Joseph Gillett Wheat

Company G Bugler

4th Illinois Cavalry

Many of the Wheat's in this country descend from John Wheat of Prince George's County, Maryland, who died in 1711. My database is especially strong in the descendants his great-great- grandson, Rev. Thomas Wheat. The database was built largely from the Genealogy of the Patterson, Wheat, and Hearn Families (1926) by Rowena Emeline Hearn Randle, who wrote the following profile on p56: "Rev. Thomas Wheat and Family. Methodist. Trask, Grant County Indiana, Thomas, minister and farmer, was born in Prince George's county, Maryland, July 21, 1789. Died March 30, 1860, at Trask, Indiana. Married September 13, 1810, at Painted Post, New York, to Hannah Bonham Patterson, daughter of Benjamine and Mary Bonham Taggart, daughter of Mary Bonham [other source cites name as Mary Vanderbilt] and Thomas Taggart. Hannah Bonham Patterson was born February 6, 1790. Died February 1, 1848, on their home farm near Brice, Jay County, and Indiana. Was buried in the Morehous graveyard three miles east of Portland, Indiana. After settling in Portland in 1837, Thomas Wheat and wife kept hotel on South Meridian Street, purchased their farm and in 1844 moved on to this farm."

Rev. Thomas Wheat married Hannah Bonham Patterson on 13 September 1810, possibly at the inn kept by her father Benjamin in Corning, Steuben County, New York. This place has been preserved as the Benjamin Patterson Inn, Corning-Painted Post Historical Society, 59 W. Pulteney St., Corning, NY 14830-2212, and (607) 937-5281. Hannah descended from the Boone and Lykins families.

A good starting point for the Boone family is that of Benjamin Boone, my ancestor and the uncle of Daniel Boone. See Many of our family members appear in databases of the New Sweden colonial Lykins family, including & Descendants of this family should encourage scholarship of the New Sweden Colony by joining the Swedish Colonial Society, located at

Rev. Henry Haeger was the first German Reformed pastor in North America, serving the Germanna Colony of 1714 (see history at The Fischback and Rector families are his descendants. The Memorial Foundation of the Germanna Colonies in Virginia, Inc. organizes annual family reunions near Culpeper, Virginia the third weekend of July for descendants. I hope to see you there!

I am also researching Aspy, Becker, Bookout Brownson/Brunson, Burlager, Clymer, Fallace, Garver, Heimbach, Karst, Krahlman, Luebbenjans, Morehous, Morris, Mortkamp, Moser, Murphy, Plotner, Rooney, Ruble, Sanders, and Sordlet.

My wife descends from the Anderson, Anthony, Barron, Barton, Bradley, Brothers, Camp, Carney, Carpenter, Clanton, Clement, Cobb, Dean, Deighton, Ewens, Fitzgerald, Garton, Gilstrap, Gilliland, Griffin, Hill, Holland, Hosey, Julian, Lawson, Leak, Marhall, McCarter, McCarthy, Petty, Platt, Quinn, Rhinehardt, Sherwood, Smith, Starling, Stroud, Stubblefield, and Wilson families.

For their wedding trip, they rode horseback to Portland, Indiana, to his grandfather's home, the Rev. Thomas Wheat, after which he and his wife traveled on to Manchester, Ohio, to visit his sister, Laura E. Cooley, and his brother, George G. Wheat, and his mother, who was there also at this time; then on to Missouri and back to Illinois.

Joseph Gillett Wheat was an itinerant minister in the Methodist church, making his appointments by horseback or by wagon, enduring hardships difficult to describe, but such as were endured by all the early settlers of this new sparsely settled virgin country, especially the ministers. During the Civil War, he served in the 4th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, Co. G. Bugler, 3 years service.

Please Contact:

John Marc Wheat

4966 34th Rd N

Arlington, VA 22207-2872

A-United States
