Second Letter
John D. Kirby
Collinsville, Tennessee July 13, 1863.
Affectionate Mother;
I seat myself this morning to drop you a few lines to let you know that I am well and hope this will find you the same, and the family. I haven't any news of any note to relate but thought I could pass away this lonesome evening more pleasant writing home although I write very often here of late, but if you are like me you never get tired of receiving letters if your are as anxious to hear from me as I am from home. Bill is well and able for his duty and rations, like myself, rations especially.
My trial hasen't come off yet and cant tell you when it will but I an very easy about it. As long as it is as easy as it has been for the last three months I dont think there will be anything very serious about the sentence. If they stop my pay I have got the 'dead wood' on them for I am ahead of the houns $5oo. (miles). We have had busy times since the fall of Vicksburg. Also the news has been very flattering from the East which cheers us very much from the long discouraging news that we have received from there. I think there must be a change before long in our favor, at lease we all think so and I trust it may be so, for we all satisfied to quit and go home on honorable terms and I think the terms could be agreed upon if there was an effort made, but if we have to serve our time out, it haint very long and I think we can worry it out if we have good luck as we have had, but that we have to risk.
There is some talk of us leaving here befor long but I hardly think we will. Tell Bill if he come down to come as soon as he can. I haven't anything particular to send for if he comes. I will send you a present in this but cant say it will be a very nice one. Well mother, it is getting late. I will have to close for the present hoping to hear from you and the family soon. Give me all the news.
So goodbye
your affectionate son as ever
John D. Kirby
My love to all
I love thee still.