have to re-enlist in order to get a new organization. I don't think our regiment will go into it very strong.
10th-Fine weather. No news from the North yet.
11th-In Vicksburg. Received marching orders just after noon. Packed up and started about sundown. Got here at 10 o'clock. Now stopped for night, in the street, in front of the Court House. (General Information: The very same court house where I Ronald Roy Wallace found this dairy, On November 2000, in a old abandoned desk.) I supposed we go to Natchez. A part of the reg. (Lt. Donica and 23 men of our Co.) is there now. Capt. Cook stays at Black River. Lt. Baker is not on duty, leaving me in command of the Co. Ellis, Mooberry, and Martin got back today.
12th-On board Steamer Era. A part of the regiment got on a boat this morning and started about noon. We got aboard this afternoon and are now (bed time) taking on wood. We will start in the morning. Nearly all the teams are left behind. One of our Co. teams aboard. One team, and ten men left.
13th-Sunday. On board boat, tied up near a gunboat, at Mississippi Island, and near Jeff Davis' Plantation. Our boat sprung a leak last night, and we did not get off till noon today. The boat was inspected and permitted to go after taking off some of the freight. The Guerrillas have been firing on boats lately, and as the river is low, they think it is best to tie up at night. Now 30 miles below Vicksburg.
14th-In camp 2 miles east from Natchez, on the old pryor race course. We landed here at noon today. Found the boys here, all well. Our boat carried safely through. Natchez is the prettiest town I have been in Dixie, and shows no marks of the war.
15th-Moved today. Now camped in the upper edge of the town, in some empty houses, and inside of the fortifications. We are on the Bluff, near the river. The balance of the teams and men have not come yet. There are more white slaves in Natchez than any place I have been. There are plenty of well dressed women to be seen, of all shades of color, from the whitest to the blackest.
16th-The effective force of the regiment was out today on a scout, under command of Capt. Merriman. We went out 15 miles on the Rodney, or Pine ridge, road. Rained very hard, nearly all the afternoon. Saw nothing of importance. Our teams got here today.
17th-We have been moving and fixing up camp today. We drew some more tents here. We are inside the Fortifications, and one company in a place. They are tearing down a large brick house near us, and we can get plenty of brick to build chimneys etc.
18th-Busy building up camp. I put up a chimney to my tent today. The weather is cool. It freezes a little at night, but thaws through the day. We have a good deal of work to do here so far, guard, patrols, etc.
19th-Cool, but pleasant weather for winter. Citizens say it is about as cold as it ever gets here.
20th-Sunday. Pleasant day. We are getting fixed up quite comfortable. There are some beautiful residences in this part of the country. There are also a great variety of Evergreen trees. Live Oak, Cedar, Pine, Magnolia, Holly, Myrtle, Gloria Mudi or Wild Peach, and some others. These trees and the Hawthorn hedges are all green and nice.
21st-Out on a scout. Camped near Churchill, 18 miles Northeast from Natchez. The regiment is out with 3 days rations. Reported that Adams' rebel Cavalry is at Fayette, the Co. Seat of Jefferson Co., and 8 miles from here. It is now midnight. We got some fresh meat, butter, milk and potatoes, at a house near by, and had a first rate supper. I am in command of Co. G, 52 men.
22nd-Camped on the road leading from Natchez to Fayette, 16 miles from Natchez and 10 miles from Fayette. We went to Fayette this morning. Some mounted Infantry got into town before us. They found a small squad of reb's and had a little skirmish with them. One man on each side was wounded. Adams' force was not there. Co. G is on picket tonight. There are some fine residences in this county. We have plenty of sweet potatoes to eat.
23rd-In camp at Natchez. Got back a little after noon. We did some hard riding today, but saw nothing of importance. Some recruits have come to the regiment.
24th-Christmas Eve. This has been a pleasant day. Had an invitation to a ball tonight. Didn't think it would pay, and didn't go. Don't desire acquaintance with rebel ladies.
25th-Christmas, that comes but once a year has come again. I am much more pleasantly situated than I was a year ago. I hope the war may be over, and that both armies may be at home. Enjoying peace and union under the old flag, before another Christmas.
26th-Had inspection today, and I had to make out a long report, as commander of the Co. I am getting tired of doing the work of 3 or 4 officers, all at the same time.
27th-Sunday. No meeting. It is cloudy and a little cool, but not cold enough to freeze. No news here.
28th-Nearly all the regiment went out on a scout today.
29th-Weather warm and pleasant. The regiment came in this afternoon, and brought in two rebel soldiers. Commenced making muster rolls. Grape vine reports that Bragg's army has thrown down their arms. Raining tonight.
30th-Rained last night and today, and is still raining. Our quarters are very muddy. It is very hard on our horses.
31st-Muster for pay. Capt. Cook Absent, 4 men away on detached service, 4 men in hospital at Vicksburg. Simpson at home sick. Present, 60 men. Total 69. Rain last night. Windy, cool, and freezing tonight. Thus ends the old year, tomorrow will usher in the year 1864.
January 1864
1st-Friday. New Years day. The weather is more moderate, a little cool, but pleasant winter weather. The ground is frozen about two inches, but is thawing today. There is nothing of importance doing here today. On year has run its rounds under the Emancipation Proclamation. It has worked well so far. The Rebellion is not ended, but it is playing out very fast. But few in our regiment are re-enlisting.
2nd-No news. I have been making muster and pay rolls.
3rd-Sunday. Preaching this afternoon by Chaplain. We now have lighter work. There is no cavalry here but our 8 companies, and we have been keeping out a heavy cavalry picket until lately. We now have but one man on each of seven roads.
4th-We are no building stables for our horses, and preparing to stay here awhile.
5th-Rain today. Cool tonight. This is the last day for enlisting as Veterans. They have got about 80 men. Six of Col. G offered themselves; only one, T.B. Faught, accepted.
6th-Quite cold this morning. There was a light skift of snow this morning, the first we have had. Citizens say this is the coldest weather they have know here for thirty years. Up north it would be called a very mild winter. Capt. Cook got here today.
7th-More moderate, but still cool. A part of the regiment went out yesterday, broke up a conscript camp, and came in today with 19 prisoners.
8th-Some rain today, but cool tonight.
9th-This was the coldest morning we have had. The ground is frozen 3 to 5 inches. Having chimneys and wood, our tents are comfortable.
10th-Sunday. Noon. The regiment is ordered to march at 2 o'clock this afternoon, with one and a half days rations.
11th-In camp. We went to Fayette last night, 25 miles. Got there at 11 o'clock. Searched the town, found nothing. Went out 4 miles and camped at 2 o'clock this morning. It rained all night. We slept but little. Got back today. We rode 65 miles in 28 hours. The streams are very hight.
12th-The weather is warmer, and the roads a5e getting very muddy. Recruits are coming down on nearly every boat. Reports of very cold weather up north.
13th-The regiment went out again today. I did not go. We get but little mail lately.
14th-The regiment came in today. Our company captured several horses. This is the first time we have been allowed to take rebel property at this place.
15th-Clear, warm, and pleasant.
16th-Warm. The mud is drying up fast. They are not giving any furloughs here yet, and I have about given up going home until my time is out. I suppose the Veterans will get the furloughs.
17th-Sunday. Cloudy and some appearance of rain. Our mails are very irregular yet.
18th-Still cloudy and warm. Heavy rain last night.
19th-Clear and warm. Looks like spring. Mounted inspection today, by Capt. Williams, Brigade Inspector.
20th-Fine weather. No news.
21st-Beautiful day. There are a number of cases of small-pox in the city, but mostly among Negroes.
22nd-A part of the forces here are going North today, leaving 4 regiments of Infantry (2 of them Colored), Our Cavalry, and 4 pieces of Artillery, here. There are 4 large guns on the fortifications.
23rd-It is reported that there is a rebel force at Washington, 8 miles east of here.
24th-Sunday. The effective force has been out today. They found Wirt Adam' Cavalry, camped east of Washington. Did not attack them. A company of mounted infantry was out yesterday to escort a cotton train. They got into a fight, and about 20 of them were gobbled up by the reb's. The weather is warm. Mud is drying up, and everything looks like spring.
25th-The cavalry and some infantry went out at 2 o'clock this morning. Found a few reb's on this side of Washington. Had a little skirmish and drove them off. None of our men hurt. Two horses in our Co. Wounded.
26th-Beautiful weather. No news.
27th-All quiet. The reb's seem to have left the country.
28th-The pickets got up a scare this morning. The regiment went out today, but found nothing.
29th-All quiet in front. Reported that a regiment of rebel Cav. 400 men, deserted and came into Vicksburg a few days ago. Deserters come in here every day.
30th-Some rain today. Reports say that a large expedition is moving out from Lagrange, Tenn. Also one from Vicksburg.
31st-Sunday. Went to meeting in town this forenoon, heard a Mr. Hawley of Wisconsin, agent of the Sanitary Commission. He preached a good sermon.
February 1864
1st-Weather still warm and nice.
2nd-The regiment was out in the country today for forage, and brought in some corn and hay.
3rd-The 16th Army Corps has come down to Vicksburg. Reported that Vice President Stephens has left the Confederacy. H. Horn returned from Memphis.
4th-Still beautiful weather. No news.
5th-it is reported that Sherman's expedition that left Vicksburg a few days ago, has been fighting at Jackson.
6th-D. Hand discharged, on Certificate of disability.
7th-Sunday. The troops on the other side of the river were attacked this afternoon. Fearing an attack on this side, we were patrolling. Don't know the result.
8th-Started out this morning at 1 o'clock. Went out to Washington. Stayed there till daylight and returned. The attack over at Vidalia yesterday was made by 2 regiments of rebels. They were repulsed and driven off by the darkies. Our loss, none, rebel loss, 9 killed and ten prisoners. The reb's have not been seen since.
90th-All quiet. The President has called for 200,000 more men, making the coming draft 500,000. Fine weather.
10th-A fire in town today. Burned one block. Supposed to be done by the soldiers. The post Commissary has been issuing flour to citizens, and hard bread to soldiers for several days. The boys are tired of it. Another fire tonight.
11th-The fire last night didn't do much damage. They are issuing flour today.
12th-Fine weather. We have been very busy for 4 or 5 days, getting in wood and forage from the country. Report that Adams' Cav. has been captured at Jackson.
13th-A considerable force of infantry and cavalry started from here today on a scout for three days. They went by Steamboat down the river.
14th-Sunday. Weather warm and pleasant. I went to town last night to see a Panorama of the war. It was a very good thing. No preaching today.
15th-Had a fine warm shower this morning. It makes every thing look flourishing and like spring.
16th-All quiet here, and no news from above
17th-A change of weather, cooler and very windy, We were paid today by Maj. Farrish, up to Dec. 31st 1863
18th-A part of the regiment went out this morning on a foraging expedition with 3 days rations.
19th-The weather is still cold and the air chilly
20th-Warmer and more pleasant, No news
21st-Sunday, It is reported that Sherman has taken Jackson, and is marching on Meridian. Gen. Polk's army is at Meridian, and may stand a fight
22nr-Reported today that Sherman has taken Meridian, routed Polk's army, and captured a large number of prisoners
23rd-Grape vine reports from Sherman are about the same as we had yesterday. Our force that was out came in today. I guess they were sent out to help Cotton buyers to bring in cotton, more than anything else, but foraging was the pretended object.
24th-Fine weather, No news
25th-We were out again today on Patrol, and for forage. There are no armed rebels near here except a few guerrillas and cotton burners. Didn't find them.
26th-I think there is a good deal of speculation here between the higher officers and the country folks. We guard and bring in a great deal of cotton, and none of it is confiscated. We have captured several horses lately, but always have to give them up to their owners, by order of Col. J-Com'd'g.
27th-No news from Sherman, Weather warm and dry
28th-Sunday, Very windy and dusty, Co. Wallace had a meeting of the regiment today to talk about enlisting as Veterans, but it is too late now. They don't offer us the privilege of electing our officers. Our officers have always been appointed without consulting the men, and we think that three years is long enough to be deprived of the right.
29th-This is the last day for enlisting as Veterans. The whole number in the regiment is.
March 1864
1st-Reported now that Gen Sherman's expedition has returned to Vicksburg, They took Jackson and Meridian and destroyed about 100 miles of railroad.
2nd-Weather warm, Capt. Cook and I had to move our tent today out of the way of building a magazine. They are at work finishing up the fortifications.
3rd-Pleasant day, Built a chimney to our tent.
4th-Had dress parade this afternoon and the articles of war was read to the regiment by Capt. Cook.
5th-Gen. W. T. Sherman and Staff has been here today.
6th-Sunday, Went to meeting to the Presbyterian Church, A good-sized congregation, but mostly women, It was a Sacramental occasion. It seemed strange to look around and see so many ladies there. A great many of their husbands, sons, and brothers, probably in the rebel army while we are occupying their seats
7th-It is reported that our army has met with a severe reverse in Florida.
8th-Fine weather, A small expedition has been up the Washita River, in Louisiana, and captured some of the fortifications at Trinity. Gen. Banks is getting up a large force for an expedition up Red River.
9th-Gen. Tuttle has come to Natchez and takes command, from Col. Johnson. I hope it is a good change. It couldn't be much worse. Some of our boys have the mumps.
10th-Heavy rain this afternoon. There is a squad of recruits here under a Mr. Hitt. That is causing a good deal of trouble. Col. Wallace wants to put Hitt into some company as an officer, and the companies here won't take him.
11th-Thirty-one boats, loaded with soldiers, passed down the river this morning for the red River raid
12th-One man of Co. "F" and one of Co. "I" died today. They were shot and wounded a few days ago by the Police Guard.
13th-Pleasant day, Was at meeting tonight. Some Northern Ladies were there. Three men and ten women have come here as teachers, sent by the Freedman's Aid Society. They are organizing Colored Schools.
14th-The forage train was out today. Got some corn and confiscated 87 bales of cotton. Mr. Holmes is a large planter living a few miles from Natchez. Found the following inventory of his property on a flyleaf, of his Hymn Book. Home place $15,000; 80 Negroes at 2200 each, $176,000; 234 Negroes at 1200 each, $280,000; 150 horses and mules, $11,250; cattle, wagons, and plows, $8,180; cash $30,000; total $521,200. Holmes is an old rebel. Never was married, has two nice little grandchildren. A boy and a girl, their mother is a light Mulatto slave girl. Their father, now dead, was the old man's son by a Mulatto slave girl. The children are white as any body.
15th-We were paid today by Maj. Farrish, up to Feb. 29th, 1864. Some of the boys had to pay for revolvers they had lost, $19.31. Each.
16th-Beautiful weather, Wm Walton died December 30th, 1863, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. of Diarrhea and general debility
17th-The effective force of the regiment went out this evening, under command of Capt. Cook, to catch some officers at a wedding near Fayette.
18th-Scout came in, the wedding story was a hoax. The Veterans started home today on furlough, for 45 days. Double "F" (Hitt recruits) went up the river to join Co. D.
19th-Col. Wallace is detailed on a Court martial, and Capt. Cook is in command of the regiment.
20th-Rain this morning, Cool and windy all day, The Captain being gone I have the tent all alone.
21st-This has been a very stormy day. Cool and windy. A forage train was out today and brought in some corn.
22nd-Still cool, Heavy wind and rain last night.
23rd-The weather is more pleasant. The first Battalion landed here today. The regiment is all-together once more, the first time since we left Illinois.
24th-Very high wind today, and some rain.
25th-Weather more pleasant, No news
26th-I had a Negative taken for some photographs, today. Paid seven dollars for two dozen.
27th-Pleasant day, Our Co. was out on patrol.
28th-High wind but otherwise pleasant. S. Smith started home on 30 days sick furlough. No news.
29th-All quiet as usual, nothing new in camp
30th-The regiment was out today confiscating cotton. Brought in 187 bales. Somebody will make money out of it.
31st-Begins to appear like spring. Some of the folks in the country have commenced planting corn.
April 1864
1st-Alken d. Hiatt has been appointed Captain, and Ben S. Whiting, 1st Lt., and Q.M. of 70th U.S. Infantry, colored. Hope they may have a good time with their darkies.
2nd-I have been busy for several days making up back reports, that should have been made two years ago. Reported fight at Paducah, attack by Forrest. The town, said to be destroyed. Forrest whipped. He captured the 7th Tenn. Cavalry at Union City.
3rd-Pleasant day, I was at meeting today, at the Wall Street Baptist Church, Preaching by Chaplain.
4th-Attended Court Martial, as a witness, One of our boys was tried for stealing and selling a mule.
5th-No news, all quiet, Beautiful weather, Saw some young corn in a garden that is big enough to plow.
6th-Learn that our regiment has been stricken from the Brigade roll and assigned to Gen. Tuttle for garrison Duty. We will be likely to stay here all summer.
7th-A good deal of rain today, Scout went out. We are ordered to move outside of the fort.
8th-We moved, this afternoon, outside of the fort, but are yet inside the fortifications.
9th-Have been fixing up camp. We have a very nice place. I think the best campground, we have ever had.
10th-Beautiful day Learn from letters from home, that some of the girls are getting married, if boys are scarce.
11th-Have been moving our stables today. Quite warm.
12th-Fine weather, No news. I have left the officers mess and gone back to No. 1. The officers of the 2nd Battalion all mess together now and that don't suit me.
13th-CY Benson is here with me tonight. He has brought down some Sanitary Stores.
14th-All quiet I have been a little unwell for a few days. We are getting our camp fixed up in good order.
15th-Weather warm, Appears like summer
16th-Patrol out today, and brought in 7 prisoners
17th-D. Maston, of our company was wounded today, on picket. Shot through the leg. Taken to the hospital.
18th-Learn that the Red River expedition have had a big fight, but don't know the result.
19th-I. T. Anderson is in the hospital with the measles.
20th-Every thing is growing finely. Some of the folks in the country have commenced plowing corn.
21st-Rec'd two recruits today from Illinois.
22nd-Report from Red River that Bank's Cavalry had a fight and a stampede, and lost several pieces of Artillery.
23rd-Reported that the rebels have captured Fort Pillow, and murdered the Garrison, about 60 Tenn. Cav., and 300 Negroes. They seem to be expecting an attack here, but I don't think there is much danger.
24th-Sunday, Went to meeting to the Wall Street Church Preaching by Chaplain Learn that W. W. Brown and Agnes Anderson were married on the 14th inst. Joy go with them.
25th-Made out Ordinance Return, for 1st quarter of 1864
26th-All well, Fine weather; There is considerable talk about being attacked here by Morgan, Adams, and Co.
27th-The 33rd Illinois regiment passed here today, the boat stopped a short time. Saw John McNeil. The folks at home were well. Col. Wallace has come back to the regiment.
28th-Reported that there is a large force of rebels in our front. A patrol was out but saw nothing. Capt. Cook and I occupy a room in a house. We have first-rate quarters.
29th-The scare is not all over yet. There are plenty of rumors, and in such cases it is best to be always ready, but I don't know what there is to scare at.
30th-Got up a 4 o'clock this morning, the pickets on the Pine ridge road were fired on today. No damage done. A. Hibbs has the measles. Anderson is getting better.
May 1864
1st-Some rain this morning. No attack yet.
2nd-They got up another scare today and got the Cavalry out, but it proved to be a hoax.
3rd-The scare yesterday was got up by the darkies at the wood-yard, but there are some small bodies of rebels in the country that annoy us a good deal.
4th-The effective force of the regiment was out today. They found some rebel cavalry in Washington.
5th-They have had a scare over at Vidalia today. The President has accepted 85,000 men for 100 days, from the western states.
6th-They had quite a fight on the other side of the river yesterday. There were 13 rebels killed and two taken prisoners. It is said that Col. Farrals niggars killed some of them after they surrendered.
7th-No news. The scare seems to have blown away.
8th-The weather is nice and pleasant. (Sunday)
9th-Had another scare at Vidalia. Part of our regiment went over but found nothing. Learn that Mrs. Franklin died April 26th.
10th-Maj. Townsend, Capt. Search, and nearly all the Veterans got back today. Had a fine rain this afternoon.
11th-The rain yesterday has made the air cooler and more pleasant. Col. Wallace is again detailed on a Court Martial.
12th-We have grape vine reports that Grant and Lee have commenced the Virginia Campaign. Nothing reliable.
13th-Report from the north that Grant and Lee had been fighting three days, commenced on Wednesday the 4th inst.
14th-Yesterday's report is confirmed, but there is nothing definite. There was a great fire in town, last night, burned two blocks in the best part of the city.
15th-Sunday. Went to meeting to the rooms of the Christian Commission. Preaching by Mr. Westervelt.
16th-Reports from the east are encouraging but not decisive. Scout out this afternoon. Rebels reported on the Pine ridge road. All a mistake. Pleasant weather.
17th-The effective force, except pickets went out again today with one day's rations. Our effective force is small. Not more than on third of the regiment is mounted.
18th-Light rain today. Scout came in. Saw nothing of importance. Reports from the east are still good. Maj. Wemplet returned to the regiment today.
19th-We were paid today, by Maj. Farrish, for two months, up to April 30th, 1864. There were a good many stoppages against the men. I had to pay for one Watering bridle, 92 cents.
20th-Another fire in town last night. Not much damage done. Scare at Vidalia, but didn't amount to much
21st-The dismounted part of our regiment is now running the Provost guard in town. Fourteen men from Co. G on Provost guard today, and five on picket. (Mounted)
22nd-Sunday, Pleasant day. News from the east, still good. Grant is pushing Lee on towards Richmond. Report that Sherman has drove Johnson out of Dalton, Geo.
23rd-The 16th and 17th Army Corps have returned from Red River. That expedition was an entire failure.
24th-A little skirmish on the other side of the river today. The eastern army seems to be holding still just now.
25th-No news had a fine shower of rain. Gen. Tuttle has been relieved. Col. B.G. Farrar is in command of the Post.
26th-No news from the East. Secesh report that Grant is whipped. Gen. Canby is now in command of the Western department, and has his Headquarters here.
27th-Beautiful weather. Plenty of new potatoes, onions etc. in market. Blackberries and wild plums are ripe.
28th-Col. Wallace is now in command of the Fort. (McPherson)
29th-Sunday. Newbury of Co. H was married today to Mrs. Hovey, teacher of Freedmen, after a short acquaintance.
30th-A small patrol went out from the picket post, on the Pine ridge road this morning, and were ambushed by some reb's. Three men of Co. C, were wounded, and on taken prisoner.
31st-The effective force went out last night and returned this morning. Saw nothing. Reports from the east good.
June 1864
1st-Fine shower of rain today. It is reported that the river is blockaded some place above here.
2nd-Another shower of rain. Weather warm. No new. Grape vine reports that Grant is in Richmond.
3rd-Heavy rain today. No news. All quiet. Plenty of onions and cabbages, large and ripe, in market.
4th-Fine weather. The river is blockaded at Greenville, Miss. A boat came down today that run the blockade. But bought no news. A squad of deserters came in today.
5th-Blackberries and plums are plenty in market. Learn that Ziba Brown died a few days ago at Springfield Illinois.
5th-A squad of rebels came up and fired on the pickets this morning. The effective force went out and caught one of them. No news from above yet.
7th-The regiment was out again today. Saw nothing. Report now that Grant is within 4 miles of Richmond.
8th-No news from above. All quiet here.
9th-Some mail today, but I didn't get any and was very much disappointed. Learn that Dick Oglesby is our candidate for governor. A good choice. Hope I may get home in time to vote for him. Heavy rain last night.
10th-Learn today from a general order that we will no be likely to be mustered out until Oct. 17th. Two Co.'s F, and K, were mustered in at that time. Rain today.
11th-More rain. The radical union men have nominated I.C. Freemont for the Presidency at Cleveland, Ohio.
12th--Another shower of rain today. They have been fighting again before Richmond. Grant is still successful. Charleston is again threatened.
13th-Grape vine reports again that Grant is in Richmond and Sherman, in Atlanta. Only rumor.
14th-Latest news from the North is that Grant is still fighting before Richmond. All going on well.
15th-The Rebels came in, within 6 miles of Vidalia today, and burned some plantation buildings.
16th-Learn that the Baltimore convention has nominated Lincoln for the Presidency, and Johnson for Vice President.
17th-A small force of Cavalry has been over the river today and brought in some Union refugees. A lot of half starved and half clad women and children. A great many poor folks in the South, are suffering terribly.
18th-This has been a very warm day. News from the east good.
19th-Very warm. Mercury 96 in the shade in the city. Had a letter from G.M. Kirkpatrick. His brother Milt is dead.
20th-Reported that Grant has possession of Fort Darling; also that a force that went out from Memphis, the other day, under Gen. Sturgis, got badly cut up by Forrest.
21st-Got through, today, making back reports of Co. business. I think I will have easier times hereafter. I have done a great deal of writing in the last six months.
22nd-Reported that Grant has crossed the James River and is now on the south side of Richmond. Rain today.
23rd-Some men of the regiment was out on a cotton speculation last night and got into a fight. Three men of Co. L reported killed.
24th-Only two men of Co. L, (Dale and Brewer) were killed night before last. Williams was badly wounded.
25th-A very warm day. Mercury 88. The regiment was out today and brought in three prisoners. Made out Certificates of Disability for C. Luce. A.S. Adams shot himself today through the foot, accidentally.
26th-Sunday. Fine day. Our Chaplain preaches in town, and it is too far to go. Soldiers should stay in camp as much as possible. They never know when they may be wanted. We ought to have preaching in camp.
27th-Grant has got round on the south side of Richmond, and, at last accounts, was attacking Petersburg.
28th-Another warm day. Mercury 88 in the shade.
29th-It said by some that there has been two cases of Yellow fever here this week. It is disputed by others. Reports say there has been several cases at New Orleans.
30th-Muster day. Two men on detached service. One absent sick, (G.R. Hawkins) 70 men present: Total 73 men.
July 1864
1st-Nothing new from Grant or Sherman. Capt. Cook is detailed on a Military Commission. The regiment went out on a scout this evening with two days rations.
2nd-Warm day. They have been sending the sick, from Banks' Red River expedition, to this place. About 300 have arrived during the week. Some of them have died. Poor fellows: They have had a hard time.
3rd-Sunday. Pleasant day. Didn't go to meeting. The scout got back this morning. They found nothing.
4th-Independence Day. National salute at noon, fired from two 32 pounder guns. Scare at Vidalia. Our regiment went over. Had a little fight and drove the reb's 16 miles. We had two men and several horses that were slightly wounded. Four rebels known to be killed.
5th-Warm. No news. I have been making up pay rolls.
6th-All the news we have from Grant and Sherman is that they are progressing favorably. Another warm day.
7th-There was a little fight up at Rodney on the 4th, between the Marines and reb's. Reb's got badly whipped.
8th-The 28th Illinois Veterans have got back here and the Veterans of the 29th Illinois have gone home on furlough. Learn that Wm. P. Brown died a few days ago.
9th-A part of our regiment had a little fight with some reb's on the other side of the river, today. D. Hinor of Co. G was shot through the leg, below the knee. Three men of the first Battalion were also wounded. None of them are thought to be dangerous. They drove the rebels away.
10th-Sunday. Went to meeting. Preaching by Mr. White, of Bond Co. Illinois. Reported that Farragut's fleet and Gen. Canby with a strong force have gone to Mobile.
11th--Reported that Kirby Smith has crossed the Mississippi River with 25,000 men, to operate with Forrest, in cutting Sherman's communication. (Doubtful) Also that Gen. Ewell, with 30,000 men, has possession of Harper's ferry.
12th-Gen. Brayman has arrived and it is said, will take command of this post. Gen. Smith has gone out from Memphis with a force to hunt Forrest.
13th-Gen. Sloom has been out from Vicksburg, towards Jackson, with a considerable force, and report says he has been driven back. Gen Brayman is now in command here.
14th-One Brigade from Banks' army went up the river today. The expedition is going to White River, Ark.
15th-General Inspection today by Gen. Dana. About one third of the 4th Cav. Was mounted; the remainder dismounted. I was out in command of the dismounted portion of Co. G. We had to carry our arms, blankets, haversacks, etc. It was a very warm day to act infantry.
16th-No late news from the east. From accounts in the northern papers, it has been warmer in Illinois, than it has here. The mercury, here, has ranged from 80 to 90.
17th-Sunday. Was at meeting this afternoon. Preaching by Mr. Brown, of the Christian Commission. No news. They are stopping all the boats, above, to carry troops. Mercury 89.
18th-Reports of a rebel raid in Maryland and probably on Washington. A party from our regiment is out tonight, confiscating all the horses in Natchez, belonging to citizens.
19th-They are still picking up horses. Have got over 200. The rebel raid in Maryland, and near Washington, was at last accounts, doing a good deal of damage.
20th-No news. The officers that are using public horses are ordered to turn them over to the Qr. Master, but I don't suppose they will do it. It seems that a commission is license for an officer to do anything.
21st-Grape vine reports, that the rebels have taken Washington. A number of boats were burned at New Orleans a few days ago. One of Co. H's men died today. Marion, of Co. C who was wounded on the 9th had his leg amputated today. He is hardly expected to live.
22nd-There is some trouble on the other side of the river today. A forage train went over yesterday, and were attacked by the rebels this morning. Our whole force has gone over. There has been some fighting, but they have not returned. Don't know the result. Reported that Gen. Smith has whipped Forrest, Lee, and Co. at Tupelo.
23rd-In the fight yesterday, Capt. Sherek, and two of him men, (colored) of the 6th U.S. Artillery were killed; also one man of the 28th Illinois from an accidental shot. They were all buried today, in the city cemetery. Reported that Gen. J. Johnson is superceded by Gen. Hood.
24th-Sunday. Went to meeting today to the commission rooms. Preaching by Mr. Foote of Ill. He preached the best sermon I have heard since I left home. Text; Rev. 22 ch. 14 verse.
25th-Cool today. We have had no mail for about a week.
26th-Some mail today. The President has called for 500,000 more men. Draft to commence Sept. 5th. Good for the Copperheads. Illinois quota will be about 10,000.
27th-No news today of any kind. Weather warm. Mercury 86. Companies "E" and "F" of the 4th have moved to Vidalia.
28th-Gen. Brayman is coming down on the rebel citizens of this place a little harder than they have been used to. Reported that Capt. Cook is appointed Major of the 4th.
29th-Our regiment is relived from Provost duty. We will now be likely to get some of the horses they have been taking from the citizens. Col. B.G. Farrer, former commander of this Post, was presented today, with a fine sword, pistols, etc. by the citizens of Natchez. It is rather a bad sign for a commanding officer to get such costly presents from rebel citizens.
30th-Warm day. The 29th Illinois. Is now doing Provost duty. The Forces at this place now consists of the 4th Ill. Cav., the 28th and 29th Ill. Infantry; the 6th U.S. Artillery (colored); the 58th U.S. Infantry, (colored); one company of the 1st Illinois Artillery, and parts of three regiment of colored Infantry; the whole under command of Gen. Brayman. No late news from Grant or Sherman.
31st-Sunday. Went to meeting this afternoon. Preaching by Mr. Foote. This has been a very warm day. No news yet from Atlanta or Richmond.
August 1864
1st-Reported that Sherman has taken Atlanta and 4,000 prisoners. Also that Gen. McPherson was killed.
2nd-Weather cool and pleasant. Nights are cool and nice for sleeping. Mosquitoes are not so gad as I expected this far south on the river. Had a good rain this afternoon.
3rd-No reliable news from Sherman's army.
4th-A strong force of infantry, artillery, and cavalry, went from here, across the river this afternoon with three days rations. We go5t 9 more horses today.
5th-Latest reports are that Atlanta is not taken. They had some heavy fighting and Gen. McPherson was killed.
6th-The scout came back last night about midnight. They had a little fight yesterday. Capt. Wardlow, one man of Co. E and one of Co. K were wounded. None of them seriously. Four rebels were killed. Such expeditions amount to but little except to guard cotton plantations.
7th-Pleasant day. The rebels are on another raid on the Potomac. They have burned Chambersburg Penn.
8th-More reports of Atlanta and Mobile being taken. Heavy fighting reported at Petersburg Va.
9th-A rebel Lt. Came in this morning and reported 200 rebels at Washington. Our regiment went out, but found it all a hoax; Papers say that Farragut's fleet has run by the forts at Mobile.
10th-The regiment went out this afternoon with three days rations. The teams went along for forage. (A cotton raid)
11th-The regiment came in today. They found no rebels. The teams brought in some corn. No mail from the north, for several days. Weather has not been very warm for some days.
12th-No mail yet. Reports of a heavy battle at Atlanta on the 4th and 5th. No particulars. Nothing from Grant. Watermelons are abundant, but sell very high.
13th-Fine rain this afternoon. Rec'd some mail today. No late news from the east. On some of the plantations near here they have commenced picking cotton. The earliest pieces.
14th-Sunday. Went to meeting this afternoon. Preaching by Mr. Roe, Baptist of Belvidere Ill. A good sermon. Late news is hardly so good as the rumors were.
15th-Fort Gaines, at Mobile, has surrendered to our forces with 26 guns and 818 men. Fort Powell (15 guns) was evacuated. The rebel from Tennessee was captured. We lost two boats.
16th-Some rain yesterday, and weather warm today. We had to commence drilling today. We have drilled but little this summer. The recruits need drilling very much.
17th-Cool and cloudy, and some rain. In the coming draft Illinois must furnish 16,000 men. Hope they will draft.
18th-A party of rebels fired on a steamboat 15 miles below here this morning. No damage done. A large party was sent out from here to look for them but didn't find them.
19th-Still cool. Considerable rain today. No late news.
20th-Heavy rain this forenoon. Cool and cloudy yet.
21st-Sunday. Preaching by Chaplain. All quiet. Nothing new in camp. Capt. Cook received a commission today as Major in the 4th Illinois Cavalry to rank from February 29th.
22nd-Lt. J.H. Parker, Provost Marshal, was presented with a fine watch (cost 800 dollars) today by citizens of Natchez.
23rd-It is reported that the rebels have captured the boat Leviathan, a few miles above here, and are crossing the river. The Gunboats have gone up to see about it.
24th-All quiet. No mail for four days. Weather warmer.
25th-Scout came in. Found some rebels. Brought in 9 prisoners, and about 40 horses. No body hurt. Companies G and H charged each other in the dark. Luckily none was hurt.
27th-A very warm day. Learn that the 94th Illinois has gone to Mobile. Nothing new from Grant. Forrest made a dash into Memphis the other day, but didn't do much damage.
28th-Sunday. A very warm day. Said to be the hottest for some years. Had quite a storm this evening just after dark. Heavy wind and some rain. G.R. Hawkins got back today. Sent pickets to the other side of the river.
29th-Companies "E" and "F" have moved back to this side. The authorities of the place have arrested the Treasury Department, and are hunting out its corruptions. Capt. Cook is on the committee. Several men of E and F are sick.
30th-I have been making Muster Rolls. The 29th Illinois non-veterans are being mustered out. The general opinion seems to be that we will no get out until the 17th of October. Mosquitoes are getting very bad.
31st-Muster and Inspection today. Weather still warm. Report that Fort Morgan has surrendered. Two men of Company F one of Co. E, and one of Co. C, died today. All recruits.
September 1864
1st-Two Negroes were executed by shooting today, just outside the fortifications. They had been convicted of murder. One of them acknowledged his guilt. The other declared to the last, that he was innocent.
2nd-Gen Brayman has arrested some more men. He seems to be trying to find and clean out all the scoundrels in Natchez. If he succeeds he will do a good thing.
3rd-No late papers. No news, not even a rumor from Sherman. This week has been the warmest of the season.
4th-Sunday. Late papers report heavy fighting in front at Petersburg. A part of the 19th Army Corps went up the river this evening. I saw H. Hinshaw.
5th-Three years ago today, I left home, went to Camp Hunter, and enlisted. I didn't expect then to be gone from home so long. Our time is nearly out, and the war is not ended yet, but every thing is working well.
6th-Weather still warm. No news. The rebels seem to have left our front. Five deserters came in today.
7th-About 20 deserters came in today. Grape vine reports that Sherman has taken Atlanta. The Democracy has nominated McClelland for the Presidency and Pendleton for the Vice Presidency.
8th-Have been busy all week making Muster and pay rolls, monthly reports, returns etc. Several deserters came in today, from Texas.
9th-The report of Atlanta being taken is confirmed. I suppose there is no doubt of it, this time.
10th-Had a general parade today, and a salute fired in honor of the taking of Atlanta. A warm day.
11th-Sunday. Beautiful day. Reported that Forrest is threatening Vicksburg. Also that the rebel, John Morgan, was killed a few days ago in Kentucky.
12th-It is reported that Forrest is coming to Natchez. Our regiment was out last night, but saw nothing. We are not badly scared. He can't take the fortifications, and I don't care how soon he takes and plunders the town. We have a patrol out again tonight.
13th-We hear nothing more of Forrest yet. Weather warm.
14th-Nothing new. Some of the officers and men are doing quite a business at Horse racing and betting.
15th-Still no news. They have commenced enrolling the citizens of Natchez, and intend to make them do military duty for their own defense, by order of Gen. Canby.
16th-Had a patrol out this morning. Forrest is said to be at Jackson with 20,000 men.
17th-It is reported today that our forces have taken Mobile, but we hear so many reports that we don't know what to believe. Weather cooler and more pleasant.
18th-Sunday. The scare is over, at least for the time. Forrest is said to have started for Mobile.
19th-The cavalry and some infantry have gone out on a foraging expedition with three days rations. The enrollment is going on in town. The rebel portion of the citizens think it is very hard on them. Good for them.
20th-The committee that is investigating the Treasury Department is disclosing some stupendous frauds. Some prominent officers and citizens are concerned. I hope they will catch and punish them severely.
21st-The forage party came in today and brought in a lot of corn about 75 head of cattle.
22nd-The same force is out again today.
23rd-I was out yesterday with the forage train. We went out to Old Farrar's plantation 17 miles from here on the Woodville road. He is now in jail and his plantation cleaned out. We go 60 loads of corn, 50 bales of cotton, 10 barrels of molasses, and about 150 head of cattle, and got back at 11 o'clock same night. If the rich rebels were all cleaned out in that way, the Confederacy would soon come to an end.
24th-No news. All quiet. The weather is cool and begins to look like the fall of the year.
25th-Sunday. I was in town this afternoon to a Sunday School Concert, at the Methodist Church. The Concert was got up by two of the schools for colored children. Over two hundred scholars were present. The did remarkably well, both in declamation and singing. Several premiums were awarded. The highest (a bible) to a Mulatto girl about 14 years of age, who had, within the last six months, committed to memory 1585 verses in the New Testament. One year ago she did not know the alphabet. Considering that two years ago all of those children were slaves, their improvement is wonderful. The regiment has gone out tonight again on a four days scout.
26th-It is reported that Sheridan has gained a great victory in the Shenandoah Valley, Va. Three years ago, today, nearly all of us were mustered into the U.S. Service, but on account of one company not being mustered until the 17th of October, we will have to stay here about ten days longer.
27th-Fine rain this afternoon.
28th-Heavy rain nearly all the forenoon. Equinoctial storm. Cleared off in the afternoon. They have been drafting on the 19th in Illinois.
29th-More rain this morning. The scout has not come in yet. No orders yet for turning over our property, or for going up the river. Three men of the regiment, died last night. Warnock of Co. E, Wilson of Co. L, and one man of Co. A.
30th-The scout came in today. They have been in the Tensas River, and up to Waterproof. Found no rebels to fight. Brought in about 400 head of cattle. Papers say that Sheridan has whipped Early and his rebels again. Major Gibson is now here. Maj. Towsend is now Provost Marshall. Col. Farrar takes command at Vidalia, and Col. Kent of Fort McPherson. Heavy rain this evening.
October 1864
1st-Pleasant day. General inspection this morning. No news about going home yet. The draft has gone off in part of Woodford County. Several Copperheads were drafted.
2nd-Sunday. Nice weather. There has been a great deal of talk this afternoon about a big scout, and who shall go on it, when we are going home, etc. Nothing definite on the subject.
3rd-Col. Osband, with a brigade of Cavalry arrived here today. They have been on a big scout from Vicksburg. The Brigade consists of the 5th and 11th Illinois, 2nd Wisconsin, and 3rd U.S. Cav. Osband has a good Reg. of Colored Cavalry.
4th-The effective force of our regiment went down the river this evening with Osband's brigade, on a scout with 5 days rations. One hundred guns were fired here today for Sheridan's Victory, in Virginia. The officers have been at work consolidating the veterans and recruits that will be left of the 4th Illinois Cav., but they have not done much etc.
5th-Cold, wet, and dreary morning, but pleasant in the afternoon. All quiet here. There is not much news in the papers, except on Politics.
6th-Weather more pleasant. We have been getting out company property together, ready for inspection tomorrow. No news from scout.
7th-We have been very busy today having our property inspected by Capt. Landers, 8th New Hampshire Cav. And acting inspector. Reports from the scout that they have had a little fight near Woodville and captured three pieces of artillery and several prisoners.
8th-Weather quite cool last night and this morning. The scout came in tonight after dark and brought in about one thousand head of cattle. We don't know yet when we will leave here, the prospect now is that we will not get away before the 15th. I am afraid we will have some cold weather before we get home. No frost here yet.
9th-Sunday. Pleasant day. Went to meeting at the commission rooms.
10th-We are expecting orders to go north; also expecting orders for a scout. We are busy getting our papers ready to be mustered out.
11th-They have commenced taking about consolidating the veterans and recruits.
12th-They will consolidate the veterans and recruits making five companies, Officered as Follows: Co. A Capt. Search and Lieuts. Callon and Donica; Co. B Capt. Merriman and Lieuts. Mann and Taylor; Co. C Capt. Wardlow and Lieuts. Baker and Gardner; Co. D Capt. Wallace and Lieuts. Hall and (?), Co. E Capt. Smith and Lieuts. Hitt and Leoni.
13th-The men are now trying to select their companies.
14th-We are busy making out transfer and descriptive rolls of the men that remain.
15th-Pleasant weather. No orders yet.
16th-Sunday. Had our men transferred today. Capt. Search and two, to Company B. Capt. Merriman.
17th-Today we should have been in Springfield Illinois, ready to be mustered out. We have sorted all our property and are now only waiting for a boat. The "Arthur" will be up tonight.
18th-Still waiting. The Arthur came up last night, loaded with sick and wounded soldiers and passed on up the river. The Paragon is due tonight. It is very tiresome waiting.
19th-No boat yet. The Paragon is behind time. We are all ready and may get off tonight.
20th-Nine o'clock P.M. On board the steamer Paragon. We got aboard and left Natchez at half past one o'clock this morning, and are now on our way home. It is but little trouble to move now to what it was as soldiers with our horses, arms, etc. We have just landed at Vicksburg, 125 miles above Natchez. Our boat is heavily loaded and runs slowly. The river is rising. Weather fine.
21st-Bed time. We are now a few miles above Skipwith's landing and 100 miles above Vicksburg. We met a boat (the Wenona) a while ago, with one wheel house knocked off. She had been run into by the tug "Perry". She was entirely helpless. Our boat tried to tow her upstream but could not do it. She will be picked up by the gunboat a few miles below. Cool today.
22nd-Four o'clock P.M. At the mouth of White river, 245 miles above Vicksburg. Saw a few Guerillas this forenoon, one of them fired a shot, but missed the boat. Bed time. Still moving up stream slowly. Met a boat a few minutes ago. They said they were fired into a few miles above. Learn that Chalmers has been threatening Memphis. We are doing finely, have nothing to do but eat our rations, read the news and sleep.
23rd-Sunday. 8 o'clock A.M. at Helena Ark, 83 miles above the mouth of the White river. It is 52 miles from here to Commerce. The Guerrillas didn't trouble us last night. Memphis papers say that scare is all over there. Weather warm and pleasant. Night, at Commerce. It is 38 miles from here to Memphis. The river is falling. See nothing of importance on the shore.
24th-Monday morning at Memphis. Landed here about midnight last night. There is some freight to put off and then they will have to load wood and coal. Night, 9 o'clock P.M. Passing Fort Pillow,75 miles above Memphis. It is 110 miles from here to Island No. 10. and 115 miles to New Madrid. Weather pleasant.
25th-Tuesday. One o'clock P.M. at New Madrid. We passed the place without landing. There are some troops here. Two o'clock P.M. at Island No. 10. The Island is deserted. Nothing on it but old shanties. Seven o'clock P.M. Have just passed Hickman KY. It is 37 miles from here to Cairo. We will get there about midnight. Weather warm. Appearance of rain.
26th-Wednesday. Three o'clock A.M. at Cairo. Landed here at 11 o'clock, making the trip in six days and nights. Raining this morning. One o'clock P.M. on the cars and ready to start north in grain cars. Night at Centralia. Cool and disagreeable, but we are on the way home, that is some comfort.
27th-Thursday noon, at Decatur Illinois. Have to change cars here. Weather cool and cloudy. Night, at camp Butler Illino98s, 7 miles east from Springfield. We got here at 3o'clock this afternoon. The camp is very much crowed. There are about 5,000 recruits, conscripts and substitutes here. The drafted men and substitutes are under a strong guard. The Woodford Col men have gone to their regiments.
28th-In Springfield. Capt. Cook and I have got lodging at a private boarding house, kept by a Mr. Walker, formerly of the 29th Illinois Reg., at $1.00 per day. We will commence work on our muster out rolls tomorrow. Camp Butler is the filthiest camp I ever saw. It is a disgrace to the State, and the City of Springfield is not very much better. The weather is warm, and it is still cloudy.
29th-Have been at work on muster out roll. I have made one today, ready for examination. We will not get out before the last of next week.
30th-Still at work on our rolls. No time to go to meeting. There was a Republican meeting at the Wigwam last night, but I didn't go. The weather is still cool. No time for news.
31st-Capt. Cook, Bigham, Everett and I have all been at work on our rolls today. Speaking at the Wigwam tonight, but I am more interested in getting our rolls done than any thing else. I think we will get through tomorrow.
November 1864
1st-We have finished our rolls and will have them examined tomorrow. Everett and I have been taking a stroll through the city. Saw the State House, Governor's house, and the residences of Gov. Matteson, and A Lincoln. Lincoln's house is a very common two story frame house. Weather warmer today.
2nd-Pleasant day. Had our rolls compared and pronounced correct, and very glad of it.
3rd-Thursday. The regiment was all muster out today except companies A and E. Snowed all the afternoon. We were mustered out about 3 o'clock P.M. in a heavy snow storm.
List of members of Co. G. mustered out: Capt. Harry D. Cook; Sergeants, Thomas K. Mitchell, Wm. R. Bigham, Geo. H. Everett, Marshall Montgomery, Thomas Orr, Abram Wilson, Wm. Ellis, And Henry C Drum, Corporals; Harrison Mooberry, Wesley Hibbs, Jacob Donica, Charles W. Jones, Barton Goodrich, Patrick O'Brien, and Henry M. Woodsides Blacksmith; John A. Davidson and Wm. O'Hare. Teamster; Wm H Sparks, Bugler; Francis M Archer, Privates A.S. Adams, I.M. Barton, I. Blunk, W.H. Campbell, I. Carber, G.W. Carr, L.Chapman, D.M. Cole, N.A. Elkins, P.H. Faught, I.H.N. Horn, G.R. Hawking, H.N. Harris, B. Hull, J.Herr, S.Kuhn, S.F. Martin, J.M. Martin, C.W. Patterson, H. Robins, E. Smith, T. Saual, J.W. Simpson, J.W. Skinner, and D. Walbach, M.J. Kinsburg was mustered out at Natchez Miss, and I.E. Johnson at Alton Illinois.
Lieuts. The regiment retained Baker and Donica, and the recruits, and veterans 4th-Friday, Companies A and E were mustered out this morning. Three companies, M, B, and G, were paid tonight. We will start for home tomorrow.
5th-In Bloomington at uncle George Mitchell's
6th-Sunday, At home again after an absence of three years and two months, I think I will stay here awhile..
List of men joined Co. G as recruits since first organization.
August and September, 1862.
James P. Anderson, Samuel B. Everett, George Franklin, William French, Joseph Heath, Stephen S. Hitch. Charles I. Hitch, Amos Hibbs, David Hand, Daniel Hiner, Lewis C. Kimler, William J. Kimler, Albert M. Montgomery, Edward McLaughlin, William Prescut, Fred L. Preston, Thomas W. Ramsey, Samuel V. Ramsey, Justice Rearden, Samuel Smith, John Y. Walston.
Joined during the winter of 1863 and 1864.
George D. Beam, Isaac B. Beam, George W. Burns, Orison S. Baldwin, James W. Burtis, William Lansaw, Charles Luce, David Masten, George W. Ramsey, Stephen Sealey, John Turner, and Thomas B. Faught (veteran). Total of 33 men joined since Original Organization.
October 31st, 1864. Of the above recruits 2 have died, 10 discharged, and one deserted. Of the others T. B. Faught and I. Reardon were transferred to Capt. Merriman, the others to Capt. Search, Co. A veteran Battalion. Of 4th Illinois Cavalry.
List of deaths in Co. G from Organization, 1861.
Alfred S. Burtis, died January 29th, 1862, Mound City Ill., Measles.
Jonathan Carrier, February 2nd, 1862, Cairo Illinois., Measles.
Elisha H. Dixon, March 25th, 1862 Savanna Tennessee, Pneumonia.
John W. Taylor, March 25th, 1862, Mound City Illinois., Typhoid fever.
Isaac H. Hood, April 1st, 1862, Pittsburgh Tennessee., Pneumonia.
William H. Harrison, April 28th, 1862, Pittsburgh Tennessee., Congestive Chills.
Carlin Baxter, May 4th, 1862, Pittsburgh Tennessee., Small Pox.
Hanson Tuesburg, July 1st, 1862, Holly Springs Mississippi., Killed in action.
John Painter, June 6th, 1862, Monterey Tennessee., Pneumonia.
Samuel V. Ramsey, Jan 29th, 1863, Lagrange, Tennessee., Typhoid fever.
William Walton, December 30th, 1863, St. Louis Mo., Dysentery.
James W. Burtis, February 4th, 1864, Springfield Illinois, Measles.
Resigned 1st Lieutenant S.W. Ogden and 1st Lieutenant J.T. Harper-2
Promoted out of Company., H.T. Buckley, A.D. Hiatt, and B.S. Whiting-3
List of men discharged from Company "G", 4th Illinois Cavalry
Benjamin W. Canady, June 20th, 1862.
Daniel O. Durkee, Frank Montgomery, Abel A. Adams, Valentine Denning, Stanford B. Saltsman, William s. addington, Warren W. Brown, Barney Manning, William B. Elliott, Frederick Martin, Thomas B. Faught (veteran), all under general order No. 14.
David I. Horn, June 20th, 1862.
Edwin Sessions, July 26th, 1862.
George S. Farnsworth, August 9th, 1862
William M. Ritter, October 14th, 1862.
John Y. Walston, November 4th, 1862.
Charles D. Butler, November 21st, 1862.
John Feltman, March 18th, 1863.
George Franklin, March 18th, 1863.
Albert M. Montgomery, April 6th, 1863.
Thomas W. Ramsey, April 13th, 1863.
William Stillhammer, November 8th, 1863.
Stephen Archer, November 8th, 1863.
Thomas Porch, December 8th, 1863.
David Hand, February 6th, 1864.
Albert c. Conkling, March 15th, 1864.
Charles Luce, August 1st, 1864.
Lewis C. Kimler, September 17th, 1864.
Isaac B. Beam, October 10th, 1864.
All under Certificate of Disability.
Transferred to other companies: A. Cooper and I. Bevin-2
Deserted: William French-1.
Amount of clothing drawn from Government for personal use.
First Year: 4 shirts; flannel.$3.52; 2 pairs drawers $1.00; 2 pairs stockings. $0.52; 2 pairs boots $6.66; 3 pairs trousers $12.00; 1 cap and cover $0.63; 1 stable frock $0.68; 2 jackets $11.68; 2 blankets $5.90; 1 overcoat $9.75; 1 hat $1.86; Total $54.20.
Second Year: 4 Pair boots, pegged, $3.33, 1 pair boots, sewed, $3.25, 3 pairs drawers $1.50, 4 shirts $4.68, 1 pair trousers $4.60, 5 pairs stockings $1.60, 1 hat $2.02, 1 cap $0.56, Total: $21.54.
Third Year: 3 pairs trousers $10.65, 4 pairs stockings $1.28, 1 rubber blanket $2.55, 1 U.S. Blanket $3.60, 1 blouse lined $3.14, 4 pairs drawers $3.70, 4 shirts knit $5.38. Total $30.30.
Total in three years -----$106.04
Government Allowance $126.00
Total Saved: --------------$19.96