Gordon Wood, 4th Illinois Cavalry, best efforts in the next Congress, to get Micah French a pension, and he'll do it.

The new field officers were called upon the stand and introduced to the regiment. Each made a pleasant response, promising their best efforts to make the next reunion successful in all its detail. After a couple of songs by the quartet, the Association adjourned.

The reunion of '1886 was a very pleasant and successful one. The comrades in Nevada aimed to make it such, and succeeded. Its pleasant memories will go with the Vets until next year, when the boys of our shiretown will surpass themselves.

The following old soldiers registered with the Adjutant of the regiment:



Allen, M. C., Co. D. 40th Ohio.

Barnes, W. D. Co. C. 66th Illinois.

Bingman, A. M. 1st Ohio Artillery.

Boston, J. A. Co. B. 75th Illinois.

Boyes, H. H. Co. B. 2d Iowa Cavalry.

Brenneman, Benjamin Co. F. 24th Iowa.

Buck, A. H. Co. E. 45th Illinois.

Burdick, Z. C. Co. G. 116th Illinois.

Corbin, J. P. Co. G. 1st Iowa Cavalry.

Coyne, John Co. E. 46th Illinois.

Dayton, L. M. Co. F. 132d Illinois.

Dunnahoo, A. Co. H. 22d Iowa.

Ellicott, F. P. Co. C. 21st New York Cavalry.

Elliot, F. Co. G. 15th Illinois Cavalry.

Ferguson, H. F. Co. B. 2d Iowa Cavalry.

Ferrier, J. D. Co. D. 12th Iowa.

French, H. C. Co. K. 32d Iowa.

French, Micah New York Volunteers, 1812.

Gillispie, J. F. Co. H. 13th Iowa.

Graves, J. T. Co. F. 147th Illinois.

Griffith, Asa Co. I. 13th Iowa.

Griffn, S. F. Co. D. 31th Iowa.

Hammitt, John Co. F. 7th Iowa.

Hardenbrook, George Co. B. 12th Indiana Cavalry.

Heacock. W. H. Co. K. 1st Indiana Cavalry.

Hellvig Charles Co. E. 15th Iowa.

Kelley, Pat Battery H. 4th United States Artillery.

King, J. A. Co. H. 9th Iowa Cavalry.

McIntosh, H. C. Co. G. 2d Illinois Artillery.

Miller, T. J. Co. A. 23d Iowa.

Miller, W. A. Co. C. 54th Pennsylvania.

Purvis, E. Co. B. 2d Iowa Cavalry.

Scott, James S. Co. H. 140th Illinois.

Smith, Levi 18th United States Artillery, 188th Ohio.

Spencer, J. W. Co. G. 33d Illinois.

Templeman, W. O. Co. E. 11th Illinois Cavalry.

Wood, Gordon Company "I" 4th Illinois Cavalry.