Harrison White
Company "B"
4th Illinois Cavalry
Harrison White was born in the State of New York, June 29, 1838. He comes of good old Puritan stock. His grandfather, Silas White, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, held a Captain's commission and served till the close of the struggle. His father, Silas White, Jr., a native of New York, married Maria McClare, who was of Scotch descent and also a native of the Empire State. Of the ten children born to them, Harrison was next to the youngest. When he was a child the family moved to Illinois and settled on a Government claim, where the children were reared and educated.
Mr. White worked on the farm and also learned the carpenter's trade. When president Lincoln called for volunteers he was among the first to enter the service of his country and help put down the rebellion. He enlisted as a private, on April 22, 1861, in Company F, Eleventh Illinois Infantry, and after his three months' term of service had expired he joined Company B, Fourth Illinois Cavalry. His company went with General Grant to Fort Henry, Donelson, Corinth and Vicksburg, and was Grant's escort until he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General and placed at the head of all the armies of the United STates, having his headquarters with the Army of the Potomac. Mr. White continued to serve in the department of Mississippi until the close of the war. At the battle of Shiloh he was slightly wounded by a piece of shell. He had been promoted as Captain, and as such was mustered out of the service on the 26th of January, 1866.
After the war closed Mr. White conducted a cotton plantation in Mississippi one year. He then went to Sandwich, Illinois, and engaged in mercantile business. In the spring of 1868 he sold out and went to Montana, being in business there untilthe winter of 1869, again returning to Illinois. In the spring of 1870 he came to California and located in Tulare County. That summer he took the census of the county. Thenf or two years he was engaged in the sheep business, after which he opened a store at Porterville, remaining there six years. At the end of that time he sold out, came to Visalia, and has since made this city his home. In 1880 he received the appointment of United States Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, and filled that office six years. He also served as Under Sheriff a year and a half. At this writing (1891) he is a United States Gauger, and is also doing a claim agency business.
in 1876 Captain White was married to Miss Hattie P. Anthony, a native of Watertown, New York. They reside in their pleasant home on Court street, Visalia, and he is the owner of a ranch in the country, which he has rented.
The Captain is a member of the A. O. U. W., and a charter member and Post Commander of General George Wright Post, G. A. R., Visalia.