Fourth Letter

John D Kirby


Camp Clear Creek Mississippi, Oct.27, 1863

Dear Mother;

Again I seat myself to write you a few lines to let you know that I am well at this time4and I hope you and the family are the same, I am happy to inform you that your very nice present to me came today, a few days since which pleased me very much and in return I owe you many thanks till you are better paid. Miller hasen't gotten back to the Company yet. I cant hear anything from him so I cant tell you an thing about him but I doubt in my own mind whether he is back very soon, but I hope he is for I feel very lonesome since he left.

I think that money that Mr. Morgan made wont pay him any too well in the long run. I feel sorry that Sarah was not expected to live 10 when you wrote. I expect the poor child is dead by this time as the disease is dangerous. I dreamed that I saw her buried last night. I wonder if so. I think it strange that Bill has never found the time to write since he got home but I expect the visit disgusted him so much that he will never write again, at least I have made up my mind to that effect and so far proved true.

We moved camp from Black River yesterday to Clear Creek ten miles in the rear of Vicksburg. Our regiment was on a scout a few days ago. Had 6 wounded in the regiment, two in our Company, their names John Duncan and Thomas Davis. The health of our regiment is very poor since we lnnded in this country. I have been off duty for 8 day with flux but am getting better. Tell Bill that Turner is coming home and will be down to see him.

Well mother, I will have to close for the present as it is gettin late in the evening. I will write to Bill in a few days whether he writes or not. Give the children my love for I tkink of them often, also the balance of the relatives.


So no more

Write soon

Your Son as ever

John D. Kirby


Direct Via Vicksburg, Mississippi. Excuse this bad writing for my articles are poor. Write soon. JDK.


The name, Miller, probably refers to Asa Miller who was also from

Dewitt Co. The name Bill refers to John's brother William Graham

Kirby who had been to Camp on a visit sometime earlier the name of

Turner probably refers to J. B. Turner who was a member of Company "L" Also.


Third Letter

Second Letter

First Letter