Books Pertaining to the 4th Illinois Cavalry
"History of the Fourth Illinois Cavalry Regiment" A copy if found will cost up to $500.oo. or More, Phineas O. Avery, Humbolt, NE: Enterprise, 1903, 194 pages E505.64th.A83.
"A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion"Frederick H. Dyer,Vol.2. Dayton, OH: Morningside, 1979. Ref See pp. 1023-24 (2 photocopied pages) for a concise summary of the regiment's service
"The Patriotism of Illinois" A record of the Civil and Military History of the State & Chicago" Eddy, Thomas M. #133; Vol. 2.See pp. 618-22 (3 photocopied pages) for a brief unit history and roster of its officers. Clarke, 1866, E505.4E21v2.
"Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois" IL.Mil Naval Dept Vol 7.See PP 602-52 (25 photocopied pages) for a roster of the regiment Springfield, Ill: Journal Co, 1901 UA431322v7.
"Illinois at Vicksburg" Vicksburg Mil Park Comm.Chicago:Blakeley, 1907. E475.27129.See PP 372-73 (2 photocopied pages) for a brief recount of the regiment's service during the Vicksburg Campaign
"Gunboat Cavalryman 4th Illinois Cavalry and U.S.S. Cairo" Peter Ole Hill,Military Images Magazine 15 (May/June 1994):Leonard Jacobs pages 12-13. Per.
"Cotton and Clover Hill" William O.Rogers CWTI 14(August 1975): pages 20-25 (6 photocopied pages)Per.
"What boy saw in the Army"A Story of Sight seeing and Adventure in the War for the Union.Jesse B. Young NY: Hunt and Eaton, 1894. Page 398. E601Y73.
"USAMHI"list in their Photo Archive images of individuals of this unit.
"Letters and Diary's"by John W. Hitt, Civil war MiscColl (1st Lt's diary, Dec 1964)
"Civil War MiscColl" (Enlisted man's letter" Amos Kibbee May 11,1862