Joseph W. Phelps
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Mr. Randy Beck
September 16th, 1864, Sergeant Moulton was in command of the patrol on the Pine Ridge road this morning. He found two mules and a horse saddled and tied a few rods from the road in the woods. He brought them all in. They evidently belonged to some rebel cavalry, but the latter were not seen.The next morning the patrol on the Washington road was ambushed and J. W. Phelps of Company "M" was instantly killed, fourteen buckshot striking him in the face and breast. Phelps was the Captain's clerk and volunteered to go with the patrol that morning for recreation. He wore an officer's blouse and was probably taken for an officer. His folks lived at Ottawa, Illinois. It is understood that this was in retaliation for the capture of two mules and a horse by Sergeant Moulton the day before.
Captain Hitt brought J.W. Phelps body back to Illinois after he was killed in Natchez .
Captain Hitt
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Mr. Dan West
J.W. Phelps
Notice of Death
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Mr. Dan West
The above Document was drafted by, Captain Joseph E. Hitt. 4th Illinois Cavalry, to Mr. Benjamin J. Phelps, Josephs father, notifying him of the death of his son, and shipping arrangements. Further investigations show that Joseph W. Phelps, mothers name was Margaret A. Reynolds Phelps. Joseph W. Phelps joined the 4th Illinois Cavalry, on January 01, 1861, and served in Company M, Joseph was killed at Natchez, Mississippi September 1864.
I would like to take this time to personally thank Dan West and Randy Beck for the wonderful gift of these old pictures and documents. It is our intent that one day they find there way into the homes of J.W. Phelps family.
Ronald Roy Wallace