Randall A Williams
Un-Assigned Recruit
4th Illinois Cavalry
"Died at the Hospital, "The Elgin Advocate, June 13, 1903,Randall A. Williams died at his home, No. 364 Brook Street, Elgin, Sunday evening, June 7, after an illness extending over a period of more than four years. Mr. Williams was born at Medina, N.Y., Jan. 8, 1845. He came west in 1856 and settled at Ashton, Ill. At the outbreak of the war he enlisted in the 4th Ill. Cavalry. At the close of the war he came to Elgin, where he has since resided. For fourteen years he was a member of the volunteer fire department, belonging to the Ed Joslyn Hose Company. He was also a member of Veteran Post, G.A.R., which will have charge of the funeral. Besides his widow, he leaves four sons, Charles, Frank, James and Fred.