Joseph Smith Fanning

Company “F”

4th Illinois Cavalry


Joseph Smith Fanning was born in 1844, in Allen County, Kentucky. He was born to Joseph Fanning and Elizabeth G. Kitchen.

Joseph was born in 1810, in Nelson Co, Kentucky, his mother Elizabeth was born in 1810, in Kentucky. Born to Joseph and Elizabeth were:

Joseph Smith Fanning: Born 1844

R. Fanning: Born 1835

Elizabeth Ann Fanning: Born March 13, 1836

Daniel Fanning: Born 1840

Nancy Fanning: Born 1845

Martha Fanning: Born 1849

Joseph Smith Fanning, settled in Moran, Kansas, after the Civil War. In 1869, he joined Samuel Crawford and the 19th Kansas Cavalry, as a Full Sergeant, fighting in the Indian war of 1868-1869 winter campaign with General Sherman, and Custer’s 7th Cavalry, fighting Black Kettle at the battle of Washita. After being discharged, Joseph returned home, Married Rebecca Hick Gregg on January 11, 1877, in Moran, Kansas. Rebecca was born in 1850 and from the state of Missouri. Children born to them were:

Gussie Edna Fanning: Born October 06, 1887, married Ira Hugh Wallace, my Grandparents.

Josie Fanning: Born February 11, 1891

Samuel Fanning: Born June 23, 1894

E. Martha Fanning: Born 1878

Elizabeth Fanning: Born 1879

Lida B. Fanning: Born 1884

Allie R Fanning: Born 1885

Joseph Smith Fanning passed away September 25, 1897 in Moran, Kansas.

Gussie Edna Fanning, was born October 06, 1887, in Nelson County, Kansas. She married Ira Hugh Wallace on April 16, 1910, in Santa Monica, California. Ira Hugh Wallace was born, February 11, 1886, in McCook County, Nebraska. Gussie Edna Fanning Wallace passed away in Anaheim, California, Buried in Colton Cemetery, Colton, California. Born to Ira and Gussies was my Father:

Roy Ross Wallace: Born November 09, 1914; Died December 28, 1970

Lois Mae Wallace: Born January 09, 1913

Ray Harold Wallace: Born June 30 1916; Died May 12, 1987

Emma Mae Wallace: Born October 24, 1919; Died January 09, 1980

Dorothy Dolores Wallace: Born June 09, 1924

Roy Ross Wallace, my father was born November 09, 1914, in Lodi, California. He grew up in Lodi met my mother Rosemary H. Ruez in Santa Monica California. They married on September 13, 1940, in Las Vegas, Nevada. My father passed away on December 28, 1970, in San Bernardino, California. Born to Roy Ross Wallace and Rosemary H. Ruez Wallace, were:

Ronald Roy Wallace: October 26, 1945

My Sister Karen Lee Wallace: April 04, 1943

My brother Jack Wayne Wallace: April 29, 1947

Ronald Roy Wallace

My High School Picture

Summer 1963

Graduated Venice High School
